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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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Question VIDEO_TS File ~ How to view?

I have downloaded a movie from LimeWire. The file is 4.5GB & has completed in the 'searches' part of LW. It then began automatically uploading into the 'monitor' part of LW.
How do I burn this movie file onto a DVD disk? Can I do this straight from LW or do I have to move the file first?
Also, the file is in a folder which contains many tiny files ~ are these the individual components of the movie?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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LW cannot burn. If anybody told you it could, then they are spammer rip off artists.

Depends upon which disk burner program you are using. At least in mine, I can choose to burn TS folders.

(If you downloaded directly TS folders, sounds like it was a torrent file. )
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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sorry I'm confused: how do I MOVE the TS file into iTunes (or similar) so that I CAN burn the file?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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You need something that will actually burn a DVD structure onto DVD. iTunes won't do that. First off what kind of computer are you using? Because the proper burn programs vary depending on if it's a PC, Mac, linux whatever.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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Red face Amateur needing help...

Thankyou Sleepless & LOR but I need to know: 1) How Do I MOVE the TS file out of LW? I am unable to MOVE this TS file from the 'search' screen in LW (like I can with Audio files). The file is now uploading into the 'monitor' screen in LW. 2) What is the 'monitor' screen in LW used for?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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Well how to move them and where they are located probably depends on the system as well, so I ask again what kind of computer are you using?

The monitor screen monitors what you are uploading.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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YOu did not tell us which version LW you are using. Both have different locations. Also different OS system has different location. As far as checking the TS folders out, MPlayer can play such files; MPlayer - The Movie Player

As for moving & burning ... well we do not have a clue. Are you using DOS, Unix, mac, windows, linux, xenix, a phone system? Tell us if you need to know the DOS command to find a particular folder.

Perhaps your folders are sorted in a bit order .. ie: one bit on, one off, easy really I guess. Just need to know which bit order system it's using. Wow ... would have never have thought anybody would need to know that. Even after having the forum rules flashed in front of me at least 3 times, I'd still never have guessed!

Better tell us now if your system was designed by the original back in 1950's ... we might need to do some back checking how to make all things compatible for you.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 21st, 2009 at 10:14 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 21st, 2009
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Default My Computer system & LW version...

Guys, I feel stupid! Anyway, I am running LW 4.18.8 & Java 1.6.0_11. I have a Toshiba Satellite A300/900 with Windows XP. I have successfully downlaoded a VIDEO_TS file from LimeWire & it is now sitting in the 'search' screen of LW as a 'completed' (100%) downloaded file.
I am unable to 'drag' this file into iTunes (as i do with my AUDIO files). Also, the file has begun automatically upoading into the 'monitor' screen in LW.
I simply want to know
How do I SAVE this TS file in another location so that I may burn it onto a DVD.

I realise I am an amatuer at this however, the true test of IT 'gurus' is being able to answer questions in a very simple way so that the person asking can easily understand. If nobody REALLY knows what I am talking about or how to do what I am asking, that's ok... just please tell me rather than vilify me for not knowing. Thanking someone in anticipation. Frustrated LimeWire member.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 22nd, 2009
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The file is saved on your HDD. Open explore while in LW and that will take you to the saved/shared folder, or search the file to find the path.

Now you will need a program to do the burning as Sleepless said above, iTunes will not do this.

We all have our opinions on which program to use but for an example, Nero is one that members here on the forum prefer. Hope this Helps.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 22nd, 2009
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If you will be using Nero remember that the TS folder is already the DVD, so you don't want to remake the DVD. The easiest way I have found to do this using Nero is to use Nero Recode, with a few specific commands.

Recode entire DVD

DO NOT check fit to disc and do not remove or change the quality on anything.
Simply load the entire TS folder and burn. It should already be good for burning.

Nero will see that it can just burn it as is and will do just that.

You do not need to move the folder "out of Limewire". You just navigate the browse (Import) in Nero Recode to where the TS folder is located. The location you found when pressing explore in Limewire.

I have personally never used an inferior client like Limewire to download torrents, but I would dare to guess you can find it somewhere in the proximity of C:\Documents and Settings\**Your Account name**\My Documents\Limewire
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