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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 21st, 2006
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Default who shall we blame for child porn!

I was reading a thread on a different forum, about a woman complaining about child porn.
· (I was just recently disgusted when I found out what **keyword NOT post such search parameters** stands for well I still don't know but its got something to do with child porn....
and believe it or not but people are using limewire to share child porn its sick and its twisted and there has to b something the creators of limewire or whoever from limewire can do)

Is she disgusted that she couldn’t find out what pthc stands for?
I don’t know either, (could someone let me know please)

· And believe it or not but people are using limewire to share child porn!

Is there a lot of child porn? I have seen some references for it, (I have never seen any, nor do I wish to.) or are there a few films made along time ago that has circulated about? Because a only a few years ago it was illegal for any pornographic films or images. And now there are millions!

And what do you think people use p2p for, the majority of us only use it for illegal purposes, I mean LEGAL purposes.

Life is short,
I don’t earn much,
The cost of living is high,
And I want everything free!
I am a father, and a Grandfather, and anyone in the child porn industry should be Castrated with 2 bricks bashed together.

Should we the users of this site, police our own site for files such as child porn? Let the Governments do it, the admins, who shall we blame?

Last edited by Peerless; September 29th, 2006 at 04:46 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 22nd, 2006
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The good news is that the FBI does seem pretty aggressive with this kind of stuff. There was something in the news pretty recently about one of these kiddie-porn rings getting broken up.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 22nd, 2006
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2006
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Thankyou for this inffo erickmcpeanut (good site)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 12th, 2006
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Default Whom shall we blame for child porn!

A good question. Hugh Heffner and Playboy magazine for starters. He brought what was was then considered porn into the mainstream and made it commercially viable. The porn industry is now a multibillion dollar industry and they are always expanding the envelope of what can be published and shown.

How long before paedophiles and their child lovers demand the right of adoption, I wonder? Ahhh love...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2006
Join Date: September 29th, 2006
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This topic should be left alone...............krike

Last edited by cooljoebay; August 20th, 2011 at 02:51 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2006
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Originally Posted by cooljoebay
This topic should be left open....
and just what makes you think it will be closed????

as far as blame, the first ppl to blame are the ppl who are sharing the files...

the second ppl just might be the law, as they I'm sure are some of the sharers of such files (sting operations), and I'm also quite sure those files get spread all over because of that...

as far as real enforcement, well many users of networks make a point of logging the IP addys of ppl sharing quantities of the stuff and reporting the offenders...

I've got to say, I find the current 'trend' of super stiff penalties for mere digital images to be disturbing....WHY???? you scream, because many many times said penalties are far harsher than the person who actually abused the child gets..and that makes me think real hard before I report think are they sharing enough of said illegal files to justify the amount of trouble they just might get into? I mean really, who did the most harm? a person who downed some images/videos, or a person who is actually doing the nasty deed (the answer should be rather obvious....)?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2006
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Actually, start with PartII and read your way up.

Ask yourself why you're NOT hearing more about this. Pete

And, why was this broadcast killed before it could air?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 20th, 2006
Join Date: November 19th, 2006
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Pornografi has been around since there are Cameraes hell there are even Paintings of Erotic nature its not differnt with children pornografi even the old Greeks abused young girls and boys to think any P2P Program has something to do with it is simply hilariously stupid. Ofcourse it makes it easier to spread and back 2000 years ago not every movie clip was transfered over the entire world in a matter of seconds but in the end there is nearly always a down side to everything i mean consider Cars how many millions of people get killed by them every year hell every day thou i dont hear you mourning about it i guees you still drive in one everyday.
Ofcourse child Pornografi is a bad thing but thinking P2P Networks are the Problem is pretty stupid.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 4th, 2007
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Frankly, I don't get upset about child porn unless real children are used. As long as it is just a creation from someone's mind, similar to cartoon except perhaps a little more real looking, then so what? In fact having simulated child porn available, may satisfy the craving someone feels and thereby eliminate the real child porn.

I realize most people are emotional and not logical; however, I would willingly permit 1,000 simulations if that would prevent 1 child from being used.

Short of gently giving them a shot that will let them go to sleep forever, there is not much you can do to prevent people from acting on their cravings. I don't believe they can control their cravings. However, if their cravings can be satisfied with simulations and, if that in turn, will reduce the actual harm to children, I don't believe people's objections are logical.

I personally don't wish to watch crude porn or much violence in videos so, when I find it, I just delete. However, if others like it, that is find with me as long as they don't expose me to it.
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