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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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I'm always suspicious to new programs as for old apps when i got s&d it wants to remove wild-tangent i was like what the lol. i particularly don't like ask toolbar most of the time i look the program up on the web for reviews you never can be to careful but i just remove it if Norton points it out as malicious.

Last edited by michwayne; December 2nd, 2009 at 02:40 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough
Default Old Free Software


Something to remember, some old free software are not as "free" as they claim to be because they contained adware/spyware and back then protective apps writers did not consider "adware/spyware" to be dangerous or needed any kind of attention.

Now, however, anything that is not part of your O/S or a legitimate software installation is considered to be malware and therefore potentially dangerous.

UK Bob
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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strange because download com SAYS
look this

ersion: Free Tube Finder 4.9

"Caution Norton Antivirus 2009 Says Virus and removes it"

by jcherry46 on December 9, 2008

Pros: None Didnt get to Test it.

Cons: Caution: Norton Antivirus removes it saying its a Virus Downloader.

Summary: Use Caution.
e test all software products submitted to us against a comprehensive set of criteria. In addition to screening for common viruses and spyware, we also look for other threats that might interfere with our users' security, privacy, and control. We consider publisher Web sites, publisher conduct, and our own experience with a particular product.
Viruses, spyware, and malware

We will not list software that contains viruses, Trojan horses, malicious adware, spyware, or other potentially harmful components. We will not list products known to contain such items in instances outside CNET Downloads, and we may disallow products from publishers our editors feel violate the spirit of this policy.

The following are types of software we will not accept:

* Software that installs viruses, Trojan horses, malicious adware, spyware, or other malware at any point during or after installation.
o Software that installs the above items via links to other software or Web sites.
o Links on publishers' Web sites that may enable the installation of the above items.
* Software that installs without notice and the user's consent.
* Software that serves intrusive advertisements through a Web browser, a pop-up window, or Web sites outside the software's primary interface.
* Software that includes or uses surreptitious data collection.
* Software that collects and transmits information about end users or end users' computer usage without adequate prior notification.
* Software that diverts or modifies end users' default browsers, search-engine home pages, providers, security, or privacy-protection settings.
* Software that interferes with users' control and privacy.

EULA and installation prompts

All products in our library must present users with a clear and easy-to-read license agreement, and provide users with an opportunity to cancel the installation if they do not agree to the terms. End-user license agreements are a contract with the user, and in keeping with that spirit they must be truthful, accurate, comprehensive, and easy to read and understand.

Following are types of software we will not accept:

* Software that installs in a concealed manner or denies users an opportunity to read the license agreement and/or to knowingly consent to the installation.
* Software that induces installation by making false or misleading claims about the software or the software publisher.
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We allow certain types of advertising-supported software, including a small number of adware components we evaluate on a case-by-case basis. Ad-serving behavior must be restricted to the program's actual user interface, and may not include pop-ups or other forms of intrusive advertising.

* Software that serves intrusive advertisements through a Web browser, a pop-up window, or Web sites outside the software's primary interface.
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Removal and uninstallation

We respect the user's right to control software that is installed on their computers, and we require that all software in our library provide users with a clear and simple method for removal. We may disallow products we feel are unnecessarily difficult to uninstall, are obscured, or are resistant to removal.

Following are types of software we will not accept:

* Software that prevents its own uninstallation or disablement.
* Software that requires users to give up personal information to uninstall.
* Software that cannot be properly or safely removed due to errors or other programming issues.

btw anyone now brothersoft is a good mirror
both lingoes and vdownloader is here and i saw red tube on HERE only under vdownloader
im skeptical this site reputable


Last edited by cootmaster; December 2nd, 2009 at 02:45 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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any more there's only a few sites i trust for freeware filehippo, Windows Sysinternals: Documentation, downloads and additional resources , - Download Freeware and Shareware Computer Utilities. i have got some programs through cnet but in sceptical i might just back out guess you cant be too careful if you do your banking on line or purchase things online although i try not to be too paranoid as long as it doesn't slow my comp down or show up as malicious.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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i know DL com SHOULD be safe
but as above mabee isnt LOL
i think tucows is
any info on brosoft?
i see tons thinks here but don't appear on dl com
like redtube is here for anime but not even listed on google
and WOT for firefox flags the parent site orange

lingoes is BOTH on brosoft and dl com

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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i don't know about brosoft sorry.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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Some of those virus signature databases aren't all that great. Last time I did an online scan using Panda and Trendmicro, they both found more than 10 "harmful" files. I knew each and everyone of them and they're clean as a whistle. I admit they were all what could be considered hacktools, keygens etc. but none of them would do anything malicious on any computer.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old December 2nd, 2009
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ya well its odd that old versions of software i had hanging round got hit
ikeep everything just in case i need re install
or loose it
flv bombed i guess that finely blew up
i used version 032- 75 and .64 blew so i went with the recommended vdownloader before it blew though
frostwire that was surprising 4.13x 417x also blew13 very old version
but 4 18 was the last version out

so ya eaither false positives or norton is doing its job finding things it doesnt like


they are also in H drive AWAY from the computer
i threw out aloot old versions software i never use or outdated

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old December 5th, 2009
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4.13.4 used to appear as malware on some antiviruses. We got word from Ask that they were talking to antivirus companies. After 4.13.4 we've updated their toolbar to lots of newer versions and they no longer should appear as a threat under any antivirus. If this happens it's usually Ask's duty to talk to the AV company to remove their software from the malware list.
gubatron creator/developer of frost

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