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Manifest0 January 29th, 2007 10:40 AM



Originally Posted by arne_bab
PS: How did you find Phex?

In the aur repos... I was looking for a gnutella client that i like (and, i love arch linux, because the aur repository), so i've started trying all the gnutella clients i found in the aur. :)

Best regards,


p.s.: It's possible to integrate the bitcolider with phex? I'm new to gnutella, and mostly of the files, doesn't have bitzi tickets, and 90% of this files are fakes... :'(

p.p.s.: I've never found a phex user... It's mainly limewire users... Damn!

arne_bab January 29th, 2007 05:44 PM

It's great to know, that Phex is in the Slackware packages!

Having BitCollider in Phex would indeed be great. We'd just need someone to implement it...
That's one more reason, that the Phex Team seeks Java Programmers at the moment:

Our estimates are, that there are about 6.000 Phex users at the moment.

If you want to see Phex users now (at least one...), just have a look at the Polar Skulk.

Manifest0 January 29th, 2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by arne_bab
It's great to know, that Phex is in the Slackware packages!

Having BitCollider in Phex would indeed be great. We'd just need someone to implement it...
That's one more reason, that the Phex Team seeks Java Programmers at the moment:

Our estimates are, that there are about 6.000 Phex users at the moment.

If you want to see Phex users now (at least one...), just have a look at the Polar Skulk.


It's not slackware linux, but Arch Linux and here's the aur (ArchLinux User-community Repository) repo.

Arch Linux it's IMHO some kind of an cousin of slackware (with decent packet management), and Gentoo.

Thanks for your advise... i'll try polar skulk in 10 minutes... :D

arne_bab January 30th, 2007 12:09 AM

I don't know, how I got to Slackware... must have been some mind mangling :)

Besides: Gentoo running here :)
Besides: I just opened a thread about the OS', Phex is being used on. Maybe you want to join in :)

Manifest0 March 23rd, 2007 03:33 PM


It's possible to have the ability to create a magnet link only from the selected library files? It seems phex only create magma lists from the entire library...

arne_bab March 23rd, 2007 04:21 PM

Not yet. We need someone to implement it, because our programmers are head over heels in coding stuff at other places in Phex at the moment.

I added it to our wishlist:

Manifest0 March 24th, 2007 03:32 PM

thank you! :)

Manifest0 May 4th, 2007 01:26 PM

i've another suggestion! :)

How about blocking a file based on the SHA1 sum.

Most of the internet users have dynamic IP's so, IMHO, blocking an IP isn't very efficient (comparing to the SHA1 blocking).

Also when blocking an IP instead of having a fixed time limite, an dynamic time limit would be nice (example: blocking an IP for 7 days should mean if in the next 7 days there isn't no hit the IP should be unblocked. If there's a hit in that time period should be extended).


arne_bab May 4th, 2007 03:53 PM

You can do that manually at the moment through the filter-system, but it isn't very easy to do.

But it also wouldn't accomplish that much, because spammers partly use files with bogus sha1 keys.

With dynamic blocking: How can you determine, that the one hit wasn't an actual hit?

Apart from that, the idea seems good to me, though I don't know how easy or hard it is to accomplish it.

Manifest0 November 25th, 2007 11:03 AM

I also would appreciate a notification system, that indicates to the user when something has changed (like a finished search, or a complete download).

Best regards.

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