February 19th, 2009
 | Gnutella Admirer | | Join Date: January 24th, 2009 Location: Netherlands
Posts: 69
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Ban Fake files (not hosts) On Phex you can BAN hosts, but most of these hosts don't know that they download (and share) fake-files!
I think it would be better to BAN (SHA1 code of) fake-files, see this image (i was searching for 'thisfileisveryfakeohyeah':
Just search for ANY name, even names that don't excist... you will see alot of fake-files, and even more hosts.
You can BAN hosts, but the fake-files will still appear in your search-results from other hosts... you can BAN fake-files (SHA1 code) and then these files will not appear anymore in your search-results, no matter how many hosts are sharing these fake-files!
Banning fake-files will be more efficient then banning hosts if you ask me... but i'm not an expert so maybe i'm completely wrong...
Last edited by ToNneTje; February 19th, 2009 at 10:18 AM.