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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old November 17th, 2007
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Could you supply these details please, then we may be able to see what is causing your firewall...

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old November 17th, 2007
Join Date: November 16th, 2007
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tranceliner is flying high

Hi Wandering Why! These are the details u required

01. Os Version = Windows Xp Pro (Firewall Disabled)

02. What Firewall Am I using = Just Avast Anti Virus Home Edition

03. System Ram = 2GB

04. Hard Disk Space = 90% Available

05. Conection = Broadband upto 8mg (

06. Modem/Router = Bt Voyager 105 usb adsl (Not Supplied By Isp)

07. Connection From = Home

08. Version Of Limewire = Limewire Pro 4.12.11

09. Version Of Java Runtime = 5.0 Update 9

10. Www3.limewire.com6346 Test = Test Worked

11. Are You Sharing A Connection = No

12. Is This A New Problem? Yes, Never Had This Prob Before Untill Now

13. Do You Have A Brick Wall? Yes Yes Yes

14. Are You Port Forwarding Or Is UPNP Enabled? I Really Don't Know (Need Advice On This Matter)

15. What Security Programme Am I Using? Avast Anti Virus

16. What Country Am I In? United Kingdom

I must point out that i have never had this prob before, i have only now started to experience, very slow downloads, since changing ISP, they did not supply me with a modem/router, so using the previouse one by AOL

My new ISP have assured me, they are not shaping p2p traffick...

would appraciate any help on this matter
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old November 17th, 2007
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Well there are no guides supplied for your modem at Port, so I googled it and couldn't really find anything about it having a Nat Firewall, as it's just a modem not a modem/router...

There is nothing else in your details that indicate this firewall either...
So I am going to suggest trying these fixes as they have worked for others....

If you dont live for something...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2007
Join Date: November 16th, 2007
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tranceliner is flying high
Default How Do I Change Ports?

Hello guys, can someone explain to me, how to change ports in limewire, or atleast explain to me about PORTS i am having alot of problems with my connection since changing ISP

i have a constant brick wall on limewire, my dl speeds have dropped drammaticly!

I even installed FROSTWIRE on my pc & that had a brickwall too!

could this problem be caused by my ISP??
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2007
Join Date: November 16th, 2007
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tranceliner is flying high
Default Is This Normal In Limewire?

ok, i have a brick wall in Limewire that will not go away, but my connection is still going upto turbo charged, i can still download stuff, but at a much slower speed than before!

is the brickwall causing the slow down in speeds, or do i need to look elsewhere?

could this be a problem caused by new my ISP? i have deleted the preference folder within limewire, but still no luck... i have configured my Anti virus, but this hasn't resolved the matter...

I even went to the length of downloading other p2p programmes (i.e) frostwire, but same brick wall in that too!

i have also tried using utorrent, again i have a network connection problem with that too!

Is it likley that my ISP is blocking me somehow? even tho they are assuring me, that i am getting full speeds down my line?

the modem i am using was from my previous ISP (AOL) could there be a compatibility issue there?

please in need of some solid advice, considering getting rid of my new ISP if matter isn't resolved... thanx

Thread merged...please stop posting new threads & just keep it all in the one place. Here.

Last edited by birdy; November 18th, 2007 at 05:22 PM. Reason: Merging thread.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2007
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In LW go tools > options > advanced > firewall config. Change LW's listening port to something in the range of 49152 - 65535 (eg 65000) > apply > ok.
You can try any ports in that range.

Your ISP say that they don't throttle p2p & I can't find anything to suggest that they do. Have you tried using LW outside of peak hours?

You could also try the advice here (the first few posts by murasame), if you haven't already.
A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...

Posts merged onto existing thread.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2007
Join Date: November 16th, 2007
Posts: 34
tranceliner is flying high

thanx birdy, i have tried limewire outside the peaktime, but i have the same speed issue! i downloaded frostwire, just to see if i have the same problem in that & again the connection had a brick wall...

i even tried utorrent & i am having speed issues with that too!

everything worked fine on my pc, until the day i migrated to a new ISP, i am recieving upto 5.5mbp down my phone line, but it seems like anything i use p2p related is more like dial up speeds!

could this problem have anything to do with my modem? i am using the same usb adsl modem provided to me, by my previouse ISP, did not provide me with a modem.

could there be a compatibilty issue? that brick wall was not in limewire until the day i changed my ISP, so i am guessing it is either my modem, or my ISP...

would it help if i changed port in limewire?

appreciate any advice! thanx
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2007
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hmm..well I was just looking through some mail and actually took the time to read the advertisement from AT&T....they talk big numbers with their internet service..uh huh...and this brings back to mind the time a salesman came to my door and tried to get me to change over....yeah....they talk big numbers....but...BUT...there is a little game I think they play..I talk in MB/s (bytes)...they talk mbps (bits)...there is a factor of 8 difference!....

so if you used to have a 2MB/s package and now have an 8mbps package you are actually SLOWER! a factor of 2!!!!!

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old November 18th, 2007
Join Date: November 16th, 2007
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tranceliner is flying high

sorry peerless, it's actualy the upto 8mb/s package i am on, so i guess it isn't the speed i am getting from them, that is the problem!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old November 20th, 2007
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It seems that your BT Voyager 105 has a rep for being troublesome, I've got one question for you:

As this modem has been around for a long time, have you updated it's drivers to the latest available?

This just may solve your problem.

UK Bob
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