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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2008
Join Date: July 23rd, 2008
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nickdanger56 is flying high
Default can't access partial downloads

I've scanned many of the past threads, but don't see this problem mentioned, although it may be probably common. I save all my downloads to a flash drive. The last time I logged into limewire, I got the following message " LimeWire was unable to create or continue writing an incomplete file for the selected download because you do not have permission to write files to the incomplete folder. To continue using LimeWire, please choose a different Save Folder. " The flash drive was installed and working properly. Now I cannot access any of my partial downloaded files. I can 'resume' from the library tab, but they are resumed empty. Quite a few that I have were over 90% downloaded. and quite large (over 300M). How can I get them resumed in their original partially completed state? They are all still in my incomplete folder.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2008
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wow ... I'm surprised a flash drive even worked at all with connecting directly to LW. Chances are at some stage LW has been opened whilst the flash drive was not connected, else, LW was very slow to shutdown whilst the flash drive was disconnected from computer, thus mucking up the LW download preferences. Else LW had problems reading from the flash drive (a problem I had with using external drives in past with LW) & thus reverted its downloads to default location. Else, something such as permissions has changed on the flash drive (likely in this case.)

To resume, select the incompletes from that folder in Library window & press resume button.

As far as permissions go, I've heard of flash drives giving that error before. Usually due to way it was formatted (fat or ... etc.). Else the drive was near full capacity. An example of one type of flash drive was it had a maximum number of files it could hold when formatted a particular way. You didn't specify which brand & model of flash drive so I can only surmise it was something similar.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 8th, 2008
Join Date: July 23rd, 2008
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nickdanger56 is flying high

Here is the problem (I think). When using a flash drive, WINDOWS assigns it a drive number (E,F,G, etc). When using LIMEWIRE, you are asked where to file the downloads. If you file them on the drive, LIMEWIRE will assign it the drive letter. If you use multiple flash drives for other purposes (like I do), then when you use the flashdrive you reserved for LIMEWIRE, the drive letter may be different than what is assigned in LIMEWIRE. LIMEWIRE doesn't recognize it. This happened yesterday. The flashdrive drive letter changed from (G) to (I), and LIMEWIRE did not recognize it. I had to go into WINDOWS and manually change the drive letter back to (G). Everything worked fine after that.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2008
Join Date: September 13th, 2008
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JaceKiwi is flying high
Question Still can't find incompletes

I have changed my drive letters and now I have no incomplete files to download. How do I get these back?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2008
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You will need to redirect LW to download from the same drive, but LW will still have the old drive letter recorded, so just use the Browse button under the Saving option & direct it to where your downloads were before.

You may need to use the Resume button from the Library window though after selecting the incomplete files. Just hope that LW does not play up & refuse to accept the old download preferences.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2008
Join Date: September 13th, 2008
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JaceKiwi is flying high
Exclamation incomplete downloads not found.

No - new install pointing to same location. However, I have found in Limewire where the incompletes are and resumed them
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 13th, 2008
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Ok when you install a new version of LW or on a new computer, then LW must be closed when you copy across the downloads.dat & downloads.bak files. Otherwise LW simply ignores the information in them & uses what it was just previously. (such as empty downloads/incomplete folders.)

If you still have a copy of those such mentioned files then close LW, replace the newer ones with the old ones. Then re-open LW. Oh ... you may also need to replace the or something file in the LW prefs folder for that to work with newer versions of LW.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2009
Join Date: September 13th, 2008
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JaceKiwi is flying high
Cool No exe's/zip's downloads'

* On one computer version 5 is installed - it won't find zip and exe files. Unless there is an alternative I will be upgrading to the version I have elsewere providing I have the install file.

* The version I have running has lost the ability to download a file that was over 400k through a 2Mb file. Now it wants to resume from the beginning. So this doesn't happen again what files need to backed up and where are they? I have already done a search for downloads.* and nothing found.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2009
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Since LW 4.18 I think it was, LW stores the downloads.dat file in the preferences folder. Previously it was in the incomplete folder. How to find Preferences folder for Windows:

For LW 5 sharing & downloading zip files, etc. see 'Sharing 'other' types of files ... link from this page:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2009
Join Date: September 13th, 2008
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JaceKiwi is flying high
Exclamation That path doesn't exit

use: %userprofile%\Application Data\limewire
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