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_Chris_ November 22nd, 2010 05:27 AM

Frostwire and brickwall ?
Frostwire is connecting ok, turbocharged connection, searching for things and finding loads, so all ok so far, but when trying to d/load, it just doesn't d/load anything. The brickwall is in front of the globe, I've turned off the windows firewall and allowed it in zone alarm, but still the globe is there and nothing downloads. If this was you, how would you solve it please ?

Any help much appreciated.


Lord of the Rings November 22nd, 2010 05:58 AM

Could potentially be an ISP filtering against p2p programs. Not uncommon in europe, especially the UK and France.

_Chris_ November 22nd, 2010 07:17 AM

Many thanks.

Anyone any ideas on how to solve the problem please ?

File_Girl71 November 22nd, 2010 08:44 AM

I would try to disable both Zone Alarm and the Antivirus software, and then restart FrostWire for see if it helps...Or try to run FrostWire behind PeerBlock or PeerGuardian 2, and use blocklist from just google for it and you will find it, it's free and easy to use as well!

_Chris_ November 22nd, 2010 11:53 AM

Thanks, I've disabled ZA but can't find how to disable Avast ?

File_Girl71 November 22nd, 2010 12:23 PM

To disable Avast you must open Avast User Interface by clicking on system tray icon to Avast...When Avast User Interface has loaded, go to REAL-TIME SHIELDS and turn them off one by one and only disable them for about 10 min max at the time for every shield...They will automatic be turned on again after 10 min expired! Btw Avast usely is a good Antivirus software that works great with P2P software because of it's buildt in P2P Shield...

_Chris_ November 23rd, 2010 01:40 AM

Many thanks for the detailed help. Just tried that, but still not downloading ?

File_Girl71 November 23rd, 2010 01:55 AM

But can you connect with your FrostWire to the Gnutella Network at all....And what OS are you use?

_Chris_ November 23rd, 2010 02:01 AM

Yep, as mentioned, Frostwire connects ok. Win xp pro, 3Gb ram and 200Gb spare on the hd.

The helps appreciated.

File_Girl71 November 23rd, 2010 02:06 AM

This could be you have only outgoing connection, but somthing tells me you have zero incoming connection there for no download...

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