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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 17th, 2007
Join Date: September 25th, 2006
Posts: 7
Dhyane Rai is flying high
Question Limewire Speed Issues i have a major issue here...firstly,let me start from the beginning.on numerous times,i've read over and over again about limewire users( basic and PRO)on the internet,claiming that they can connect to 20-30 hosts and downloading speed between 90-500kbps no matter where they are(location/country).well,i wish i could say the same.they are happy,i'm not.i've been using limewire for two years now and all i get is maximum 10 hosts and speed up to 15kbps(on a good day somore!!)i've been putting up with that for a long time but i can't take it anymote.i use limewire mostly to download movies and songs..and i have to wait for days before it completes which can be very frusterating if you don't have anything else to do meanwhilea year ago,i purchased limewire PRO,but still that didn't make a difference.recently,i got myself a wireless router and a adsl modem.i installed limewire on my laptop.well,the speed improved a bit,from 15kbps to 39kbps.but i'm still not satisfied.i've done my part of trying every tips there is out there but none have worked for me so far.i've tried the T3,Four Star results only tips but no avail.i mean i'm happy that the speed has gone up now,but it must be because of the router and maybe limewire seem to work better when used wirelessly.could that be true? but what i really want to know or solve is,how can i get those much talked about speed i mentioned above??could it be that i'm just unlucky or maybe i've not configured limewire to work at optimal performance?if there is a way,could someone tell me how?the someones that claim they download at tremendous speed?lastly,i've susbscriped to my local ISP package which is 1.0Mbps..maybe that is the root of all my limewire problem?
anyway thanks alot for the help in advance..i hope i get a reply soon..i need a solution,not suggestions or tips anymore..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 17th, 2007
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If you have LW Pro with a cable/dsl connection, you'll be able to download from 10 hosts. If you have a T3 connection, the max is 14. The numbers of hosts that you can connect to has been set so that everyone (regardless of their connection) can use the network successfully...otherwise there could be heaps of network congestion & endless queueing for files.

Apart from your connection speed & the connection speed of the hosts that you're downloading from, your download speed also depends on your ISP. If your ISP is throttling p2p bandwidth, you're never going to see blazing downloads. Try downloading outside of peak hours & see whether your speed improves. You can also use google to see if your ISP is known to throttle bandwidth...look for your ISP name throttling p2p or your ISP name traffic shaping.

You really need to give some details if you want more help...talking about your ISP package, modem/router is a bit meaningless if we don't know who/what you're talking about
System details - help us to help you -> Provide these details when you post!!!(click on link)

You could also do a speed test & tell us the result. - The Global Broadband Speed Test

Torrent files are a bit different, the only time that you'll see files downloading from 20-30 hosts (or more) is if you're downloading a torrent file. But even with torrents, some files can be slow slow even when downloading from heaps of hosts.
Have a look through the links below for hints about optimising LW's performance & info about torrents. If you want to be able to download torrent files with LW, you'll need to be using a LW version 4.13 or later (the latest stable release is 4.14.12).

A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...

How do you use the new feature on Limewire?(Torrents)

BitTorrent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beginners Guide

Last edited by birdy; December 17th, 2007 at 08:48 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2007
Join Date: September 25th, 2006
Posts: 7
Dhyane Rai is flying high

hi birdy,
just wanna say thanks alot for replying to my message..sorry i didn't include details on my ISP and modem/router..i'm from ISP is TM Net Streamyx and my package is 1.0Mbps at RM99/month.i use Aztech 605EW(modem+router combo)..before this i was using D-Link computer info..i'm using a laptop..compaq presario..Intel-Celeron M CPU 420@1.60Ghz..248 RAM..i did a download/upload is 539kb/s and upload is 131kb/s..
i i hope the information above could help you to provide me with some insight and help on solving my limewire issue,,
thanks again in advance
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2007
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Your speed test result looks a bit low (even if you don't get near to 1 Mbps, your test was almost half that)...did you close all other programs & only have your browser open while you did the test? If your speed tests are always giving around that result, you could ring TM Net & ask why you're seeing that speed.
That download speed of 539 kbps works out to 67 KB/s so with that result, about the best download speed you could get would be roughly 60 KB/s (LW shows your download speed in KB/s).

TM Net have a Fair Usage Policy, that's probably why you see slower download speeds. Click on the link below.
TM Net - Products & Services - Personal

Did you use Google to search? You'll find a bit of info about TM Net customers seeing slow download speeds.

You could try changing ports in LW, but there's no guarantee that it'll make a difference. In LW tools > options > advanced > firewall config. Change LW's listening port to 65000 (or you can try any ports in the range of 49152 - 65535) > apply > ok.

Do you see the firewall icon (brick wall in front of the blue globe) in LW? If so, you could try port forwarding for your Aztech. The instructions are here.
Port Forwarding for the Aztech DSL605EW
Don't forget to set up a static IP address first. LW's listening port, port number in the 'manual port forward' box & port forwarded within the router's setup should all be the same number. There's no guarantee that this'll speed up your downloads, though.

Also go through the thread about configuring LW, in my first post.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2007
Join Date: September 25th, 2006
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Dhyane Rai is flying high

firstly thanks for following up..i did another speed test..d/load was 846kb/ and upload was 355kb/s
secondly i called TM Net..they said they are not sure about limewire(that wasn't helpful) but other p2p like bittorent,bitlord,etc are slow because the service is such..well,that leaves limewire open for possibilities??but when i searched for other opinions,i found many malaysians saying that their limewire speed is awsome!!!(70-80kb/s)
i've tried port forwarding and changing ports but no avail..suprisingly,the d/loading speed of limewire is better when there is a brick wall(13-14kb/s) come??without the brick wall,the speed is terrible..i'm talking about 5-6kb/s!!!
lastly,i managed to get my file(********) but it was in french..i've tried divx and vlc player but i can't change it back to there a way or the video track's audio has been permanently set to french??
thanks alot in advance Birdy..i hope to hear from you..
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Last edited by birdy; December 18th, 2007 at 08:22 PM. Reason: Removing file name.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2007
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Were they (TM Net) saying that 'p2p service' is "slow"? That would be a bit silly...considering that p2p speeds depend on so many factors & can be slow or fast, depending upon the number of hosts you're downloading from, your connection speed, their connection speed, how you & other hosts have your client configured etc etc Not to mentions ISPs shaping bandwidth

When I searched, I found mostly complaints about slow download speeds but there were some people who said that they had no probs with Streamyx...maybe it depends on the area you're in, network congestion at the time, distance from the exchange etc. I'm not too sure.

I have no idea why your LW download speed would drop after your port forwarding. Sounds bizarre to me. Of course it's up to you whether you want to operate with the firewall icon showing or without it...but if you're firewalled, other users will probably have a hard time downloading from you. Or may not be able to download from you at all.

You never said which version of LW you're using. You could try a newer version, might make a difference. Different versions behave in different ways on different computers. But if you do update & don't have your current installer saved, you'll lose the version you're using now.

I'm not sure about the audio on your file, I've never tried to add subtitles. But have a look at these threads, in case anything there helps. Otherwise, use the forum search to look for more threads.

Or try one of these sites. it might be easier to try & find an English version of the file, though. Forums
Index -

Last edited by birdy; December 18th, 2007 at 08:49 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2007
Join Date: September 25th, 2006
Posts: 7
Dhyane Rai is flying high

Hi birdy,
firstly,thank you so much for the follow up..and thanks for the links to the audio-subtitle're awsome!!!

Ok..back to limewire/downloading speed issue...
i live around 5km away from the exchange line has been known to cause problems but for sometime now,it has been good and kind to me..but that is still debatable on the speed issue

yesterday around 3-ish a.m,my speed improved tremendously(30-40KB/s)..i say tremendously because it's been such a long time since i saw speed as such..and then came a tsunami!!!..suddenly the speed went up to 311KB/s!!!!!(all speed mentioned refers to downloading speed)..but to my great dissapointment,it was only for a mere 9 seconds...i just couldn't explain this bizzare scenario..i continued downloading until 4.00a.m and throughout the entire time,the speed maintained itself,shifting between 20-30-40(never went up to more than that).maybe downloading during non-peak hours is better cuz less network congestion...

sigh..i'm happy that i managed to download my file eventho i sacrificed precious hours of sleep,but if i have to stay awake every night just to download things because the speed is good then,well..i'll prolly get fired or worst still,turn into a zombie..i'm still figuring that amazing 311KB/s i experienced..wonder whether it could happen again or of there is something i didn't do to keep it that way..

anyways,that all aside,i know this thread could prolly go on forever but you've been extremely helpful Birdy!!!i just want to say a big thank you for the replies so far..i know you have alot of threads to reply but i think you're doing an awsome job!!

here's one last thing i'm going to office has a Riger ADSL Modem 2/2+
DB102 and a Aztech Wireless Broadband Router ( WL730RT4)both are connected to my desktop.i'm going to bring my laptop to the office and see whether the speed is better there.but i don't know how to do a port forwarding with those devices mentioned. could u help me with that??

thanks in advance birdy!!!hope to hear from you soon..
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2007
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Just make sure to check that you're allowed to use p2p apps at work...lots of employers won't let staff use p2p.
The office router isn't listed at - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall so you might have to ask the IT guys at work about how to set up port forwarding...they'll probably be able to help you with that.
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