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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
Join Date: March 1st, 2009
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jkamim is flying high
Default Stalled Downloads?

I just downloaded the new Limewire 5.0 and seem to have some problems. Well I was trying to download some music and it says connecting but then says stalled at 0%. How do I fix it so I can start downloading music again?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2009
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Re-search the file like you did before you selected it from the search results.
If search results are still showing, cancel the download & re-select it to download. This sometimes helps. But the first suggestion is best.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 2nd, 2009
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jkamim is flying high

i just tried to do that and the same problem. it says connecting but then stalled at 0%
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2009
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hmm .. could be a fake file. Try a different download from search results.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2009
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Talking Also upgraded to number 5 but it is the same old thing...

I also upgraded to Limewire Number 5 ,and all the initial show was very nice until I started downloading...from that moment onwards I was in presence of the same old thing as the 4.18 with the same problems...with the aggravating circumstance that I had to search(not the Limewire program) for sources by clicking the "try again'' legend... the files were easily stalled at 0% and that was its end...a search listing full of tombstones filled with the bodys of the dead files...quite a pity...
Originally Posted by jkamim View Post
I just downloaded the new Limewire 5.0 and seem to have some problems. Well I was trying to download some music and it says connecting but then says stalled at 0%. How do I fix it so I can start downloading music again?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2011
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imagejunkie is flying high
Default Why are files stalled, if they show up in fresh searches?

A bit frustrating... There it is in my search window all lit up with blue arrow, but my prior download at x% complete is showing as stalled... if it's only a few percent complete, I'll delete it, an click the newly searched file result... that will work sometimes....

In prior versions of Limewire, if I deleted and restarted the download, it would pick up at the % complete that I had prior to deleting it... but not in 5.0. I suspect that is because 5.0 actually deletes the file, and prior versions left the incomplete on your drive.... which became an invisible file, filling up the drive space... Anyone know how to set up limewire to be able to resume the deleted file at the percent complete?.. or better yet, just recognize the searched file and pick up where it left off before....


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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2011
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LW 5 will periodically re-search all the incomplete files. I cannot remember how often this is (perhaps once every 30 mins or once an hour.) It will attempt to reconnect with the hosts it was before. Of course no guarantee it can achieve this if either (a) such hosts are not online, or (b) such hosts are busy & have no available upload slots. If the case is (b) it may sit in 'Waiting' position. Edit: (c) if LW simply cannot find the original hosts because they are not in search range.

Best approach is to personally re-search the file using the search tool. Do this periodically such as every 20-30 minutes. Then after 5 minutes, right-click the search tab & choose 'Get More Results'. Both of these work a charm for me getting more search results.
People come & go from the network all the time. Perhaps the person(s) you were downloading from are not online every day or LW cannot locate them. Also, I'm guessing LW attempts to find the original ip addresses it was downloading from. Many people these days have dynamic ip addresses which makes it difficult for LW. My dynamic ip flies all over the place lol.

Just last night, I had a few reasonably old incomplete files automatically start up via one of LW's automated searches. These incomplete files were at least a month old, maybe older. I consider this pure luck though. I mean these incomplete files were right at the bottom of my downloads window out of just over 100 incomplete downloads. Likewise I had a couple others start downloading mid-way down. I didn't see them downloading initially because I have my downloads view option as most recently added at top of list. I use the Classic view btw. I never did like the very basic default LW 5 downloads window view. Edit: And just today, I opened LW, did no searches, after an hour I had a download finish. Another is still downloading, if only slowly. In such cases it would be wise for me to re-search the topic to see if I can find more hosts for the file.

Yes you are correct, with LW 5 it will delete any file you Cancel. Unlike LW 4 which would simply keep them in the LW incomplete folder regardless.

Do as I suggested above. The longer you are connected to the gnutella network, usually the better LW behaves with searches etc. Whilst i mentioned people come & go from the network all the time, also your LW changes ultrapeers it's connected to periodically. Thus, it will be searching through a different range of people periodically. Even searching a similar term to what you are after can sometimes help discover users who may in fact have the incomplete file you are wishing to restart.

Another tip, if you choose a file to download & it goes into waiting mode. Wait a minute, then Pause it. Then right-click it & choose continue. Sometimes LW is slow to push to start to download when a download slot from the uploader becomes available.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2011
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imagejunkie is flying high

Thanks Lord....

Just back in town after a week away... and of my 130 downloads, two came through. I'll try your right-click advice.... wasn't aware of that.

To be clear... I will do a new search, and it will occassionally come up with a file that I already have partially downloaded, and there will be a blue arrow next to it, as if it were already downloading, or in cue for downloading.... but the partial file in my downloads list shows it as stalled, as always. I cannot get LW to recognize the file and try to resume the download. You're saying that may be because the IP address has changed, so LW doesn't "like" it anymore?... If all the download and all the "waiting" slots are full, would I get this result?.... or are there unlimited waiting slots?

Thanks for any more enlightenment....

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2011
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Originally Posted by imagejunkie View Post
... a blue arrow next to it, as if it were already downloading, or in cue for downloading.... but the partial file in my downloads list shows it as stalled ...
In that scenario, I will right-click the 'Stalled' download file & choose 'Resume', hopefully it will attempt to reconnect to the host. Sometimes if you have too many downloads from same host, the host can only handle one or two of them, and the rest will perhaps wait for a while then go into Stalled.
If the search results had just come up & you did as I suggested, if the file does not show any effort at connecting properly then the host may have all their upload slots full.

I do find occasionally people remove some of their shares. So you will be very lucky to continue downloading those ones unless you can find another host with identical file.

I try to keep my shares static, if anything continually adding to it lol. Only exception is I sometimes change my share preferences, thus instead of sharing videos, pics & music, I might be sharing more music & videos. I don't do this too often though, rotating between the two sets of shares.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2011
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
In that scenario, I will right-click the 'Stalled' download file & choose 'Resume', hopefully it will attempt to reconnect to the host.
I'm on a mac... and when I control click on the stalled file, there is no 'Resume"... only 'Try Again".... and that typically gives me the connecting with 1 user message, and then stalled again. I have not been able to get it to resume... though I suppose its possible that all available downloads for that file are currently taken. I'll keep trying to see if it EVER works, and report back here if it does.

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