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Download/Upload Problems Problems with downloading or uploading files through the Gnutella network.
* Please specify whether the file problem is a Gnutella network shared file OR a Torrent file. *

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2010
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Wow sleepless,very scarey!! '' To protect freedom and democracy '' said with serious intent,**** can you believe it, to justify worse than big brother,****
''Kindness is the hardest thing to give away,it keeps coming back''
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 28th, 2010
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Default the big squeeze

thanks for another interesting article, ukbobby. Yes, it does sound like these lawyers are just opportunistic @$$holes who are just trying to shakedown people who can't afford to pay. It sounds to me like extortion, and hopefully the ACLU will be able to do something, although these days, they seem to be stretched a little thin.

Anyway, yes, Vuze does seem to work very well for torrents after over a week of using it. I've had torrents stop for a day or so, but it's probably because of limited seeds, and they usually come back eventually. I still maintain that it's no faster than Limewire, but the connection seems much better. I haven't tried utorrents. If anybody has any comments on that, they'd be welcome.

Thanks, everyone
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 9th, 2010
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I saw this story yesterday were BT and TalkTalk (another British telecom company) are challenging the "Digital Economy Act", which was passed in the UK during the pre-election period.

BBC News - BT and TalkTalk challenge Digital Economy Act

I know these companies are acting in their own self interest, they fear loosing their customer base to other smaller telecom companies, but hopefully the BPI will loose their new found policing powers.

UK Bob
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2010
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Default incomplete downloads that never finish

This has happened to me with a few files, mostly larger ones that I cant finish all at once. my most recent one was a movie. i downloaded it to 250MB out of 300-something MB and ended up having to close limewire to free up some bandwidth on my home network. I previewed the file, which played fine (except for the few parts that didnt get downloaded). When i reopened limewire and the file attempted to reconnect to a peer, it started at 26MB. The file then loaded up to 28MB (at around 10kb/s) and reverted back to showing 26MB complete. I watched it a couple times to confirm that i wasn't tripping out. the numbers arent the same for the other files, it's just the fact that it shows a fraction of the incomplete file being downloaded and then only shows a section of the download reoccurring over and over again. Anyone know what might be the cause of this? Thanks in advance.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2010
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Originally Posted by daareman View Post
... my most recent one was a movie. i downloaded it to 250MB out of 300-something MB ... it started at 26MB. The file then loaded up to 28MB (at around 10kb/s) and reverted back to showing 26MB complete.
I am guessing this is a Torrent file? For torrents I'd recommend either using uTorrent or Vuse. I know Vuse has a data check option which overcomes issues like that. I recently had to use it & it discovered it had in fact downloaded most of the file & re-adjusted the download %. Unlike LW which has no such option. The option in Vuse also works well if your computer crashes or the program is not shut down properly. In such cases Vuse will *auto* re-data check the actual file content to see how much was previously downloaded. Again, if LW crashes in similar fashion, there is no such recovery tool. If LW's downloads.dat file becomes corrupted, you are stuffed.

Whilst LW has some improved Torrent features, it's situations like yours that particularly lets it down. I am not sure I would trust LW to download a 60 or 100+ GB torrent file.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 20th, 2010 at 01:00 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2010
Join Date: August 23rd, 2010
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blueyeddonkey is flying high

I am running limewire pro 4.18
my torrents seem to stop between 93 and 99 %
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old August 23rd, 2010
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Impossible to know when not using a proper client, which would provide that info. Limewire either works or it doesn't. Unless it's due to hard drive space/issues, RAM etc.

Try one of the same torrents in e.g. uTorrent, to see if it's Limewire specific (e.g. peer ban, program fault) or you don't have seeds. Note peerbans are IP specific, so if Limewire ban peerbanned, then uTorrent won't connect to that seed either. Also you could force check the torrent using uTorrent, same as you could with Vuze, like LOTR mentioned in above post.

Last edited by Sleepless; August 23rd, 2010 at 09:29 PM.
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