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gubatron November 25th, 2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by shapeshifter910 (Post 360245)
The film is distributed as part of their new Frosclick endeavor.
I don't care what they do on Frostclick but they can't use my bandwidth without asking me first.

Just don't download the torrent, nobody is forcing you to, you won't be sharing the file if you don't download it first.

You can always turn off the promos in the settings if they bother you so much.

You should lay off the hate-orade, you get a lot more with honey.

Remoc November 25th, 2010 02:19 PM

Oh, quite the contrary Gubatron. If the BullSh!t wasn't there in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Stop the Crap, and everyone's happy. Amirite?

gubatron November 26th, 2010 06:49 PM

If your homepage was reset, probably you didn't uncheck all the 3 checkboxes. Simple.

OpenCandy has been there also for about a year, read the EULA.

"This installer uses the OpenCandy network to recommend other software you may find valuable during the installation of this software."

Sleepless November 26th, 2010 08:04 PM

Again I refer to my previous post and:

what is opencandy - Google Search

Gnutella Forum Troll November 26th, 2010 08:43 PM

Your site says: No Spyware. No Adware. Guaranteed.

hmm, 'and' what do we call the 'hidden' Netshare & auto-updates, how close is that to spyware and secret manipulation of the person's program & bandwidth.

Looking inside the FW program, how much does it link to hidden remote links. :D Resembles something I've seen before with another similar program that could be partly remotely controlled.

The FW barbed-wire 'nazi'-like icon say anything. Is that registered too? lol :D (edit: seems a previous post in another thread vanished.)

If the FW bootstrap server(s) went down, how good would FW be for connecting?

Sleepless' posts speak for themselves for adware so no need for me to add to it. Except the obvious false claims on the FW website. And lack of warnings to users they are actually by default installing a whole bundled package of stuff (adware), not just a simple p2p sharing program. Ask toolbar is adware & to claim FW 100% has no adware is being dishonest when it is being installed by default.

Welcome to Ask Toolbar, we are offering extras in a whole bundled package when you install such as Candy & FrostWire. lol :D


Originally Posted by gubatron (Post 360291)
As of 4.21.x FrostWire we have now implemented automatic updates via BitTorrent, this way we eat our own food to distribute our technology, we have still not rolled out the first automatic update, this will happen for 4.21.2 once it's ready.

Isn't that also using others bandwidth without them necessarily knowing? Manipulation of their bandwidth.

(I know Vuse/Azureus used to do this, but they are a torrent only program. I think in recent times they may have stopped sharing updates via torrents.)

Sleepless November 26th, 2010 09:27 PM

The difference there is that Vuze doesn't in any way claim to not be doing the things it does. Also there are a million guides on the net about how to make it classic i.e. the old Azureus.

In Vuze it is not only possible to turn of automatic updates, but even selective automatic updates. And not only that, but álso what, when, how.

Unlike FrostWire the owners of Azureus/Vuze actually listen to what the end user wants.

Of course this is because of Private BitTorrent, where one wrong move will blacklist any client. This is something FrostWire devs never seemed to grasp. If you don't follow protocol, **** off!

File_Girl71 November 27th, 2010 02:23 AM


If your homepage was reset, probably you didn't uncheck all the 3 checkboxes. Simple.
gubatron i uncheck all 3 checkboxes...And still changed my homepage to Ask with out asking me to do so....I know the Open Candy is mention in the EULA and it still just crapp anyway! And i know the FW claims it is open source, and open source stands for freedom...And where is the freedom for the user lol, when you want them to install things FW not mention anything about....I only know one thing GREED does not pay off in long term!

shapeshifter910 November 30th, 2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by gubatron (Post 360313)
Just don't download the torrent, nobody is forcing you to, you won't be sharing the file if you don't download it first.

You can always turn off the promos in the settings if they bother you so much.

You should lay off the hate-orade, you get a lot more with honey.

No, it's deceitful!
It's just about impossible to avoid clicking inside the area where that poster is and as soon as one clicks in it, it starts to download.
It's a deceitful tactic and that's why you were called a scumbag.
If you're not trying to trick people into doing something then you wouldn't need to resort to such tactics.
In addition, a few more complaints.
You keep adding marketing and advertising garbage into FW instead of working on basic features and improving the basic functionality.
Why is there still no "Exit" menu item? One has to close, then right click in the tiny system tray and then finally click exit. Very annoying.
How about having a customizable toolbar like any proper app should have?
But no, instead you keep piling on the advertising ****.

shapeshifter910 November 30th, 2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by gubatron (Post 360291)
Most of our .xxx folders are there to not bother the user with things they don't understand. No malicious code anywhere, go ahead and checkout our repo.

If they're undocumented, by all means go to our repo (frostwire / frostwire / overview), read the code and document away, help is needed. We could use people making youtube videos explaining what things are and why they are there.

The promo's usually have a "Download Now" button, if not it's pretty obvious that if you click you'll start downloading a torrent. These promo's are there for no cost to the Content Creators and they are a show case of what legal p2p is and how the network can be used to their advantage. We have help distribute several million legal downloads of movies, music albums and software. We are friends of and other organizations looking to promote free content. Thanks for calling us scumbags before talking to us.

The Ask toolbar offer has been there for years, if you can read you will not install it, if you do you can help the project continuity.

As of 4.21.x FrostWire we have now implemented automatic updates via BitTorrent, this way we eat our own food to distribute our technology, we have still not rolled out the first automatic update, this will happen for 4.21.2 once it's ready.

So nope, no malware, we'll never do malware, we're not that stupid.

Feel free to visit our forum's at

We'll soon be activating the Mojito DHT aswell (in case anybody is wondering).

The FrostWire Team

You're a Edited by Sleepless: Not entirely truthful person, Gubatron.
The hidden .networkshare folder hides your frostclick torrents that you're transferring using the user's bandwidth without permission.
And no it's not obvious that on click it will start transferring the torrent.
I was even baffled by the poster. Where did it come from? I did not ask for it. I did not give FW the permission to go and retrieve a poster from a remote server.

You've distributed several million so called legal downloads because you've stolen the bandwidth from users without their knowledge.
By forcing Frostlick onto users in this deceitful way, you've insured that it's dead before it even became known to users.

Your FW forums are pretty dead, obviously you sensor post and the forums reflect that - useless.

And with the automatic updates, I will never download FW from your site again and will never recommend it to anybody again either.
At most I'll get a "fixed" version from here and will be looking for an alternative app.

gubatron November 30th, 2010 10:17 AM

When you download a torrent, the system makes copies of it.
One inside the azureus folder in a form the system needs it, then there's another copy on FrostWire/Torrents for the user to find it easily, and then there's that copy of the same file .torrent on .networkshare, which is legacy code from LimeWire. I wonder why you don't complain of the visible copy of the same EXACT .torrent file on the other two. Clearly you are a pathetic reviewer.

There's no bandwidth stolen from anyone, nobody is lying here, the code is there for you to see. There's no automated torrent downloads of any kind. If you click on the promotional banner of the torrent you start the download, and if you start downloading a torrent you're obviously a part of the seeding network (if you give, you shall receive, but I guess you're too cheap to share, wonder what the hell you're doing in this forum), no bandwidth being stolen from anyone.
If you started downloading the torrent by mistake you can cancel the download right away, since you haven't downloaded the whole file there's no bandwidth to be taken from you since you don't have any pieces.

Here's a project that's trying to legitimize file sharing so your rights to share files online exist and here's this moron talking crap about it.

If you don't like it so much, by all means go ahead and uninstall it, and while you're at it make your own network and bust your *** for 5 years to make it grow. Competition is healthy.

Stop making pathetic accusations of something which you obviously have not a clue.

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