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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old December 11th, 2005
Join Date: December 10th, 2005
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Laph is flying high

well thanks to them links you posted i found that that dll was with my pcs connection manager, so i went found a newer version and tried it and it worked so now what to use frost wire or lime wire?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old December 11th, 2005
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Fantastic ... so you sorted the problem?!! Well choice of program is yours. Some of us use both (but not at the same time.) I read in another post that both can be used at the same time so long as they don't use the same port. But you'd be sharing bandwidth between the 2 so don't know if that's wise anyway unless you have a super fast connection.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old December 11th, 2005
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SUN Java JRE 1.5.0_05 or _06 is recommended. Unless its absolutely necisarry, please do not recommend users to download versions of the JRE which are known to cause problems with the current FW software version(s). JRE 1.5 or later is required to install and use FW in the windows version. Any JRE versions below 1.5 are unsupported and have been known to cause crashes and various problems. (These crashes are witnessed with bug reports that we have received)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old December 16th, 2005
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manny666 is flying high
Default java log

can you please tell me how to create or find a similar java log like the one you posted? i am having a similar problem with LW and java 1_5_6. LW keeps shutting down after running for a random amount of time. i'd like to find out which application is interfering.

thank you.

Originally posted by Laph
well thanks to them links you posted i found that that dll was with my pcs connection manager, so i went found a newer version and tried it and it worked so now what to use frost wire or lime wire?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Thumbs down Tried Frostwire and Java 1.4

Tried the Java trick with removing 1.5 and replaced it with 1.4/09 and it worked, Frostwire doesn't close now.

This happened for awhile, then it began to behave the same way and shutting off.

Last edited by Haggar; January 2nd, 2006 at 02:37 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
Join Date: January 15th, 2006
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benyahuda is flying high
Default crashing

I also have troubles with both Limewire and Frostwire crashing.

I am running Windows XP SP-2 freshly installed, all updates and the current Java. Actually I let Frostwire do a web-install of Java as neither application seems able to 'see' an existing Java VM on my computer. I choose Frostwire to install the Java VM as it requests the current VM where Limewire Pro downloads an earlier version of Java for some reason. And yes the crashing occurs on the older Java too. Now.

With both programs the whole system crashes and reboots after a random period of time. This interval decreases with each new attempt to use the applications. Limewire tends to run about 2-3 times longer than Frostwire before crashing, but in both apps the TTTCFS (Total Time To Crash From Startup) decreases with each restart.

I had no troubles with earlier versions of Limewire. And actually my current Limewire Pro rarely crashed before I tried Frostwire. But now it crashes regularly, the same as Frostwire (it just runs longer before crashing). These intervals start out at about 30-40 minutes shortening down to just a couple of minutes after several restarts. I have re-installed Windows to no effect.

What gets me here is that I had no trouble with Limewire until I tried Frostwire. Removing Frostwire and even reformatting my HD (just the one where they and the OS reside) does not correct the problem. They both continue to crash. And it is only them. I can continue installing everything else with no crashes, unless I try Lime-FrostWire again. Then reboot city.

I hope someone has some ideas about what may be causing this behavior as other than the crashing these are two fine programs.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
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Haggar is flying high
Unhappy LImewire and Frostwire

I have error messages. "program needs to close" and it is blaming a ntdll.dll file in Windows as the fault. I have read that there is a ntdll.dll file at that can fix that, but ntdll.dll loads with windows, have not tried to replace ntdll.dll in safe mode.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old January 17th, 2006
Join Date: January 15th, 2006
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benyahuda is flying high
Default Frostwire crashing

I have now installed the current beta of LimeWire (4.10) and it does not crash??? The stable version (4.9.23) crashes with regularity while the beta is stable??

I really prefer Frostwire though because while it IS running it seems to outperform LimeWire Pro (4.9.23), which also crashes regularly. It seems especially better with search results.

I also have a question. Why do these programs hog all of my bandwidth.

Say it is showing 24 Kb down and 30 Kb up on a 400Kb (actual) connection, why if it is only using 54Kb is my broadband crippled and slowed to a crawl. I can use BitTorrent or a regular D/L manager at rates bumping and even exceeding the supposed 400KB (3meg) pipeline with NO noticeable slowdown as far as browsing is concerned. If LimeWire is running, even at the example 54 Kb, I can't browse.

Last edited by benyahuda; January 18th, 2006 at 10:41 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2006
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Default Re: Frostwire crashing

Originally posted by benyahuda
Why do these programs hog all of my bandwidth.
You can control bandwidth via your settings. FW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Uploads>Basic & Downloads. Perhaps you should reduce them both a little to allow you to browse.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2006
Join Date: January 15th, 2006
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benyahuda is flying high
Default Frostwire crashing

  • "Originally posted by benyahuda Why do these programs hog all of my bandwidth."

Lord of the Rings

I know about the "Tools>Options>Uploads>Basic & Downloads" options. If I use that option to throttle Lime/FrostWire the very first tic on the slider reduces the Lime/FrostWire bandwidth to approximately 44 KBs. I was just curious why Lime/FrostWire wants to lay claim to ALL available bandwidth even if only a small portion is actually being used by the application. Other BitTorrent clients and download managers do not do this.

Back on topic. I'm going to try doing a search later with FrostWire (which seems to search best) and then after it crashes my system I'll uninstall it and reinstall the LimeWire beta (which doesn't crash) just as an experiment to see if the combination will give me a 'near FrostWire experience'.

Older versions did not crash my system. This behavior began with just the last couple of releases. Along with the LimeWire Beta which doesn't cause any crashes, older versions of LimeWire are stable also.

Thanks for replying to my post though. I'll try throttling the application to see if it will still perform adequately while I'm on-line, allowing me to use the net myself. If it works, it's not that big a deal to set and reset those options when needed.
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