Go to the LW Library window, select your shared folder(s) & check the columns to the right of the shared files. The Uploads column is split into two; (a) successful uploads, (b) Attempted uploads, either incomplete or unsuccessful, or completed download from elsewhere.
The Hits column shows how many people have found your files in their searches.
I make sure my audio files have good descriptions. I do this two ways:
1. Give them good descriptions using an mp3 id3 tagger.
2. Audio files where the tags don't show properly, and other types of files I use the Description tool with. Select the file, press Describe button, then fill in the details. I would highly recommend using the Advanced option as it allows more details to be added but can only be used on individual files. The artist & title & album can all be added to all the files of that album by selecting all, then choosing describe button & using the basic describe option. Then I go back & fill in more details including Commentaries/Description using the advanced Describe option.
mp3 id3 tags & LW Description tags can be found in gnutella searches, thus assist them in being found by others.
* Right-click the heading bar of the library & choose More Options -> Extended Tool tips. By enabling this, if you hover your cursor over top of songs, they will show their tags.

These tags also help them be found in searches.
Almost forgot to add: if using an mp3/audio ID3 tagger, choose ID3v2 tags not ID3v1 tags. And do not add both types of tag as programs will usually only read the lowest tag type. Personally I generally use ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4, occasionally ID3v2.2.
In step 3 below, you click the Advanced button to reach that option. For some odd reason, not too many details are able to be added in the basic Description window, they just don't seem to 'take'. The Advanced Annotation technique is very effective, however can only be applied one file at a time.

In my example below I have not filled in which Genre type, of course that may help with searches too since it is possible to search via Genre.