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Feature Requests & Bug Reports Is there anything you'd wish to see in Phex, or did you find some bugs?

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 29th, 2008
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Default [Feature Request] Connect to different UP-vendors

It seems every time I connect, the only UP's I get are LimeWire's. Would be nice to see Phex have the ability to force/search to other UP-vendors as well.

I haven't used Gnutella in quite a while, but I do remember that it used to be the case that connecting to a BearShare-UP (in the time the real BearShare was still arround), I would get much much much more search-results.

I have the feeling this might still be the case:

searching for Phex using Limewire UP's resulted in either 0, 1 outdated or 1 valid result. The bulk of the times, the net results where 0. Same goes for FrostWire. Searching for it has yet to find a single source. On other file I know is around but relatively rare (~200 sources) resulted in 1 result, 3 sources of which 2 invalid. (Eventually, the 1 valid source provided me with 100 alternative locations.)

In the case of Frostwire btw; Why is it that a search for Frostwire seems to be translated to a search for Limewire? I get ~200 sources for Limewire 4.16.6 in a split second, while doing a search for Frostwire.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2008
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The reason why you get so many LimeWires is, thath there are just so many of them out there (and that BearShare is dead - sold out to the Music Industry).

Given time, your phex should acquire some Phex-hosts (we have only slight preferencing for Phex hosts: A Phex with at least 2h uptime (a decent Phex) is the preferred choice).

The "translated" search might be a LimeWire "feature".

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 24th, 2009
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So that's why i'm connected to so many Phex-Leafs

As "new" Phex-user AND stable Ultrapeer, i do NOT prefer too many Limewire/Frostwire Ultrapeers, they giving me too many FAKE search-results!
When i'm connected to more Phex and Bearshare Ultrapeers, and LESS Limewire/Frostwire Ultrapeers, my search-results are ALOT better!

"A Phex with at least 2h uptime (a decent Phex) is the preferred choice)"

Please keep it that way!

BTW, Bearshare seems to be alive again, there is already Bearshare version 7... or did i miss something???
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 24th, 2009
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I'm glad that you have good results with more Phex UPs

Bearshare sadly isn't alive again, but turned zombie: The bearshare developers crumbled when the Music industry threatened to sue them - they gave up all their money and all their code, so Bearshare is now a shackled program, controlled by those who are working for enslaving p2p.

Tells me "don't use unfree software, it will turn against its users as soon as that's convenient to it".

Just read the technology description page from its new owners:

Technology - musiclab

Acoustic Fingerprinting - MusicLab protects the rights of artists by employing a unique acoustic fingerprinting technology. This technology allows us to identify copyrighted content on the fly. We maintain a list of songs that should be filtered using our acoustic fingerprinting technology, and artists and music labels may contact us with a sample of their music for inclusion in the acoustic filter's database.
And it gets worse:

- Kommerzialisierung der Tauschbörsen

MusicLab LLC belongs to the company behind iMesh, which bought the Bearshre software, website and user datbase.

(that's what you can find after just 5 minutes of googling)

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 24th, 2009
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Thanks for the information... since i'm using Linux, for more then 2 years now, i haven't search and read alot about Windows p2p like Bearshare...

Well, some minutes ago i was connected to 23 Phex-clients
All of them are using OLD versions of Phex, so maybe it is an idea to show Phex-users an update-message by default when starting Phex???

At is still an OLD version available, NOT the newest version... hope this will be updated soon.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 24th, 2009
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There are still some old early BearShare 5 versions out there, you may see them occasionally. The version before the sell off. I think it was the later v.5 versions when the sale happened.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 24th, 2009
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Originally Posted by ToNneTje View Post
Thanks for the information... since i'm using Linux, for more then 2 years now, i haven't search and read alot about Windows p2p like Bearshare...
Same for me, but 5 years

But I try to keep informed about the GNutella apps for Windows just to be up to date - and the Bearshare sellout was major (bad) news.

Well, some minutes ago i was connected to 23 Phex-clients
All of them are using OLD versions of Phex, so maybe it is an idea to show Phex-users an update-message by default when starting Phex???

At is still an OLD version available, NOT the newest version... hope this will be updated soon.
We're displaying an update message during the first week, if a new version is available, and Phex has an internal download mechanism to get the newest version from Gnutella and the sourceforge servers simultaneously (in chunks).

But it's possible that users of old versions disabled the update message, just ignore it or didn't install the downloaded Phex (currently it only downloads the new version, but doesn't install it).

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 26th, 2009
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About connecting to UP-vendors... as UP and Phex user i would like to connect ONLY to Phex UP's and Leafs.
Limewire connects to Limewire UP's, Bearshare connects to Bearshare UP's, but Phex connects mostly to Limewire/Frostwire (i was connected to 29 Phex-leafs yesterday, and NO Phex UP's).

As far i understand, Phex prefer other Phex clients to connect to when they are online for at least 2 hours.
Is there a possibility to change this so that Phex will ALWAYS connect to other Phex clients when available?
I want to test this to see if i get other (better?) searchresults, less fake-files, and offcourse because it looks better in my Connection field
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2009
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Originally Posted by ToNneTje View Post
As far i understand, Phex prefer other Phex clients to connect to when they are online for at least 2 hours.
Is there a possibility to change this so that Phex will ALWAYS connect to other Phex clients when available?
I want to test this to see if i get other (better?) searchresults, less fake-files, and offcourse because it looks better in my Connection field
Sure. Do you build your Phex from subversion?

Gregor wrote some very efficient and readable comparator code in


It first checks if the last connection succeeded. Then it checks if the Host is a DecentPhex.

You can make Phex prefer Phex hosts at all times by reducing the requirements for being a DecentPhex in

just comment out the avgDailyUptime if clause in

    public boolean isDecentPhexHost()
        if ( !StringUtils.equals( vendor, "PHEX" ) )
            return false;
        if ( avgDailyUptime < 7200 )
            return false;
        if ( !isUltrapeer )
            return false;
        return true;

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2009
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Hi Arne,

"Do you build your Phex from subversion?"

I haven't build anything, i'm not an expert
But changing some settings is even for me possible to do
Do you know a good (free) .class editor, beause i can't open the files

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