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Renee April 13th, 2007 11:43 AM

Problems with the search
I was using Limewire the other day and now when i go to search for things nothing shows up it doesn't want to search at all....... i don't get it:confused: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wondering why April 13th, 2007 02:12 PM

Go to your connections Tab in limewire, if it's not showing up go to Veiw > Show/Hide and make sure the connection tab has a tick next to it...
Then click on the Hosts and remove them and let Limewire search for some more...
It is also wise to go to your Filters, to find this go to Tools > Options > Filters and select the Host Filter and add these IP's into it and select apply...

Edit: Also add this one, copy-paste into your Host filter:

If you're using LW 5, there's no Connections tab. In LW go tools > advanced tools...there you'll see which hosts you're connected to & can right click on a host > remove.

To find the filters in LW 5, go tools > options > advanced > filtering. Add IPs to be filtered here & click ok to save the change.

stief April 13th, 2007 02:23 PM

also, the devs are on it

6_pac April 13th, 2007 10:39 PM

If your not already, try using PeerGuardian 2. It works like a mini firewall for while your using p2p apps. They maintain block lists that block unwanted ip's. Possibly that's why i havent had that problem. Those ip addresses may already be on the block list.

wondering why April 13th, 2007 11:55 PM

Good point 6_Pac i haven't had a problem either and I use Peerguardian..;)

birdy April 14th, 2007 12:01 AM

I haven't had PG2 on all the time (it's being a pain with lists) but I've got Aaron's blocklist in my prefs...
...maybe that's why I'm not seeing these poxy connections??

Sorry to hijack your thread, Renee:blush2:

mickjapa108 April 14th, 2007 02:06 AM

Is it only 4.13 that will except Aarons Hostiles List, or can it be used in earlier
versions of LimeWire.
And for every one reading this, How do we put this into action.

P.S.. 3 Cheers n thanks to Aaron :PEACE: :PEACE: :PEACE: :PEACE: :PEACE:

birdy April 14th, 2007 02:45 AM

From what Aaron said it's working for 4.13 onwards. I've been using it from 4.13.0 & am now using 4.13.2

And as for how to use it...

LimeWire users:
Place "hostiles.txt", into LimeWire's settings folder.

On Windows : C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_NAME\.limewire
Alternate location: C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_NAME\Application Data\Limewire
(You may have to change a setting in Explorer to be able to see this folder.
Go to the Tools menu, then Folder Options, switch to the View tab and turn on "Show hidden files and folders".)

On Mac OSX : Macintosh HD/Users/YOUR_NAME/Library/Preferences/LimeWire
Mac Classic : System Folder/Preferences/.limewire
That's what I've done;)

travelking June 12th, 2007 04:51 PM

thanks to everybody who helped me u gys are really great especially wondering why the host filters really worked. thanks again folks

AaronWalkhouse June 14th, 2007 10:51 PM

Everybody should update to 4.13.8 now.
It fixes a torrent bug as well as a few others.

Lime Wire » Download LimeWire Beta

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