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Feature Requests sorted and summarized This is a short list of feature requests for Phex. I sorted it according to what I think most important. Feel free tpo discuss it in this thread and to add new feature requests in here (I'll put them into the list, then). I partly cathegorize simply by intuition, but I hope this is no problem :) Info: Bug reports should go to: Bugs at sourceforge. The three cathegories stand for: a) Profile: Feature Requests, which are on the wishlist or have not yet been done, but seem important, and can be used for PR. What can set Phex apart. b) Backend: All those parts which improve the general inner workings of Phex. The harsh reality behind the Look and Feel (the GUI). c) GUI and Polish: As opposite of the Backend, this is about all those things, which imporove the feeling of the User-Interface and the usability for the User, often withhout offering significant "objective" advantages (else than maybe a few clicks less work), but often make the difference in the first choice of programs. d) Other: There are always things, which defy cathegorisation. The List moved to the Wishlist in our wiki. It's far easier to manage :). |
I would like to see a option to open musicfiles with the default external player from both the library and upload screen. |
I'd like to have the Settings screen to accept commands to play MP3, OGG, MPEG files with my favourite players :) By the way, I've been using xMule, eMule and GTKGnutella, and I've found Phex the easiest and fastest installation in linux so far! |
I'd like to see an option to run Phex without the Java GUI as a daemon on Linux. Somewhat like mldonkey and mutella. A Web GUI would be used to access Phex. Andargor |
- Connection Preferencing: Min number of Phex-connections, max number of connections by one vendor; different settings for leaf and UP-state. (source of this Idea: gtk-gnutella) |
My wish list: Ability to generate and export statistics about uploaded / downloaded files. Something like in Bearshare. Ability to disable GUI. Ability to run multimedia files inside PHEX via user specifed external program. Ability to connect with all selected favorites hosts, not only with one host per click. |
Didn't see it listed as a feature or a request: Partial File Sharing (Helps on larger files) Also, I'd like to suggest that the main Phex developers take over support for I2Phex. Last I heard the main I2Phex dev (sirup) was MIA. |
PFS is already included in Phex (swarming + PFS) with the addition of intelligent segment selection, which downloads rarest segments first. For i2Phex we'd have to know, how many changes have been made, and if we can integrate the source-code seamlessly. It could be quite much work, and the i2p-people don't want i2p be widely spread as of now, afaik. So we'd have to make i2phex invisible in the gui, till they decide, that the time of i2ps dawn has come. Besides: the main devs are GregorK (doing a hell of great work here), I'm only doing a part-time job where I can :). Sometimes other devs add their contributions Do you have experience with i2phex? |
See, I read the swarming feature list, but didn't see PFS in it. Suppose most casual browsers don't really care about that feature :) I have some experience using I2Phex (I'm not a coder tho). I agree it shouldn't be spread around at the moment, and this is not an advertisement for it by any means. I just have heard the the guy who did the main work on it seems to be MIA. I thought the devs of mainline Phex could at least capture and preserve his changes. I would not expect you to release them yet or anything, but I'd hate to see his work get lost :) I understand his changes could be very vast and difficult to integrate. Anyway, this is just a suggestion. I understande that the developers will work on what they want to work on, and I encourage them to so they stay happy :) Keep on enjoying yourself fellas. |
THe Filter System, now i understand now it works. but there is other filter i hoping it could be add to Phex. the Filter is similar to LimeWire. I want a filter that filter out the search result i just put in the blacklist. Sometime i know some tend to pop up with lowest KB i know (about 120 Kb to 1MB) is a possible a virus and i know some of them is a virus by a keyword. I would like to have a filter that filter out. What you think. i dont mind the Phex Filter result, but i rather to have LimeWire Filter system too. it very useful to me to filter out the result that i dont want it to appear on the result list |
I think that PHEX really need some "anti social content" button/filter. Its anynoing to see such disgusting serach results like: "**** sucker, 6yr old lolita" when im trying to serach anything. :mad: |
Maybe this would be possible with an inverse text filter for starters. If one of the filtered words is in the search-field, it should naturally be taken out of the filter. I called it "Offending Content Filter", for no better name came to my mind right now (though "anti social content filter" also sounds nice, but I don't think many people would undrstand it, at least I had to read on to know its meaning). It shouldn't be that much of a hassle, I hope. |
Maybe the developers of Phex could add a way to filter with strings not just keywords. like instead of "desperate" and "housewives" we could use "desperate housewives." another thing, for the download folder, it would be nice to have each download's files in a separate folder. thanks! ------------ Visit my blog @ http://blog.art-app.com |
Here's my list: 1. Customize the 'File Types' in the filter. E.g., add or remove extensions to each, add/remove categories as well. 2. Automatically refresh the display in the 'Search' window after banning hosts. 3. In the search tab, the ability to filter out words (as others have already pointed out, this would be very useful). 3. In the search tab, the ability to limit search to ALL keywords, not just one and/or the other. 4. In the Search tab, the ability to filter strings. 5. A system wide filter, in the Settings. For instance, I want to be able to filter out any result which has 'ebook' in it, whenever I search, without having to put in a temporary filter in the Search tab. This should also be able to filter (out) strings. 6. Ability to filter out certain file sizes. For instance, all those bogus files with size of 872,159 which take up a quarter of my search results. 7. A customizable offensive content filter, which would be separate from the above filters. 8. Customizable 'ban hosts' on right-click in the Search tab. Why should I have to go to the Security tab to redefine the ban? 9. In the Settings, I should be able to change the default setting for banning hosts. I'd like the time period to be much longer, even infinity. I'd like it to be customizable. 10. In the Download tab, a 'Retry All Candidates For All Files' 11. Ability to customize the amount of time before the candidates get removed from the downloading lists. Sometimes there's only one host, and I know it, but then it gets removed when it can't be found or whatever for some period of time. If I don't know where it came from, I can't retry it ever. 12. When 'browsing hosts', it would be good to be able to tell if the host is unbrowsable, so I don't waste my time trying. 13. This could potentially be part of the 'offensive content filter', or could be done in the customizable one, but would be nice to be able to filter out those files from 30+ hosts that take your search term and add '.jpg' to it, or put underscores between all the letters and then '.jpg'. How about a 'crap filter'? That's all for now I think. With all that said, I still think Phex is the best client I've found. I use it all the time. Thanks much! |
> 12. When 'browsing hosts', it would be good to be able to tell if the host is unbrowsable, so I don't waste my time trying. Except for this one (can't fix it, because the hosts report themselves to be browsable, but in truth aren't) the ideas all sound great! I add them to the List. |
i love the download strategy. it very simple and give four option which it very clever. but one of thing i like to add is "Prioritize File Beginning then Rare Part" I like to preview the file and see if i like it. if i dont like the file i dumped it. but it a pain to click "Prioritize File Beginning" and wait for that preview file pop up then click on "Rare Parts". For "Prioritize File Beginning then Rare Part", While it download the beginning file, it will download until the 5% of the total file then switch to Rare Part. What you think? |
I quickly described the different strategies: http://phex.kouk.de/wiki/index.php/Download_Strategy Do you think the reworked rare parts strategy will be good enough for you in the next release? And even if not the prioritize beginning strategy also honers the availability of files. Not that much though... but still good enough for common files. squirrel |
UPnP compatability for those poor souls that don't have router access, or (like me) have the most crappy unuserfriendly mind of it's own router from hell |
Well, it must surprise you to know that everyone on this planet does not run on the same screen resolution as those apperently developing Phex, so what I would like to see is some consideration in this area, for example the ability to resize everything both vertically and horizontally, I have no scrollbar for my results and thus must use my mouse wheel. I also feel compelled to add that I'm not a big fan of the new icons or the movement of the filter box, perhaps the icons could be easily cured with an option to use the older ones and while I'm at it I might as well mention that the check boxes for the filters are not working on my machine. I'm runing Linux at 800X600 B.T.W. |
Hi callihn, you might wonder that its not a suprise to us that different screen resolutions and different system exists. But you might understand that we dont have every plattform available to test and also not the time to do it. That why we rely on user reports like yours. New team members that would enjoy to spend the time to test and help us, would also be very welcome! Usually you are able to resize all windows and dialogs, it might be that due to minimum size of a few components, you cant make them smaller then a certain size, I try to make sure it will fit into 800x600. Have you tried if maybe a different look and feel gives you a better experience? I understand that the bigger filter box is not very appealing to you. But we thought since you are now able to hide the list of active searches and use a thin button bar instead, we could use the gained space to extend the filters. Sooner or later you will see the option to choose the icon set, also the old one, we just missed to get it ready in this release. |
Well, I'm always happy to see developers interested in their users, so many of them seem to be developing only for themselves and don't really care about any elses problems or needs from a program. The biggest issue is the inability to rezise the boxes horizontally at the moment becasue again the scroll bar on the right in results can not be seen, strangly enough though the check boxes in the filter rules magically started working today. Thank you for your time and consideration as well as a fine project. |
Is it possible, that today, you selected a search before trying to select the boxes near the filters? Thanks for your input! Gregor, could they be made clickeable by default and then apply to the next started search? Best wishes, Arne |
What I figured out is that they have to be turned on for each search and can only be selected after you started the search, which is somewhat useful, though I personally think it would be nice if they could be set for all searches, since I would venture to guess that if you wanted something filtered it would be for the majority of your searches and easy enough to disable for the minority of them. Just a thought, again thanks for your time and consideration on these issues. |
You can click on 'Edit rules...' and change the 'Permanently enabled' setting of a default filter to always enable it. I created this Wiki article for more info http://www.phex.org/wiki/index.php/Filter_Rules_Dialog Would be great if you could extend any of the article in case you have some more input that might be usefull to others. |
So, most of what I suggested before has gotten implemented, which is GREAT! Thanks so much, it makes Phex that much more useful and easier to work with. Of course, I do have some other suggestions below... The ones with ** were asked for before, but not implemented and still would be great to have. ALL tabs: Keep highlighted selection highlighted, and focused in window. E.g., in DOWNLOAD tab, I highlight one or more files, and then sort the list by [any]; currently highlight disappears, all selections should stay highlighted, and also focused in the window, unless the selections span multiple pages [up or down]. General: Ability to change font size and colors, especially for queued files. The current green is a nice color, but too light [sometimes I can't see it if my screen is tilted just slightly back]. SEARCH tab: Need ability to continuously search, or to specify amount of time to search. Current default is much too short. Also to re-search once a new Ultrapeer is connected to. **DOWNLOAD tab: Need ability to specify, simultaneously for multiple files, 'retry candidate(s)' and 'search'. Perhaps 'retry all candidates' and 'search for all files' buttons. Even better, a default to automatically re-search for files every N minutes which have fewer than X candidates. DOWNLOAD tab: ability to search for files, much like the fabulous filter mechanism in the SEARCH tab. I have a few hundred files in my queue at any one time, and often find that I have already downloaded a particular version [or close enough] of a file; it'd be nice to be able to find the other versions without paging down a dozen times or more. SEARCH tab: ability to ignore certain files; for instance, after downloading one version of a file, I want to be able to mark all versions of that file to ignore them. This would be best in the right click menu. Also, along with this, the ability to not just lighten the font of the previously downloaded files, but hide them from the list altogether. Both of these should be options, not defaults. Other: ability to 'pause [and resume, obviously] ALL downloads' at once. For dialup users, this would be a great thing because sometimes we need to do that to check email, do webbrowsing for a few minutes, etc. Doing these things while downloading is extremely time-consuming, which, for dialup, is saying a LOT. I like the idea of limiting searches to specific countries, or regions. Since Phex can show the flag of the country I'm connected to, could it then also limit the results to whatever region I specify, or filter out results from one or more particular countries/regions. This could be potentially be implemented in the 'disconnect policy' in the Settings. **SEARCH tab: ability to filter strings using regular expressions. Currently only able to filter out strings with no whitespace. Odd bits: SEARCH tab: does not [and should] stay sorted when switching between searches. Dragging & dropping in Windows Explorer causes Phex to blink off and on. And I'd certainly be a willing tester for new versions and such, help out however I can if necessary. |
Hi clampak, Could you specify some questions more exactly? Quote:
Or do you mean, being able to mark any file and set it to be hidden? Quote:
Besides: Would you like to add your Wishes to the Wishlist yourself, or should I do it? And by the way: If you're interested in the future devlopments of Phex, you can find a a Roadmap in the Wiki And aside from that: no, I don't really have a third addition ;) |
@clampak First of all I really like to thank you for your nice and detailed feature requests. They are really well thought of and practical solution oriented. Unfortunatly all the "automated search" or "massive search" requests fall into an area which Phex will not offer in the near future, because of bad experiences we made in the past when Phex and others were doing automated searches and almost caused a network break down doing this. We dont want to burn our fingers with it again and risk to get banned out of the network for it. Gregor |
PopUp window when no network connection (I'm not in sf right now, so I chose this way) Pleasse show a PopUp window, when phex realizes it has no network-connection, so users see that it stops trying to connect for a reason. Best wishes |
Greetings! First of all, i want to say that phex is an amazing gnutella client! :D But there are a few things that i miss, and one that i don't like.... :'( Things I miss: *- In the search results, it should be possible to filter the results based on the country where the other client are. It also should be possible to connect to other peers just from you country. (some ISP's in Portugal descriminates the national and international traffic- Fortunately thats not my case :) ). *-When searching for music we should have an option to filter based on album, artist... (like limewire) Things I dislike: *-In the search, i don't like to have to click in the "new search" button every time i want to make a new seach search. I think that by default it should be always a new search. By the way, this is my first post in this forum. Hopefully i didn't break any rule, but if i did, sorry! Best regards! |
Hi Manifest0, Firstoff: Welcome to Phex! Your ideas sound useful, even though they aren't all easy to do... searching by track/artist/album quite a bit of work (we need to implement metadata readout, etc.) and making new search the default raises the question where to put "direct connection" and "What's New?". About filtering by country, you'll have to wait for our main dev to come back :) Should be doable, though. Have fun with Phex! Arne PS: How did you find Phex? |
Greetings Quote:
Best regards, Manifest0 p.s.: It's possible to integrate the bitcolider with phex? I'm new to gnutella, and mostly of the files, doesn't have bitzi tickets, and 90% of this files are fakes... :'( p.p.s.: I've never found a phex user... It's mainly limewire users... Damn! |
It's great to know, that Phex is in the Slackware packages! Having BitCollider in Phex would indeed be great. We'd just need someone to implement it... That's one more reason, that the Phex Team seeks Java Programmers at the moment: http://wiki.phex.org/Developers_Wanted Our estimates are, that there are about 6.000 Phex users at the moment. If you want to see Phex users now (at least one...), just have a look at the Polar Skulk. |
It's not slackware linux, but Arch Linux and here's the aur (ArchLinux User-community Repository) repo. Arch Linux it's IMHO some kind of an cousin of slackware (with decent packet management), and Gentoo. Thanks for your advise... i'll try polar skulk in 10 minutes... :D |
I don't know, how I got to Slackware... must have been some mind mangling :) Besides: Gentoo running here :) Besides: I just opened a thread about the OS', Phex is being used on. Maybe you want to join in :) |
Greetings, It's possible to have the ability to create a magnet link only from the selected library files? It seems phex only create magma lists from the entire library... |
Not yet. We need someone to implement it, because our programmers are head over heels in coding stuff at other places in Phex at the moment. I added it to our wishlist: http://wiki.phex.org/Wishlist |
thank you! :) |
i've another suggestion! :) How about blocking a file based on the SHA1 sum. Most of the internet users have dynamic IP's so, IMHO, blocking an IP isn't very efficient (comparing to the SHA1 blocking). Also when blocking an IP instead of having a fixed time limite, an dynamic time limit would be nice (example: blocking an IP for 7 days should mean if in the next 7 days there isn't no hit the IP should be unblocked. If there's a hit in that time period should be extended). Greetings! |
You can do that manually at the moment through the filter-system, but it isn't very easy to do. But it also wouldn't accomplish that much, because spammers partly use files with bogus sha1 keys. With dynamic blocking: How can you determine, that the one hit wasn't an actual hit? Apart from that, the idea seems good to me, though I don't know how easy or hard it is to accomplish it. |
I also would appreciate a notification system, that indicates to the user when something has changed (like a finished search, or a complete download). Best regards. |
I'd like to see a binary for Mandriva 2008. I have never been able to install it from source code :( Cheers Luis |
For phex in mandriva you need to: install java donwload the phex .jar file run: $ java -jar phex.jar (you can associate this in kde or gnome so every time you click the phex.jar file the "java -jar phex.jar" command runs) Best regards, Manifest0 |
Thanks a lot :) I'll try this and post back if something wrong happens. Regards Luis |
I really like the interface... clean and neat.. althouh I could never close the app to the systray, however it's a great app. I hope soon is in my native language (Spanish) and also hope in a near future , ALL the java devs/coders write an applet where we users can increase/change the size/style of the fonts. This is something that stoped me to use limewire/frostwire (so hard to read in my 1680x1050 monitor Kind Regards Luis EDIT Where can I get an icon for my Desktop? |
What do you mean with an icon for your desktop? A menu entry? A shortcut? I suppose you want a .desktop file: 1- Open a text editor an write something like this: [Desktop Entry] Version= Encoding=UTF-8 Name=phex Comment=Free file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. Exec=java -jar /path/to/phex.jar Icon=/PATH/TO/ICON Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;Network StartupNotify=true 3- save the file with name phex.desktop 4- place the file in your desktop folder and you will have a nice shortcut in your desktop 5- for a menu entry you have to look in the internet. (you have to put those .desktop file in some specific location) btw, you've edited my quote... :P |
LOL....sorry about that :D What I mean about "icon" is a simple small picture/image normally in PNG format (or SVG) that is used to identify an app... and usually has some kind of picture that identifies the with the app...(in this cas a "kind of fox" :tease: Regards Luis |
well... You can use this image: http://www.gnutellaforums.com/images/phex-gf.png and resize it. I hope it works for you! :P |
You could also choose among these ones (from our iconsets): https://phex.svn.sourceforge.net/svn...esources/icons Sadly we only have the OSX icon as .icns file |
that's exactly the one I downloaded ..:super: Kind Regards Luis |
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