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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2005
Join Date: November 23rd, 2005
Location: London
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chriss888 is flying high
Default Limeloaders

Why is it that Limewire users appear to be the worst offenders when it comes to freeloading?
Surely it shouldn't be so difficult to add features to FrostWire that allow you to asess in an accurate and fair manner as to if someone is freeloading. Also it takes a lot of time and is tricky to block someone that you are sure is freeloading. Why not just add a feature that blocks freeloaders?

Last edited by chriss888; November 25th, 2005 at 06:19 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2005
et voilà's Avatar
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Because there are no ways to be sure that the users are freeloading or not contributing back to the network. Browse host is not working always and users can be partial file sharing even if they don't share complete files. Users could also contribute to network by being ultrapeer....

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2005
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limewire is flying high

Does tools->options->advanced->preferencing not do this? I leave mine on '1' and 'Rarely' but could set other values...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2005
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chriss888 is flying high

Thanks for the replies.
I searched the forums prev. for info regarding freeloaders and have set my preferences to 1 and rarely - but am certain that freeloaders are still getting through.
Don't misunderstand me; I don't have a problem making stuff available. I am sharing files that I haven't downloaded and stuff that I think may be of interest is always put into my available directories.
I'm running Mac powerbooks and PC and using the Mac for up and downloads. I'm not really sure why anyone would go to the trouble of up and downing on different machines
PC you might have to be patient with but my Macs fly like very fast flying things. I understand about ultrapeers and I also understand about people in different regions wiith different connections; I'm lucky I got good machines and an 8meg Bulldog connection but I still reckon Limewire is the bastion of freeloaders. Is it a coincidence that when you browse Limwire people that you can communicate with you get to see what they are sharing? I'm going to root out an article I read in The New Scientist about freeloaders and check to see if I can post it here. The gist of the research was thar where people in communties id themselves there seemed to be some sort of community conscience and freeloading became a rarity. Failing a sudden change in the morals and etiquette of Limeloaders-sorry, freeloaders using Limewire I think that it shouldn't be so difficult to make the system freeloader proof.
Any further comment would be much appreciated.

Last edited by chriss888; November 24th, 2005 at 09:54 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2005
Join Date: November 24th, 2005
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thaifun is flying high

is tehre a way for me to block for example "all LW-users with LW-releases that tell me they dont share music ?"

It makes me angry to see that there are always some people trying to get some "loved" tracks at lowspeed
and suddenly some LW user connects, loads "his stuff" and...I KNOW he is not least not as far as music is concerned


well I know theres NO way, jsut wanted to get this out
/ :-(
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2005
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Only A Hobo

I have a feeling many hosts put up a very large share but set their uploading bandwidth to zero or close, suffering from some delusion that this will make their downloads faster. I came across one recently. I could browse him no problem, but could not download a single thing. Each time I checked his share had gone up, and on this occasion I am sure I was getting a true reading. He appeared to be sharing, and could not be identified as a freeloader, but he most certainly was.
I am not sure I agree with that statement, I could see the person you are talking about being me. I share at a minimum of 100GB at times up to 300GB depending on which drives I am sharing. Now there are times that I am uploading to 5 at 40Kb/s and they all are downloading files from me that are 400Mb to 900Mb in size which can take days for them to finish.

Now if you were browsing me which you can I have chat enabled and you tried Qing me the odds are you would not even get in my Q. Generally my Q is full within 20 sec. of sighing on so from what you said above the odds are you would say I was not sharing.
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Later Grandpa
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2005
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You can see realtime stats in the statistics... i say this because you can also view rejected uploads by going to Tools > Statistics > Advanced (check) > Uploads > Responses. Then look at Freeloader.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2005
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Default To Hobo and Grandpa

I'm always gratified to find your posts in a thread. Your posts normally get to the crux of the matter. Grandpa, early on, your post concerning bandwidth and slots solved a problem for me. Have you ever considered writing a supplement to the LW user's manual (step by step setup of options)? Or, starting a NEWBIE THREAD and redirecting the query to the correct thread?

I've been using LW for about 1 1/2 years. Wading through the threads and weeding out "guess work" responses is a daunting task for a beginner (see my other posts). I practiced the old adage that "You aren't learning anything while you do the talking (or typing)". Finally, I had to post a few times.

Concerning freeloaders: Are we getting paranoid about sharing? Everyone was a beginner once. Where did the paranoids get the files they are so jealously guarding now? Of course there are freeloaders but there are more serious problems caused by sharing partial and completed downloads and replicating garbage. I never share these until I have QA'd them and then they go into my shared folders and not before.

I share on 2 machines (one or both at the same time) unless, like Hobo, I'm forced off by thunderstorms which causes power failures here or generates lightning to destroy modems, routers or NICs. I have no restrictions on numbers of downloads per person. If I have it, they are welcome to it, unlike the "I've got mine, you get your's" mentality.

I doubt that I have been considered a freeloader but I'm sure I've been accused of being greedy. The reason; I try not to share commonly available files. I'm always looking for those seldom available files which are only available semi-annually it seems. These Hosts seem to only be online on their birthdays or some such. When they are, I try to download as many of their files as possible and then share them 24 hours a day. Probably qualifies me as unmannerly but, my intentions are honorable.

I also take issue with posts LOLing about how upload attempts are thwarted. You don't know the situation on the other end. It could be your Grandmother! Not everyone out there is a professional like some think they are.

There. I've said it and I'm glad!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2005
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The Elder

Thanks for the compliment I like you statement about learning.

My grand father told me many years ago when I was about knee high to a grasshopper that any day I did not learn something was a day that I wasted. He also added that if later on I forgot what I had learned on that day the the day that I had learned it had been wasted. I took those statements to heart and have tried to learn something every day and stash it away in the old memory vault and hopefully I have not wasted too many day of my life.

I have found this forum to be one of the best around it has some very good moderators and members who have ethic and moral values and who genuinely like to help people. Thus my choice to try and share some of the Knowledge I have gained over time.

Only A Hobo

There has only been 1 tool that I know of that was effective at determining and blocking Leaches it was made for WinMx and it was called MxMonitor. But the WinMx net was more efficient a browsing capabilities and chat you could browse and chat with virtually every body that was on the net. I wish the Gnutella net worked as well in that department.

When I was running WinMx along with MxMonitor I set up that you had to share at least 1 file because I was a newbie once. People would ask why they could not download from me I in turn would ask why they were not sharing. Some times they would answer back with there reasons other times they would cuss me out and sometime no reply. Never did anyone reply that they were sharing and that MxMonitor was messed up. So I know it is possible to to make a application that works just maybe not for the Gnutella network

It also had some other cool features like auto trade. If you had a file someone wanted and they had a file you wanted it would start them automatically and if they didn't start you within x amount of time it would disconnect them.

There was one feature you probably would have appreciate you could limit the amount of files a person could Q at a time if they went over that it would take them out of your Q and block there IP address. My self I would empty the baned IP log every 24 hrs so that people always had the chance to change there ways and download from me.

Writing about the WinMx days reminds me of a lesson I once learned myself. I was among the early computer users to learn about scam sites. You see I paid $11.00 for WinMx and it like LimeWire Basic was free. I myself made the same mistake allot of people make I did a Internet search for it found a site that said download unlimited music and software legal and free and bought the lifetime membership. I did not know I had been scammed for quite a while hell why would I it worked and everything was free. And why would I want to add 2 & 2 together it might make 4 then I would have to think about it.

So when I say to someone welcome to the legions of the scammed. I have every right to say it because I am a member of that legion myself.
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2005
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Default Hobo-our last tryst

I think we resolved the last issue which was about LW .30 having the toilet paper icon concerning "Individually shared files". You just automatically shared newly downloaded files and didn't appear to be able to do anything about it.

Two days ago, I decided to try .30 again and see if I couldn't fight it. Someone must have listened to us, or others, because the feature is no longer mandatory. You can opt out.

I went to your link about automatically generated spam. Good to know you are on top of things. And here I thought I had discovered a new disease threatening mankind!

Now, if you would just use your political influence to provide a way to notify a host that a particular file "Ain't What He Thinks it is". If you can browse a host, I would think there would be a way to flag a file or send an automated note asking him to look at a particular file. These files are spreading like bird flu. I posted in a thread where a typo I made on a shared file returned over 450 results in a search I did 6 months later. It had the exact typo error and anyone who looked at it would have known it That is not a serious problem but it demonstrates how quickly a bad file can replicate.

My other Christmas wish is for Bitcollider to have a simple "here's what it says. here's what it should say". I don't have the slightest idea as to the accuracy of all the tags they offer you to QA. And, their site is slow. I'm not sure I see the same screen twice when I do send them a file. I'd rather spend my time with LW but I'm willing to help their effort if it doesn't cause physical or mental anquish.

I applaud you for your efforts to help abandoned waifs in the forums. I found two such LW user's in the wrong forum. One had languished there for 2 weeks without a response and the other was soundly chastised for being in the forum at all (not a LW forum). I e-mailed them both with answers to their simple problems and offers to help more if they needed it. I also apologized for the way they were treated and recommended they get in the correct forum and read the stickies. I believe they are recommending me for Sainthood very soon. I only responded to the easy ones. Of course the way some questions are asked I don't know the answer because I don't understand their question. Again, newbies need some hand holding.
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