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  #31 (permalink)  
Old December 9th, 2001
Data Cartridge
Join Date: July 13th, 2001
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Becker is flying high
Default t hings.

Yes my ISP is very cool. its also cable! i worked on the Defender project for bearshare when it was out. They way the chat was set up you need a Name and that was it. NO passwords or emails [passwords needed for private severs, email could be listed along with AIM and ICQ info].

As for freeloading..couldnt i remove those folders from my sharing list? I never tried it. Bearshare would have that problem in which it can easly been taken off. ANd Or you can change the folder to where the downloads would be put. Now what would be nice is if you cant remove the folder that you download to.. so if they change one it would chaning in the sharing setup? yes yes...

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old December 9th, 2001
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Perhaps we cannot stop freeloading 100%...

but we donīt need to support it...

Morpheus and eDonkey didnīt support it...

But for Gnutella it is normal that the most people "free" load...

Ok better than thinking about alternatives we kill the gnet now!

Yes very good solution!

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old December 9th, 2001
Data Cartridge
Join Date: July 13th, 2001
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Default hey..

as long as the protcol is open source.. i will have my own network working.. :Þ

I just need to learn some more VC and C programming..
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old December 9th, 2001
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Becker, Morgwen

I'd hardly call my comments crying. And I'm not sure why I'm suddenly under attack as a 'freeloader' since I thought I made it abundantly clear that I don't condone such actions. I still don't agree with the philosophy that forces sharing. It treats people like idiots and doesn't address the root of the problem.

Gnutella is dead? Please. If it's so bad why are you moderating a Bearshare forum? When Napster sold out where did everyone go to? Gnutella. Now that Fasttrack network has to deal with lawsuits how long will do you think Morpheous will last? And where will all these folks go? Gnutella.

"Actually the most files are shared by 5% of the peers..." Yea? So? If you want that percentage to go up then you need more people to dedicate their machines for longer periods of time. It's a basic p2p principle. Most people log on, get what they want, and drop off - plain and simple. That's not good but that's the real problem. Software is not going to fix that. Discussion, education, and open forums will.

Once you give in and say it's OK for software to limit your ability to do something, it just gets worse and worse. And as you've nicely illustrated in subsequent reply's, your already thinking up more ways to lock down the user from doing anything at all. That direction will ultimately ruin p2p file sharing for everyone.

This is a community, not a social experiment. Let freedom reign
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old December 9th, 2001
Data Cartridge
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Becker is flying high

I dont remember calling you a free loader but i am sorry if i implied this. I dont agree with Morgwen when he said Gnet is dead.. i think its not living to its fullest ablity. One thing i do like about bearshare it gives you a lot of control on what you.. weather its bad or good..

The program and service is free.. the least people can do is share some files. so i think its best to make some one share the folder they download in to.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old December 10th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by Pileoffiles
Becker, Morgwen

I'd hardly call my comments crying. And I'm not sure why I'm suddenly under attack as a 'freeloader'

Gnutella is dead? Please. If it's so bad why are you moderating a Bearshare forum?
You should better read my post first!

I didnīt call you a feeloader, I said that the most people are freeloaders (70 - 90%)... it is a difference...

I never said that Gnutella is dead, I said Gnutella "will be" dead if nobody shares...

And my last sentence was no offend against you... but many people are crying in the forums I cannot find my files but nobody thinks about sharing!

You say most people get what they want and leave... yes this is right and they should share at least this time they get their files...

Let me repeat Gnutella lives through sharing if nobody shares Gnutella will die!

So if you disagree with such features that force people to share you diagree with the simplest P2P rule - sharing! Because most of the people donīt want to share... so I ask you why should I share my files if nobody wants to share his?

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old December 10th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default No offense taken

Becker, Morgwen

No offense taken. I read both your posts again and I jumped to an incorrect conclusion. These things can happen when you think your integrity is being questioned. Sorry for that. I appreciate both your replies.

Morgwen, I've thought about your question "why should anyone share if no one is going to". I guess I have faith that most people will do the right thing if they know what the right thing is.

I realize there are 'freeloaders' who take the attitude that they are going to download only and contribute nothing back. I've had arguments with friends because they don't share and don't get it. When I've asked them about why they aren't sharing, I find that for the most part, they just don't understand the implications and are generally misinformed. Some of them think its a terrible risk to share out their files or that they will make their PC vulnerable to viruses and attack. Others just want the conveinience of finding what they need and logging out (they don't want to wait for that person who is uploading a 20 meg file over the phone). The last group are the folks who don't want to share.

I tend to think that the people in the first two groups are more than willing to do their part if they learn some facts and take more then a casual interest in file sharing. If I apply the logic that the program will now force sharing to each of these groups, here is what I see: For those that have an undo fear of sharing, they may leave and never come back. For those who want quick access, they will login, get what they want, and log out as they have always done. And the last group of people who don't want to share are generally motivated enough to find ways to circumvent software sharing schemes.

To me this sounds like, because of some bad apples, you are all not to be trusted, so love it or leave it. I think, in the long term, people will leave it. Something better will come along which in thier eyes, trusts them to do the right thing, rather then imply that they won't. Perhaps I am an idealist.

Might I ask your question a bit differently? Why should I be forced to share files with my program when there are other people that don't have to with their program? If everyone took this attitude, no one would share. And yet sharing does exist.

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old December 10th, 2001
Data Cartridge
Join Date: July 13th, 2001
Posts: 144
Becker is flying high
Default yes..

i share few files.. sadly my upstream is a little slow. i also share files that ifound it was hard to find.. why should i share that music file that ever one else. has? 99 red ballons.. how many covers can there be of that song? haha

what i am saying is its important to share files but its also important to share files that are rare and differnt files.. i think thats what i mean.

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  #39 (permalink)  
Old December 10th, 2001
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Arrow Please share

Gnutella works with a code of honour. Nobody forces you to share, but if you are going to download files, the least you could do is let other people download from you.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old December 10th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Default Re: No offense taken

Originally posted by Pileoffiles

Might I ask your question a bit differently? Why should I be forced to share files with my program when there are other people that don't have to with their program? If everyone took this attitude, no one would share. And yet sharing does exist.

This is the big Gnutella problem!

For the Morpheus and eDonkey users it is normal to share, because they have to...

As backmann said Gnutella lives throught the code of honour but the most people donīt know what this is...

A small discussion between Moak and me:

So I can understand why people "free" load but I cannot understand why they donīt share...

The features Moak discribe could duble the files within Gnutella!

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