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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Why was multiple source Download never implemented????

This is the biggest feature that is missing from gnutella, and so far, XoloX is the only one who has implemented it. XoloX had other problems as a client that prevented it from its full potential, however the simple fact that you could download from multiple sources, made it kick the crap out of all other clients speed wise.



on xolox, it was common to see download speeds of over 100K/S!!!

i have NEVER seen a DL that fast on Limewire or Bearshare!!!

whats the deal? Multiple source downloads has one of the major requests of clients for a long time, and yet it seems nothing has been done about it!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Its planed for the defender!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
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Posts: 144
Becker is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen
Its planed for the defender!

how might you know that? I dont like how XOLOX did it. or atleast i think this is how they did it. they start a file and then do a search using that exact name then add in to the download? or i could be wrong on how they do it. i never used it... so i will go away now..
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
Posts: n/a

this is not the bearshare forum, please speak up more friendly

I dont like how XOLOX did it. or atleast i think this is how they did it. they start a file and then do a search using that exact name then add in to the download? or i could be wrong on how they do it. i never used it... so i will go away now..
this is also not brawl. your suspection are all wrong.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by Becker

how might you know that? I dont like how XOLOX did it. or atleast i think this is how they did it. they start a file and then do a search using that exact name then add in to the download? or i could be wrong on how they do it. i never used it... so i will go away now..
You donīt like Xolox - Becker wake up bearshare is dead without multiple download... Xolox is the most popular client!

My admi told me... and he donīt lies...

He asked Vinnie, so if this is not true...

I didnīt wait for defender so long and supported it...

Becker I think is better you leave now, go back to play there with the other kids and if you wake up and see reality come back again and we can discuss...

I am no liar... if this is not true Vinnie is lying...

and if Vinnie is lying I will not support his product anymore, I will leave bearshare and your gang who made false promises to us...

All the time was wasted...


Last edited by Morgwen; November 29th, 2001 at 03:20 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
Data Cartridge
Join Date: July 13th, 2001
Posts: 144
Becker is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
this is not the bearshare forum, please speak up more friendly

this is also not brawl. your suspection are all wrong.
ouch. i did say i think didnt i? i did say i never used the program didnt i? so i am wrong. i would like to know how they did it if they didnt do it that way. but i guess i can not post what i think here.. so i shall leave for good. Adios.
Oh if you can delete my account.

BTW sorry Morgwen i wasnt calling you a liar i just wanted to know how you knew. and once again i am sorry.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Morgwen is flying high


I sorry too...

but I am waiting for this legendary defender for a long time...

So it is time for defender, tell this Vinnie or more people will leave...


Last edited by Morgwen; November 29th, 2001 at 03:56 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
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Join Date: July 13th, 2001
Posts: 144
Becker is flying high
Default ok

Originally posted by Morgwen

I sorry too...

but I am waiting for this legendary defender for a long time...

So it is time for defender, tell this Vinnie or more people will leave...

i guess i no leave. Vinnie knows that a million and one people want defender. when i was testing defender i thought the supernode was agreat idea. what i really like to see from defender is the privacy feature. then it would be more of a use to companies keeping its use alive even if there are law suits. I guess muti seg downloads are good. i used them alot wit getright when i had my 56k modem. It does help. but it doesnt seem as imporant to me as it seems to ever one else. oh the world of opinions.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Default Re: ok

Originally posted by Becker

what i really like to see from defender is the privacy feature. then it would be more of a use to companies keeping its use alive even if there are law suits. I guess muti seg downloads are good. i used them alot wit getright when i had my 56k modem. It does help. but it doesnt seem as imporant to me as it seems to ever one else. oh the world of opinions.
Privacy feature...

Sephiroth think its no good idea:

But this is only one opinion!

Yes the world of opinions...

Vinnie donīt listen to the people, some of them have good ideas...

But Vinnie knows what he do...



Compared with Morpheus, bearshare is a joke...

But this is only my opinion!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2001
Data Cartridge
Join Date: July 13th, 2001
Posts: 144
Becker is flying high
Default list..

hehe.. i could get you a list of things vinnie changed cause of suggestions

I went and read that post it seemed to be more about how to stop the RIAA from getting some info. I was personaly picked out buy a company. they download an mp3 from me and sent my ISP a noticed. My ISP asked me to stop sharing that file.. notice they didnt say to stop using the program to do this but to stop sharing that file. well since i never listion to the song anyway i deleted and still have my cable modem

What i really like about the private server and privacy mode in bearshare was that i could have a supernode up and running and have my family login in to that supernode and download family pictures or family news. things i really dont care if people get but they really shouldnt have it you know? so to turn it in to a made for company software. If they company runs a supernode with protected passwords and keeps files private then the works can log in to the supernode at work then go home login again and download what they need from work. or talk to other works..

morgwen may i ask what kind of connection you use?
i also tryed morphus. i didnt really know how to set it up i got it working. The only thing i dont like about it is the build in player and i downloaded 2 files with the same name. that could get confusing. i didnt notice to much of a speed differnce with 3 host on a vidoe download. what i really think it comes down to is how you connect. if you can only send and receive 56Kb then thats all you will ever get no? i dont know..but i wish i did.
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