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christodavies May 29th, 2006 11:59 AM

Cant download from more than 2 hosts...?
Hi. I am unable to download with more than any more than 2 hosts. I am currently downloading from a download with 130+ hosts but I only get 2. And its a maximum of 20kps and this is for all downloads from other users as well.

Can anyone help?


q8_monster May 31st, 2006 05:29 PM

maybe this problem from your conniction .. im using 320kb speed but still downloding from 10 hosts only !! is there higher than 10 hosts ?? im using pro ver ..

stief May 31st, 2006 06:33 PM

FrostWire doesn't have a Pro version (unless I'm really out of touch ;) )

A FrostWire with a T3 connection can download from 12 hosts. A LimeWire Pro with a T3 connection can download from 15 hosts.

Lord of the Rings May 31st, 2006 06:45 PM

10 hosts per downld is the max for LW pro., 8 is the max for LW Basic or FW (FrostWire.)

Beware if you see 100 results of one particular file. It may be a dud file. The spammers ae now spamming dud files for large files also ... obvious by the 100 odd results for each. Choose those that are 20, 10 or less hosts.

stief May 31st, 2006 07:55 PM

LOTR: I was answering about T3 connections, not cable/T1.

Lord of the Rings May 31st, 2006 08:05 PM

Apologies ... I haven't had that type of experience so excuse me ... & excuse my ignorance :D
I'm on a very modest speed personally.

stief May 31st, 2006 08:25 PM

btw--I set speed preferences for "T3" and can DL at max, but have to throttle UL's to the minimum setting for a T3 (~93KB/s) to stay within my UL range.

see for an example.

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