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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old January 19th, 2006
Join Date: January 19th, 2006
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Cerah is flying high
Default The problem

I had the problem at first with frostwire, especially through my high speed proxy, but it seems that Frostwire, unlike Limewire needs you to enable large system cache possibly and definitely have a pagefile, even though I have 2 GB of RAM. I'd set processor time to background services too which I've always had so that Java gets equal processing time as Frostwire. It is much better than limewire Pro even though similar interface. It just works for connecting to users through my proxy so much better, and the fact they aren't working on censoring P2P is a definite plus. But yes it don't search as fast even when running right but compare user connectivity to Limewire, much better. But the crash is a windows issue you can override by applying the settings I said. They all can be accessed by right clicking on My computer, then clicking settings under performance. I set my pagefile to 3 GB as I have 2 GB RAM and 180 GB hard drive. You should set a static size so windows don't waste processing time adjusting it. Good luck.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2006
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Default Re: The problem

Originally posted by Cerah
I had the problem at first with frostwire, especially through my high speed proxy, but it seems that Frostwire, unlike Limewire needs you to enable large system cache possibly and definitely have a pagefile, even though I have 2 GB of RAM. I'd set processor time to background services too which I've always had so that Java gets equal processing time as Frostwire. It is much better than limewire Pro even though similar interface. It just works for connecting to users through my proxy so much better, and the fact they aren't working on censoring P2P is a definite plus. But yes it don't search as fast even when running right but compare user connectivity to Limewire, much better. But the crash is a windows issue you can override by applying the settings I said. They all can be accessed by right clicking on My computer, then clicking settings under performance. I set my pagefile to 3 GB as I have 2 GB RAM and 180 GB hard drive. You should set a static size so windows don't waste processing time adjusting it. Good luck.
I already have a goodly sized page file (4096 min - 4096 max) and also have 2 gigs of ram which I don't believe to be a problem anyway. If I have a process manager running it usually shows that I'm using less than 500 MB ram and about 160 MB of the pagefile. Storage is no problem either as I have nearly a terrabyte of HD's.

This crashing does NOT happen with old builds OR the new LimeWire beta. So I Have a little trouble laying the blame on a Windows problem as it ONLY happens with my LimeWire Pro and the current release of Frostwire. The crash is something serious though. As with both applications it isn't just the application freezing or crashing. It is a fatal system error which does NOT appear in the system log but does result in a reboot.

I will agree that while FrostWire has not been stable on my system it definately seems to be faster than LimeWire, even Pro. It has been too unstable to actually test accurately. But after running them both as well as they will. Starting one right after the other has crashed, with the same searches, download lists, and upload lists, FrostWire seems faster.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2006
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I've noticed LW has released 4.10.4 & 4.10.5 so some of the bug fixes might filter thru to FrostWire's next beta release.
There's a chance these fixes might be what's affecting people in this thread. The present FW beta is 4.10.3
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2006
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Default """CRASHING'''''

Its not your Java causing the problem you need to delete your Limewire and Frostwire make sure you delete it all in the Registry too and Temp files ... Once you have done this you need to reinstall the programs and with Version 4.10 and your problems will go away NO more crashing because I to had the same problem and now its gone once I did what I just asked you too do ....Good Luck
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2006
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Default ''''''''CRASH'''''''

Originally posted by Only A Hobo
pinky, just because it worked for you does not neccessarily mean that it will work for every other user on the forums .. oh...... that life were that simple your advise is not helpful. Sometimes a doctored version of LW pro could solve the problem eh? .... go away
Well if you think your ******* better then why haven't you fixed there problem then and further more if you read back like I did after I sent you the message I too found out many other people have had the same problem and they fixed it by REINSTALLING a newer version you ******* MORRON ....JAVA you so called wanabee computer tecs ...... you come on here asking for help and someone gives a good idea to fix the problem and you tell them too go away well why don't you go away you **** up...and then I read its not his JAVA like I said it was so who was closer to the truth you morron ...
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2006
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Pinky what you are suggesting as a fix will not necessarily work, to tell them to install 4.10 as you did is not the way...

You emailed me last night and asked me to contact you through MSN, so I did you then proceeded to tell me that I needed to get rid of my version of LW and you would send me a version of PRO that you downloaded through a p2p app....So to tell someone to get rid of a legit version and install another is not the right thing to do when you know yourself its not what you instead installed a copy of PRO in which you did not pay for.....

This is the thread that lead to our conversation on MSN....
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2006
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Is it possible for any of you to open FW/LW, leave it by itself & have incompletes start downlding on their own? If yes, please allow this & see if the cpu/ram use is as high as before. And that's without using the search function at all. I'd be curious to know whether the FW/LW file searching is causing this jump in cpu/ram use.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; January 22nd, 2006 at 01:10 PM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2006
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benyahuda is flying high

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Is it possible for any of you to open LW, leave it by itself & have incompletes start downlding on their own? If yes, please allow this & see if the cpu/ram use is as high as before. And that's without using the search function at all. I'd be curious to know whether the LW file searching is causing this jump in cpu/ram use.
If you are referring to my various problems, it's not a matter of high CPU or RAM usage being the problem. Rarely do either application use more than say 15% (by Task Manager's display) with total CPU usage mostly in the 1-5% range. And Process Manager and Task Manager both show a total memory load of less than 25% physical RAM and less than 5% of the Page File.

By my observation CPU and RAM have little or nothing to do with my experience. I certainly won't accuse F/Lwire of being poorly programmed as I think they are two fine applications. It is very likely that I have something which is causing a serious conflict. I don't think it's a problem with XP really either. I have had the same results on both an nlited version of XP and with a fresh standard install.

Both LimeWire and FrostWire eat pretty much all of my bandwidth no matter how little of it they are actually using. My little but accurate example was even if L/Fwire were only actually using 50 Kb they both insist on hogging all 4-500 Kb available. This is even with upload limits set at around 40Kb.

I have re-installed XP again (I do a lot of beta testing so XP never gets very old on my machine) and will try them again along with your suggestion. I just find it strange that older versions exhibit no bad behavior, nor does the newest LimeWire beta. But I have nothing but trouble with the current 'stable' releases of LimeWire Pro and FrostWire.

Thanks again for the responses here
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2006
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Could you do a speed test and post the results here.
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Later Grandpa
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2006
Join Date: January 15th, 2006
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benyahuda is flying high

{Quote........Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Is it possible for any of you to open LW, leave it by itself & have incompletes start downlding on their own? If yes, please allow this & see if the cpu/ram use is as high as before. And that's without using the search function at all. I'd be curious to know whether the LW file searching is causing this jump in cpu/ram use........)

I Tried this on a new XP Pro Install (unmodified-i.e.. not nlited or anything that might compromise the test) with J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 6 and then installed FrostWire. I pointed FrostWire at existing shared folders and it immediately picked up just like it should.

It settled down with downloading 5 or 6-7 files at approximately 100 Kbs and uploading a few at about 40 Kbs (no search used - just existing files as asked). I started Process Explorer and let it graph CPU usage and for the entire time FrostWire ran until it crashed (about 12 -15 minutes) I never saw CPU usage pass 70% (I was doing some other things too) and FrostWire by itself never took more than about 28%, usually it was around 18% or so.

I then uninstalled FrostWire and cleaned up the loose ends I could (from the uninstall) and installed the newest LimeWire beta that I have and everything is OK. No crashing.

And while I didn't give LimeWire Pro a try this time I'm convinced from recent experience that it would have started crashing too. It just would have run a little longer before crashing.

By the by, I re-ran FrostWire four times and it crashed all four times. Never running more than 15 minutes or so before the crash.

And for Grandpa the results from the speed tests were:
  • running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 244.46Kb/s
    running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 2.96Mb/s
    Your receive buffer (32.0 KByte) limits the application to 2.76 Mbps
    The network based flow control limits the application to 2.88 Mbps
    Client Data reports link is 'T1', Client Acks report link is 'T1'

Last edited by benyahuda; January 22nd, 2006 at 11:14 PM.
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