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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2009
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Default 'Miser' Sharers on the network - A Special Kind!

The topic of this thread could mean many different people including those who choose not to share at all. 'Leeches' who suck your files from you but never give anything back.
On this occasion this topic is referring to a specific type of sharer. Those who share 'some' files, but remove them from their library as soon as someone starts to download them, or as soon as possible after they download them.

I've noticed this in recent months I've browsed a host, generally from upload window. I've selected one of their files to download. It immediately goes to 'Need More Sources' status. Same thing happens with the next file & the next. I repeatedly cancel the download & reselect from browse host results. Same result each time.

I discovered why this was happening after I downloaded two & a half small files from one host, I sent them a Chat message. They told me they were removing these particular files from their library. They were uploading from me whilst this was happening. I did not ban this host due to their honesty. I have found some people remove all the files they initially show in their share library after browsing them.

The cheek of people removing files from their Shares whilst they are uploading from me!!! I very frequently Browse hosts uploading me when I am able to in hope they share similar files I am seeking.

I ban each host I find who does this. They will never get any more of my multiple thousands of files again if I can help it. I would love to pass a blacklist of these ip addresses around to all other people who do genuinely share files. However forum rules does not permit me. There are other means of 'sharing' this information however if I get annoyed enough about it.

Of course they could be DDOS'd with the assistance of people's friends. woot! I'd hate to think of anybody doing that.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; April 2nd, 2009 at 08:34 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2009
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Good thread Lord! You've just said exactly what I've been thinking for ages now!

I personally have plenty to say on this subject and related matters....

I've been gradually getting more and more irritated about this over the weeks (though believe me, 'irritated' is an understatement)
As if it's not bad enough that 95% of people who download from me are leeches - the ones who DO share are far from blameless themselves!
I've been noticing over time that when I browse the very small amount who ARE sharing (albeit dodgy porn and loads of foreign crap that nobody would want anyway (no offence to anyone outside the UK before anyone starts ), I might happen to find a few 'proper' files I rather fancy and start to download them.... only to find that once they've got the files they want from me - they go off off-line - before I'm even a third of the way through sometimes!
MAN - does that get my back up!! How I LOVE the 'I'm alright Jack' attitude!!
A prime example.... the other day someone was downloading files from me two at a time; ended up with about six in all.
After my initial shock that someone was *actually* sharing lol, I browsed them, found some songs I wanted and started downloading them.
I should've known it was too good to be true They got what they wanted, then all of a sudden that 'dreaded' 'Awaiting Sources' appeared on all my partially completed downloads.
The host appeared about 10 minutes later and when I browsed them again, the downloads I'd tried to get from them previously had mysteriously 'disappeared' from his list of files!!
Nowadays I just make a note of their IP address in Filters and if they've got the bare faced cheek to visit me again, I find muchos pleasures are achieved by waiting 'til they're 99% done - then banning the greedy, selfish little sods!!
(I would've used a few choice stronger words, believe me - but I figured it wouldn't go down too well with the Mods)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2009
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Originally Posted by PickaxeFairy View Post
... I find muchos pleasures are achieved by waiting 'til they're 99% done - then banning the greedy, selfish little sods!!
lmao I've done similar before adding them to the banned list. Of course many people have dynamic ip addresses. I've come across same hosts after banning their previous ip address.

We all know browsing host is not reliable, especially from upload window. However, the sudden 'Need More Sources' is now an obvious sign to me 'if' they are still uploading from me & continuous efforts to continue the file fail.

Yes I see that happening often too with hosts going offline after they get what they want. It's when they remove the files I was downloading that really frustrates me.

Glad to see you feel the same way. It's unbelievable people can behave in such a selfish (& cruel) manner.

Stronger words might have been caught by the forum censors lol ... but deserved toward them!

BTW like your avatar, looks great!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2009
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
like your avatar, looks great!
Thank you Nice to hear some positive whateverness today after the afternoon I've had!

After the initial shock today of someone in my upload window actually sharing - I thought I'd give 'em a browse.... found something I'd been looking for for ages. Most happy I was!!

Well to cut a long short, their speed quite obviously wasn't as fast as mine - and the best part of 7 hours later, there we still both were!
(It was a whole album)
Not a problem as far as I was concerned; was kinda planning on being here for the best part of the evening anyway....

Then, completely out the blue (and 97% in, I hasten to add!)- I get the "Need More Sources" message....
I was NOT a happy bunny!

WHY would you stay on line for that amount of time, knowing someone's downloading from you - then bugger off at 97%??

Rant over. Sorry - am just *still* SO angry!!

Last edited by PickaxeFairy; April 7th, 2009 at 08:52 AM. Reason: Unnecessary text
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2009
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Are you sure it's just to annoy you. Lots of people use laptops nowadays. They might be forced to go offline to use ít elsewhere.

Just sayin', because that was the case with me for the three years I attended college. It didn't matter if people were at 99.9%. Once I had to log off or be late for school or I was meeting up with schoolmates to do work, I logged off.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2009
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And just to add to that... I live in a suburb where the power goes out often. Losing power for 2 hours or more ~ once a month is pretty normal & little outages of 10 minutes to half an hour every so often (sometimes twice weekly, sometimes only happens every couple of weeks).

So in my case, I'd just vanish from the network & it would have nothing to do with me making a decision to disconnect.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2009
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Yes I agree with Birdy & Sleepless that can be an issue, people may log off for any reason.

However, sometimes you recognise same hosts. They have same few shared files ... but with a few extra ones. (Or same ip address or similar & uploading same type of files from me, or some of my files in their shares, etc.) But they seem to remove the extra files when you start to download them.

Slightly different scenario:
A person who has been uploading my files over a few nights, I chose to download one song from them on the first night. It immediately went into 'Busy Host' status. Each night it remained in that status the entire time for 1-3 hours each of those nights. Occasionally I'd try to push it, using the resume button or cancel & reselect from listing (being careful not to push often & get banned for the session). They simply logged out after finishing uploading their files from me. This person was sharing over 300 files. Makes me wonder if all their upload slots were really so busy, or whether they had any upload slots at all. None of the files they downloaded from me were in their shares.

The above scenario is common with hosts who use Shareaza for example (they use multiple networks). However this was a LW host. Perhaps they were uploading a torrent to someone; anyone's guess.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2009
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After calming down, I realised I'd kinda overreacted slightly.

It was just one of those days; nothing was going right - and then this.... the proverbial straw.
(The hangover from hell due to the previous night's celebrations of a friend's birthday prob'ly didn't help much either....)

I've used Limewire long enough now to know that there are plenty of reasons why people have to log off (or *are* logged off).
It's happened to me in the past - my connection's gone down, the screen's frozen, etc etc....
Guess I wasn't really thinking about the whys and wherefores at the time; was just so annoyed at the fact I'd only got 3% to go....

Anyways - apologies for going off on one....

(It'll serve me right now if he/she isn't back on here for another month!)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2009
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It's a shame that LW doesn't track share ratios. DL speeds could be restricted for peers with low rates of sharing.

Kazaa users were able to disconnect from downloaders. Many users disconnected anyone who was not sharing.

And then there are those who share everything - even bogus files. I feel it is my duty to check out a file before leaving it for others to download.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2009
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Originally Posted by Blackhorse 70V View Post
It's a shame that LW doesn't track share ratios. DL speeds could be restricted for peers with low rates of sharing
I absolutely agree!

I can't believe how many people on here just take take take....

I've been on here since around midday and had untold amounts of people downloading my files.... yet only four of them were sharing!!
This scenario has been going on ever since I've been using Limewire.... which I hasten to add is quite a while....

Now I don't mind letting the leeches have the odd one or two tracks - but when you get an unsharing host downloading two at a time, disappearing for a while, then coming back to do another couple - and so on and so on....
I mean - honestly! Do they really think that by leaving a gap, I'm not gonna realise what they're up to??
I'm like a hawk when it comes to IP addresses

And whilst I'm here, a really big bugbear of mine is when these all these lovely selfish little leeches stick their 'Chat' icon on....
What's all that about?? Cheeky little 'baskets'!
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