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ineedhelp303 April 3rd, 2007 03:39 PM

Frostwire donation scam???...
limewire wasnt working for me and i got frostwire but before i could dwnld. it it asked would you like to make a small donation or something like that and in bold letters it said Yes and in lighter unbold letters it said no i clicked no but once i had it dwnlded. i got one song and a popup from pay - pal came up saying i made a donation af $15 has this happened to anyone else?but once i got rid of frostwire it didnt popup again.

wondering why April 3rd, 2007 10:24 PM

I have never heard of this scam before...I would contact paypal and tell them of this....Ummmm, how did paypal get your details in the first place ???
Did you fill in your details before downloading frostwire ??

garbagefan2 April 4th, 2007 09:15 AM

You can still download it for free. They just ask for a donation. If you don't want to donate there is a link next to it.

et voilą April 4th, 2007 09:41 AM

This way to get donations is really flawed. It needs to be removed. I mean, newbies think they are being charged while advanced users just find that intrusive. This is really bad PR for FW.

Bandwidth cost much, yes. But infrastructures were created to help open source projetcs that's why exists. I find the bandwidth point moot. You want to pay for the host for hosting costs of the webpage and forum? Put google adsense in the forums, this shows more respect that nearly forcing users to paypal donations. Hell, just put the donation link on the front page, I don't mind. Put a link in FW, I don't mind. But forcing people who dl FW to see donations as a nearly must is NOT good.

There are other ways to correct this. I hope It'll be corrected.

ineedhelp303 April 4th, 2007 02:44 PM

thnks everybody i was just wondering if it has happened to anyone else.=)

PoeticJaffaCake April 8th, 2007 03:31 AM

et voilà: Totally agreed. The donation option shouldn't be a guilt trip just before you download the program, it should be somewhere else on the site as an optional optional so to speak. The lightening of the link to download and not to donate also smacks of deception, why not have them both the same colour, size and boldness?

chrigian April 8th, 2007 02:30 PM

:nono: :wai: :idea: :mad:

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