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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
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Question can bitzi be used for starting downloads ?

Got the new version now and cpu is back to normal 3-8% instead of the 100%. Good work frostwire crew, even though I don't see why a version like that would ever be available in the first place.

Now for some questions:

I read somewhere that Ultrapeers should make the searches faster and just as effective. But when using Frostwire connecting to 3 peers I get alot less search results then with Limewire Pro connecting to 5 peers, and I can't help thinking that the number of peers is the issue here. Has anyone looked in to this and has a better answer to this 3 or 5 ultrapeers issue?
I know alot of the "extra" searchresults take a long time to download, but a slow download is a lot better than no download.

1. Is there a way to add files for download, just using bitzi, some link or code or something? I know the files are there. I can find them with limewire pro, but frostwire downloads alot better and more stable I think. Limewire Pro is more of an upload program, at least for me, with exactly the same settings. I don't have much luck or rather no luck in running two P2P programs at the same time so I'll try to stick with Frostwire if it can be optimized better.

2. If not. Is there any way to find searchresults with limewire search and then somehow adding them to the frostwire downloads?

Even if it's really complicated I would really like to know how.

If I'm in the wrong subjectforum for this just move the tread

Last edited by Sleepless; January 31st, 2006 at 07:14 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
ultracross's Avatar
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you can have frostwire finish limewire downloads by using the same saving directory for your files in both applications.

Just set LimeWire and FrostWire to save files in the same directory. Start the download in limewire, close limewire, open frostwire. FrostWire should start resuming limewire's incomplete files automatically.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
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I have tried that, but it only works when installing frostwire for the first time I think.

Of course I could install it everytime I find a new file with limewire but how do I do that unless its a new version ?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
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nope, it should work everytime.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
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For some stupid reason it doesn't work on my PC. Oh well, I will try deleting the whole thing and reinstall both after I have completed my current downloads. Or is there a way to copy the incomplete folder after I reinstall ? Do I need to save any other files from the programs to get them to work again ?

I mean If I clean the PC completely for any file connected to FrostWire/LimeWire

On to my other question. I there any way that I can use the hashes from Bitziweb, to start downloads? What code will I need to write in what files?

I'm a fast learner. I don't mind if it's a bit complicated. I was more hoping for an answer on that one
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
ultracross's Avatar
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1) the incomplete directory will stay in the same parent level as your download folder.

2) frostwire will not launch magnet links autimatically at this time. you can however, install limewire, setup both to use the same port number, then open frostwire, launch the link, and limewire should forward the link to frostwire. OR you could start the download in limewire and resume it in frostwire. but your having problems with the latter one i see.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
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Default waiting paitiently for next release instead

I have givin up. Both on Frostwire and Limewire 10.0.5. I simply can't get any of them to run properly on my PC

I have downgraded to Limewire 4.9.37pro and it's working perfectly

Hope you get the bugs sorted out soon

(edit: 10.0.5 is suppose to be 4.10.5

Last edited by Sleepless; February 10th, 2006 at 12:05 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
ultracross's Avatar
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what bugs? and where is this 10.0.5 number coming from? frostwire's and limewire's latest version is 4.10.5
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2006
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Hi Sleepless....
With Bitzi you can start a download from it, Im not sure if you can when your not a member though...
I found when I joined Bitzi, you can scroll down to the magnet link on the file you have selected and this will open LW up automatically and start the downloading for you, but many a time you will get the need more sorces...
Hope this helps.....
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2006
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Default sorry I mean 4.10.5

Don't know where or why I got that number in my head. This isn't the first time I write 10.0.5 instead of 4.10.5

Wondering why
I meant in Frostwire. Thanks for the reply though. I am allready a member, allthough peoples rating systems tend to differ alot. Some will say DVD quality when it isn't much better than TMD. And others will say that it's a crap download, just because they didn't like the plot
Do you know of any real entusiasts, that share hints and tips that might not be popular on the forum. Please PM me if you do

The reason I started using Frostwire was because Limewire was acting up. Then Frostwire started acting up. I can't get the new versions to work. When I downgraded to 4.9.37 it works fine, so there are some bugs left

In the new versions as oppose to the old version:
Downloads won't start and nothing happens when I press resume or find sources, it just keeps saying awaiting sources
Much fewer searchresults
downloads that work are very slow, and connecting to fewer hosts when downloading

One thing that most definently does not work, is the (how many files to share to not be a freeloader) I have it set on 50 and rarely allow freeloaders, which is the absolute lowest setting. The last time I was using Frostwire 3 files were being uploaded and about 10 different IP's qeued. 1 was unbrowsable 1 was sharing 10 files and the last one was sharing 3. I then browsed people that were waiting in line, and some of them had over 500 files. Most definently a bug

I might add that I am using Limewire 4.9.37 Pro now, so it is normal to get more results, but it isn't normal that there is that big a difference.

I use XP Home MCE 2005 all available updates
J2SE runtime enviroment 5.0 (update 6)
Panda Platinum 2005 Antivirus
MS (Giant) Antispyware
Peerguardian 2

Router is a SMC BRA 7204 I think, I use UPnP. I am firewalled but let Limewire through

if that helps in solving anything

Last edited by Sleepless; February 10th, 2006 at 12:00 PM.
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