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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
Join Date: March 1st, 2009
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Default How To Upload Files FASTER


I have a server on a 100Mbit/sec line running Limewire Pro.

I've set the settings all to maximize uploading.

From my home computer (in a different city) I then opened Limewire, and downloaded some files from my server. The files from my server came in at about 50kbit/sec. From my same home computer, I downloaded files from someone else's server and their files came in at 500-1000 kbit/sec.

Way faster...ten times faster. Basically to get a 5MB file it only took 5 seconds!

How do I get my server to be able to deliver files faster? Do I simply need to get a 1000Mbit/sec line?

Any ideas?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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LimeWire refers to speeds in Bytes not bits. Are you sure the speeds are bits as LW showed downloading. 50 KB/s is equivalent to 400 kbit/sec, and 500-1000 kbit/sec to 4 -8 MB/s. And are you sure you downloaded the 500-1000 from a single host or multiple hosts? Usually when I'm getting those speeds I am downloading from 8-10 hosts.

Have you done a speed check for your 1000Mbit/sec line to see what the upload capacity is?

Sometimes the problem is ISP hops between you & the other location. If it's going through ISPs who are having heavy traffic this can affect things. Also some ISP's may shape p2p sharing bandwidth in part to cope with heavy traffic.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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trevorgillies is flying high

Thanks for the reply. I downloaded a file from my server (with multiple sources) and got speeds of 50 kilobytes/second. I downloaded a file from another server (it also had multiple sources) and got speeds of 500-1000 kilobytes/second.

I have not done a speed check to determine my upload capacity. Could you recommend a way to do that, and is it done on the server?

The ISPs are all the same, but I suppose the routes could be different.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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We need more input on this topic I think.

Unless the LW on your server is also uploading to others which might be using up the server's bandwidth or the upload speed setting is limited, I'm not sure why you are getting such low speeds.

Downloading from multiple hosts always helps speed up the downloading process. Some might be giving you over 200 KB/s, or even over 500. On average 1 MB/s would be over 100 KB/s from each of the 8 hosts of course if 8 is the no. of hosts.

For speed test; Choose nearest location for a speed test & only have your browser open (without LW or any other internet program open): Speed Test Internet Speed Test DSL Speed Test Broadband Speed Test Bandwidth Speed Test. You can do that at the server site I guess next time you get opportunity to get there.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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My Limewire Settings:

Speed - Connection Speed: Broadband (choices are only dialup or broadband)
Downloads - Download Bandwidth: Low as possible
Uploads - Upload Bandwidth: 100% (high as possible)
Uploads - Slots - Uploads Per Person: 10
Uploads - Slots - Max Upload Slots: 100

My SpeakEasy Speed Test Results:

Download - 9206 kbps
Upload - 3411 kbps

The server is on a 100Mbit/sec line. Something doesn't seem right to me!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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Whilst the server's ISP plan might be 100 Mbit/s, the actual speed will always be less. There is always speed loss due to various reasons. One is loss over line distance between ISP's, another is loss due to equipment used such as routers & even the server computers themselves. Average speed loss is generally between 15-25% overall depending on those & perhaps other factors. Also uploading is technically more difficult than downloading. So you would not expect the entire full bandwidth available to be used up solely for uploading. The ISP may also have some type of uploading limitations, perhaps even due to their equipment.

But yes I agree, something does not seem right that you are only getting such speeds from that server. My only guess is that the LW on your server is using up much of its upload bandwidth for other people downloading from it. Any chance of getting someone to check the upload window on the server's LW('s)?

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 1st, 2009 at 04:18 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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I agree with you, it probably is that other people are also getting files from the limewire app on my server.

I'm wondering though, if I upgraded from 100Mbit/Second port to 1000Mbit/Second port if people would get their files faster from my server.

What do you think?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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Check with the devs at LimeWire Forums

IIRC, LW has implemented in internal throttle, to prevent LW from hogging the bandwidth. That may be what you are seeing, but check with the devs in case this is a bug.

Given your results and more than adequate bandwidth, you should be able to download faster, so the devs should be able to let you know if the throttle is within LW, or whether you need to look elsewhere.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2009
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well i have a normal internet (756kbps) and when u download somthing from limewire i get around 60-70kbps and it just takes to long. any ideas on how i can get more kb on limewire?
ps i dont care if internet explore loads slow
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2009
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756kbps is about 94.5 KB/s. You can only download as fast as your uploaders have bandwidth available, remembering they are probably uploading to others also. You are missing about 1/3 of your maximum speed it appears. Re-search topic often finds more hosts. And using the Get More Results also helps.

Example if you are downloading from dial up users, you will barely get a few KB/s. Or if someone is uploading most of their upload bandwidth to others or whilst using torrents, then that may leave little left over.

The original poster above was mostly concerned about their uploads. My upload capacity is around 90-100 KB/s, but I find I'm frequently getting around that figure, however that's using LW 4, not LW 5. So I'm not totally sure about whether my uploads for LW 5 have been getting slowed back a little. (My LW 5 is on a different boot system.)
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