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Download/Upload Troubleshooting and strategies for downloading content for BearShare users

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old December 1st, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Hi Becker queued means the server is busy but the request is queued and the transfer will start than the server is free!

On bearshare you have faster downloads... sure it is possible but people with 1 Mbit line are very seldom... and than you will get only a "few files" faster...

What is if you want to download an avi but you find only 10 modem user? With bearshare this is a problem but not with Morpheus or eDonkey... and as I mentioned the amount of files is much bigger because they donīt support freeloading as bearshare does... do you remenber between 70 - 90 %...

I found avis on eDonkey which I never found on Gnutella!

Let me repeat Morpheus and eDonkey are faster and you find much more files!

Becker what do mean why Morpheus and eDonkey are so popular? Because bearshare is faster and better???

No Becker see the reality, donīt close your eyes like Vinnie!

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old December 1st, 2001
Data Cartridge
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Becker is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen
Hi Becker queued means the server is busy but the request is queued and the transfer will start than the server is free!

On bearshare you have faster downloads... sure it is possible but people with 1 Mbit line are very seldom... and than you will get only a "few files" faster...

What is if you want to download an avi but you find only 10 modem user? With bearshare this is a problem but not with Morpheus or eDonkey... and as I mentioned the amount of files is much bigger because they donīt support freeloading as bearshare does... do you remenber between 70 - 90 %...

I found avis on eDonkey which I never found on Gnutella!

Let me repeat Morpheus and eDonkey are faster and you find much more files!

Becker what do mean why Morpheus and eDonkey are so popular? Because bearshare is faster and better???

No Becker see the reality, donīt close your eyes like Vinnie!


I would really like to see.. but my AVI didnt finish!! people where sharing and i noticed that i was forced to share as well. I think that sucks for modem users even thought they can set the speed limits. I will be trying a few things. like setting the limit out to 1 like freeloading but not.. i usally find alot of 1 MB connects on BS but i guess its when you connect and such things. I didnt like how poeple where downloading off of me before i finshed the file. that confused me.. And whats with those weird *** status bars? i change edonkeys interface and its pretty cool.

I can really see how the muti download thing is really sweet now so i hope to see this soon in bearshare
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by Becker

I can really see how the muti download thing is really sweet now so i hope to see this soon in bearshare

It is time...

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2001
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Thumbs up

I must have said it a thousand times already. The ability of downloading from multiple servers is something that leaves many Gnutella clients in disadvantage against other file sharing programs like Morpheus. This is quite annoying especially when you download large files. If this was implemented, then nothing would stop these clients.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2001
James Dean
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Originally posted by Becker
I can really see how the muti download thing is really sweet now so i hope to see this soon in bearshare
Becker [/B]
Yeah until then you will love eDonkey, Morpheus and Xolox (unholly for Bearshare users I know, but try, ah and use the patch to circumvent the expire).... together you can multidownload on THREE networks (eDonkey, FastTrack and Gnutella)! Every net has his strength! Happy sharing.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old December 3rd, 2001
Data Cartridge
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Becker is flying high

Originally posted by James Dean

Yeah until then you will love eDonkey, Morpheus and Xolox (unholly for Bearshare users I know, but try, ah and use the patch to circumvent the expire).... together you can multidownload on THREE networks (eDonkey, FastTrack and Gnutella)! Every net has his strength! Happy sharing.
Isnt fasttrack on a fast track to no where? they where ordered to shut down?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old December 8th, 2001
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Smile File sharing saga

Has anyone ever seen posted a really good comparison of the various gnutella clients? From what I've seen in most forums, how people feel about a certain p2p program is more subjective then objective. And I think this is understandable.

I cut my teeth on Bearshare. I was amazed at all it offered and instantly considered file sharing the next big thing. I thought what a great concept - swapping files anonymously with my fellow man. Soon I was installing a cable modem and checking out other p2p programs. The first thing I noticed was that some programs wanted you to register a login name and pw (ie morpheous). Not very private as far as I'm concerned. [Why don't I ever hear any one complain about this?] The other thing I noticed was that most other p2p user interfaces did not seem to be as robust as Bearshare. Gnucleus seemed to be too quirky. It's easy to get spoiled by Bearshare's features.

Then I tried Xolox. Multiple download over Gnutella? I was skeptical. Then I loaded it and it was even worse. Where were the setup options? Why can't I control uploads? Where are the status bars? And did someone beat up the GUI with an ugly stick or what? But I gave it a shot and what I found was that file download success was drastically increased. How many times did I see a much wanted file get past 90% and then see 'refused' in Bearshare. I feel compelled to believe this is another bearshare guy shutting the pc down or dropping me for whatever reason. In xolox, it just picks up the rest from someone else. Auto-resume really becomes useful in a multi-threaded download product. What's more, although I disagree with the programmers philosophy of forcing me to share files, I think, in the end, it made me a more responsible sharer. And it is somewhat comforting knowing others using xolox can't just arbitrarily stop my upload without a little effort. I started to leave xolox always on and share a substantial amount of files. Now Xolox is gone (so to speak) and I am lost.

I still use Bearshare, it works great. But it's not my choice for constant uploads for various reasons. IMHO The next most important step for Bearshare to take is to figure out multi-threaded up/downloads. There is no greater user friendly option then this.

I guess I'll check out eDonkey (but what's up with that name)?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old December 8th, 2001
Data Cartridge
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Becker is flying high
Default Re: File sharing saga

Originally posted by Pileoffiles
I cut my teeth on Bearshare. I was amazed at all it offered and instantly considered file sharing the next big thing. I thought what a great concept - swapping files anonymously with my fellow man. Soon I was installing a cable modem and checking out other p2p programs. The first thing I noticed was that some programs wanted you to register a login name and pw (ie morpheous). Not very private as far as I'm concerned. [Why don't I ever hear any one complain about this?]

I was contacted buy a company.. i for get the name cause i deleted the email. They downloaded a file off of me {using BS} and squealed to my ISP! My ISP said delete the file.. they didnt say stop sharing..just delete that one file.. hehe.. nothing is Anoymouse[not spelt right]. as long as you have an IP you can be tracked.. maybe daisy change 5 proxys then its a bit to costly to tract ya... but do any programs have proxy support?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old December 8th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default It's a matter of degrees

Sure...But I think your mixing anonymity with privacy.

I understand p2p is not completely private. Back when I started using Bearshare, I didn't understand this as well as I do today. I call it anonymous because people may see my IP address, but they don't know who I am. I guess they can call my ISP, but I'm not sure they will get my name (Hmmm....come to think of it, I'd better take a closer look at that contract).

As far as privacy is concerned, I would still argue that polling for an ID, PW, and email account to register a p2p program is less private and not anonymous at all. I could be wrong here, but if they are recording this info centrally to track usage, connections, etc. (which may be used legitimately to make the network more efficient) then it's available for someone to look at.

FYI - It sounds like your ISP is not so bad. Many of the stories I've read along similar lines usually result in a disconnection of service.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old December 9th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Default Re: File sharing saga

Originally posted by Pileoffiles
What's more, although I disagree with the programmers philosophy of forcing me to share files, I think, in the end, it made me a more responsible sharer.
I agree with this idea, because all people are crying I cannot find any files but most of them donīt share 70 - 90 % freeloaders...

So I ask you if all people have the oppurtunity to "free" load where do you want to get your files from?

Actually the most files are shared by 5% of the peers...

The main reason why Morpheus and eDonkey are so popular is that they donīt support freeloading, the avaibility of the files is much bigger as on Gnutella...

Gnutella lives through sharing if nobody shares Gnutella will be dead...

So I asked you for a second where you want to download your files if nobody shares?

Stop crying if you disagree with such features...

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