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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
AaronWalkhouse's Avatar
***ּLegendary Axeman***ּ
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AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Do you really want to get againjiggai and gnutellaforums in trouble with
the MAFIAA? Of course not. You have already seen how those cartels
willingly bend the rules and common sense to falsely accuse anyone they don't
like and cause them to have to spend thousands just to assert their rights.

If the file in question had copyrighted content then even revealing the hash
breaks the rules we have in place to protect both members and the forums.
Unless it is plainly obvious that the content is in the public domain we will
always scratch out specifics like titles and hashes. Such info is usually
irrelevant to the technical questions being asked and answered in any case.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
Join Date: November 22nd, 2005
Posts: 196
Hyper-kun is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

With that kind of attitude it's no wonder that civil rights disappear day by day. Your claim that mentioning an SHA-1 gets anyone in trouble is downright ridiculous. Why don't you forbid using any one word that may lead to copy-enrighted work when you search for it on Google or elsewhere? Where are you going to draw the line tomorrow? It's a wonder you're allowed to mention LimeWire, BearShare and others here. Someone could use those to download copy-enrighted material and you even help them. Last time I checked only lawyers used such a non-sensical and twisted logic but not sane people.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

Magnet links identify the user. We try to protect the members of the forum. DDos'd anyone lately? Last time I had a dig at someone who laughed at ddos'ing someone for a joke as they admitted to doing, I was banned from the hub. I think there's reasonable reason to hide people's identities on the forum. JMHO
  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
AaronWalkhouse's Avatar
***ּLegendary Axeman***ּ
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Location: My igloos melt in June.
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AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Mentioning a specific copyrighted work in public in the context of a
possible copyright violation is just plain stupid, and we are not going to risk
that, period.

If you want to blame somebody, blame the litigation-addicted MAFIAA, not us.

You do realize that they probably have people watching these forums, looking
for chances to sue people, don't you? If the file in question was copyrighted
then posting a title or hash to something they claim rights to would be an
open invitation for a subpoena to reveal the identity of againjiggai.

We are not going to bother to investigate whether a copyright is involved or
not, especially as it is not relevant to fixing the software problems we deal
with here every day.

It is not illegal to help someone fix their media player, so we are going to go
ahead and do that. It is not wrong or immoral to scrub out any chance
reference that may lead to a lawsuit, so we are going to do that every time too.

You don't need to know specifically which file was involved in order to
help with a media playing problem. Simple enough?
  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
Join Date: November 22nd, 2005
Posts: 196
Hyper-kun is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

The SHA-1 is not copy-enrightened. Your perception of reality is pretty distored but I don't know you. Maybe you really live in Guantanamo Bay. I blame you how declares the "MAFIAA" the legislative. I guess if the the "MAFIAA" wants you to jump from a bridge, you'll just go ahead. Maybe the "MAFIAA" is reading these forums, maybe they even use water for cooking. There's no proof, evidence or hint that any reader or author of this forum is going to be sued for anything written in this forum. It's you who spreads this FUD and scares people off.

Of course, I do need to know which file someone is talking about to decide whether there's a problem with the player or the file. Sure Windows users are not used to systematic problem resolution but trial & error, guessing and magic solutions that require a credit card. As I wrote, I just wanted to check the comments at Bitzi because I suspected those positive comments are actually tactical spam.

It's really pointless to discuss with brain-washed people as you. It's just sad that you write more and more so that many visitors are going to believe no matter how much nonsense you write.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
Posts: 666
Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

There's nothing stopping members from swapping mag links via personal messages, etc. Just not in public where their id is evident whether the object's copyright or whatever. Personal messaging is not the same as emailing so to speak.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2006
AaronWalkhouse's Avatar
***ּLegendary Axeman***ּ
Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Location: My igloos melt in June.
Posts: 1,974
AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

We don't allow it in threads like this, period. It cannot be any plainer than that.
We already know those people are watching these forums, as well as Slyck and
many others in the P2P community.

In any case all of these forums have always taken a stand against piracy,
ourselves included, and will never let anyone assist in piracy by posting
specific filenames or hashes which may lead to unauthorized files on the

If you want to trade in such information, you won't find any of it here. We can't
stop people from doing it in private but it will never be allowed in our public
spaces. Sulk somewhere else because we're not going to change the rules just
for you.
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