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Feature Requests & Bug Reports Is there anything you'd wish to see in Phex, or did you find some bugs?

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old October 25th, 2005
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I think that PHEX really need some "anti social content" button/filter.

Its anynoing to see such disgusting serach results like:
"**** sucker, 6yr old lolita"
when im trying to serach anything.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old October 26th, 2005
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Maybe this would be possible with an inverse text filter for starters.

If one of the filtered words is in the search-field, it should naturally be taken out of the filter.

I called it "Offending Content Filter", for no better name came to my mind right now (though "anti social content filter" also sounds nice, but I don't think many people would undrstand it, at least I had to read on to know its meaning).

It shouldn't be that much of a hassle, I hope.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old November 9th, 2005
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miscblogger is flying high

Maybe the developers of Phex could add a way to filter with strings not just keywords. like instead of "desperate" and "housewives" we could use "desperate housewives."

another thing, for the download folder, it would be nice to have each download's files in a separate folder.


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  #14 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2005
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Here's my list:

1. Customize the 'File Types' in the filter. E.g., add or remove extensions to each, add/remove categories as well.

2. Automatically refresh the display in the 'Search' window after banning hosts.

3. In the search tab, the ability to filter out words (as others have already pointed out, this would be very useful).

3. In the search tab, the ability to limit search to ALL keywords, not just one and/or the other.

4. In the Search tab, the ability to filter strings.

5. A system wide filter, in the Settings. For instance, I want to be able to filter out any result which has 'ebook' in it, whenever I search, without having to put in a temporary filter in the Search tab. This should also be able to filter (out) strings.

6. Ability to filter out certain file sizes. For instance, all those bogus files with size of 872,159 which take up a quarter of my search results.

7. A customizable offensive content filter, which would be separate from the above filters.

8. Customizable 'ban hosts' on right-click in the Search tab. Why should I have to go to the Security tab to redefine the ban?

9. In the Settings, I should be able to change the default setting for banning hosts. I'd like the time period to be much longer, even infinity. I'd like it to be customizable.

10. In the Download tab, a 'Retry All Candidates For All Files'

11. Ability to customize the amount of time before the candidates get removed from the downloading lists. Sometimes there's only one host, and I know it, but then it gets removed when it can't be found or whatever for some period of time. If I don't know where it came from, I can't retry it ever.

12. When 'browsing hosts', it would be good to be able to tell if the host is unbrowsable, so I don't waste my time trying.

13. This could potentially be part of the 'offensive content filter', or could be done in the customizable one, but would be nice to be able to filter out those files from 30+ hosts that take your search term and add '.jpg' to it, or put underscores between all the letters and then '.jpg'. How about a 'crap filter'?

That's all for now I think.

With all that said, I still think Phex is the best client I've found. I use it all the time. Thanks much!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2005
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> 12. When 'browsing hosts', it would be good to be able to tell if the host is unbrowsable, so I don't waste my time trying.

Except for this one (can't fix it, because the hosts report themselves to be browsable, but in truth aren't) the ideas all sound great!

I add them to the List.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2005
Beware of the Lime
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DarkSorrow is flying high

i love the download strategy. it very simple and give four option which it very clever. but one of thing i like to add is "Prioritize File Beginning then Rare Part"

I like to preview the file and see if i like it. if i dont like the file i dumped it. but it a pain to click "Prioritize File Beginning" and wait for that preview file pop up then click on "Rare Parts". For "Prioritize File Beginning then Rare Part", While it download the beginning file, it will download until the 5% of the total file then switch to Rare Part.

What you think?

Last edited by DarkSorrow; November 12th, 2005 at 10:33 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old November 13th, 2005
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I quickly described the different strategies:

Do you think the reworked rare parts strategy will be good enough for you in the next release?

And even if not the prioritize beginning strategy also honers the availability of files. Not that much though... but still good enough for common files.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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UPnP compatability for those poor souls that don't have router access, or (like me) have the most crappy unuserfriendly mind of it's own router from hell
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old July 9th, 2006
Join Date: July 9th, 2006
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Thumbs down

Well, it must surprise you to know that everyone on this planet does not run on the same screen resolution as those apperently developing Phex, so what I would like to see is some consideration in this area, for example the ability to resize everything both vertically and horizontally, I have no scrollbar for my results and thus must use my mouse wheel.

I also feel compelled to add that I'm not a big fan of the new icons or the movement of the filter box, perhaps the icons could be easily cured with an option to use the older ones and while I'm at it I might as well mention that the check boxes for the filters are not working on my machine.

I'm runing Linux at 800X600 B.T.W.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2006
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Hi callihn,

you might wonder that its not a suprise to us that different screen resolutions and different system exists. But you might understand that we dont have every plattform available to test and also not the time to do it. That why we rely on user reports like yours. New team members that would enjoy to spend the time to test and help us, would also be very welcome!

Usually you are able to resize all windows and dialogs, it might be that due to minimum size of a few components, you cant make them smaller then a certain size, I try to make sure it will fit into 800x600. Have you tried if maybe a different look and feel gives you a better experience?

I understand that the bigger filter box is not very appealing to you. But we thought since you are now able to hide the list of active searches and use a thin button bar instead, we could use the gained space to extend the filters.

Sooner or later you will see the option to choose the icon set, also the old one, we just missed to get it ready in this release.
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