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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old February 3rd, 2006
Join Date: January 18th, 2006
Location: Newcaslte Australia
Posts: 19
Ridgewal is flying high
Default ultracrooss

hi i think its very clear im talking of what you moderator should know i feel i just dont use grammer just words
clearly now
why does the skins not have any graphics in there download from the fw site ok
they are lwtp file ok but they have no grapihics theefore o h damn here ill make it crystal clear

How to upload themes
It is currently not possible to upload themes directly. However, if you send the theme via eMail to, we will put it online manually.

Available themes
Blue (download blue_theme.lwtp (
Winter (download winter_theme.lwtp (
Halloween (download halloween_theme.lwtp (
Valentine (download valentine_theme.lwtp (
Abstract (download abstract_theme.lwtp (
Frozen (download frozen_theme.lwtp (
Duck's (download duck's_theme.lwtp ('s_theme.lwtp))
Easter (download Easter_theme.lwtp (
St-Patrick's (download St-Patricks_theme.lwtp (

How to install downloaded themes
You have to manually drop the .lwtp file in the themes directory and then refresh FrostWire themes library via the menu or simply restart FrostWire

Emplacement of themes directory for:

Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\*yourusername*\Application Data\FrostWire\themes Note: Application Data folder is hidden by default, you have to play with the menu Tools -> Folder options in Windows Explorer
Mac OS X: /*yourusername*/Library/Preferences/FrostWire/themes

Pretty clear now i think see the d\l themes they are put in ther correct folder but they have no graphics aanyone help
B rad
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
ultracross's Avatar
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ultracross is flying high


can anyone else understand that? if so, would you be so kind to answer him?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
Join Date: January 18th, 2006
Location: Newcaslte Australia
Posts: 19
Ridgewal is flying high
Default dont worry ill work it out myself

ultra you must not be very lateral in your thinking i know its as clear as mud i even pasted the stuff from the fw website and you dont our can't see anyway not to worry ill figure it out myself
you know the old saying if you want something done
you may as well do it yourself
no prob thanks for belittling me real cool there anyway see ya
have fun
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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Of course ultracross must be literal in his thinking as a programmer, because programming must be literal.

Re your skins problem: I've read over your posts several times and am not sure what you are asking.

I think you want to know where some graphics are stored, so you can change them, and you expect all the graphics to be stored in the lwtp skins files.

Which graphics do you want to change?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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Hi Ridgewal, out of curiousity do you speak any other languages. I notice in your profile you spelled your home city incorrectly. Probably just a typing mistake. (I'm based a state across from NSW.)

BTW it's possible to create your own skins if you have the correct tools.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
Join Date: August 17th, 2003
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limewire is flying high

I think he doesn't know about changing the lwtp extension to zip and unzipping to get to the graphic files. Ridgewal if you come back there are instructions here. And somebody get ultracross a hooker, he's wound up too tight.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
Join Date: January 18th, 2006
Location: Newcaslte Australia
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Ridgewal is flying high
Default Hi L.O.T.R and Stief

thankyou for responding. yes i speak my aboroginal language kattang its a dialect of my peolpe we come from the Karuah River area NSW.
but i have always spoken english i have just not been very good at it.
I understand i just need to slow down when i think and write becuase my mind works faster much faster then me hands i also have im sure some kind of A.D.H.D as you can see it in my writing style anyway thankyou for your responses

this is my query:

when i download the themes from the FW site they downloaded ok.
i put them in the correct folder and then refresh the skins. but when restarting FW and then checking if the skins are there to use (such brushed metal) they are not.

What confuses me is that in this folder the theme folder for FW there are .lwtp files this i can see.
and they have folders there to that contain there graphics
, this is pretty clear to me as i can physical see them ( ie such as brushmetal ltwp file and a folder called brushed metalwhich hold the graphics)
This is my prob when i download say halloween the .lwtp is there thats cool but there are no graphics ie graphic folder downloaded in the theme folder
Why is that guys is that clear now thankyou
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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Hello Ridgewal

The brushed metal theme and some of the other Mac themes don't work on Windows, but the Hallowe'en theme should work.

I just downloaded it, and had to change the extension from .lwtp.txt to .lwtp

Once the file was properly named "halloween_theme.lwtp" Frostwire was able to load it.

Would you see if renaming the file to "halloween_theme.lwtp" works?

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
Join Date: January 18th, 2006
Location: Newcaslte Australia
Posts: 19
Ridgewal is flying high
Default hi stief

well ive included these pictures to show you that brushed metal is osx i think thats mac but guess what it loads on a windows enviroment ive got xp and the photo is to show you that it there but i dont get any result changing the download to .lwtp instead of txt as i just aint working for me but have alook at the other pictue it has apic of my themes folder as is before i download other themes if that help you help me thankyou but if its not ok then thats cool
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Last edited by Ridgewal; February 7th, 2006 at 02:34 AM.
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