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Sleepless November 30th, 2010 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by shapeshifter910 (Post 360423)
Your FW forums are pretty dead, obviously you sensor post and the forums reflect that - useless.

Just for the record, this forum is in no way affiliated with FrostWire. Your post was caught by our anti spam system because of some words/phrases. And it will be allowed.

The only things censored here is spam and posts/issues/user names etc. which directly or indirectly break the general etiquette rules of this forum.

The official Frostwire Forums are at Whether your posts would be as uncensored there, I have no idea.

shapeshifter910 November 30th, 2010 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepless (Post 360427)
Just for the record, this forum is in no way affiliated with FrostWire. Your post was caught by our anti spam system because of some words/phrases. And it will be allowed.

The only things censored here is spam and posts/issues/user names etc. which directly or indirectly break the general etiquette rules of this forum.

The official Frostwire Forums are at Whether your posts would be as uncensored there, I have no idea.

Sorry, I was referring to the forums not the forums here.
The forums on are pretty dead, few posts and long apart.
I was expecting a lot more posts there and was surprised how few are there.

gubatron November 30th, 2010 10:52 AM

Our forums probably can't compare to gnutellaforums, since it's only about one software.

Our forum moderators don't censor anyone, they just quarantine spammers.

Oh, and also we don't have as many trolls as I see here, it's depressing coming to this place, may you enjoy your hateful conversations. Probably 1/2 of the threads here are insults and false accusations.

Now go and do something a little more productive than insulting open source developers.

shapeshifter910 November 30th, 2010 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by gubatron (Post 360425)
When you download a torrent, the system makes copies of it.
One inside the azureus folder in a form the system needs it, then there's another copy on FrostWire/Torrents for the user to find it easily, and then there's that copy of the same file .torrent on .networkshare, which is legacy code from LimeWire. I wonder why you don't complain of the visible copy of the same EXACT .torrent file on the other two. Clearly you are a pathetic reviewer.

There's no bandwidth stolen from anyone, nobody is lying here, the code is there for you to see. There's no automated torrent downloads of any kind. If you click on the promotional banner of the torrent you start the download, and if you start downloading a torrent you're obviously a part of the seeding network (if you give, you shall receive, but I guess you're too cheap to share, wonder what the hell you're doing in this forum), no bandwidth being stolen from anyone.
If you started downloading the torrent by mistake you can cancel the download right away, since you haven't downloaded the whole file there's no bandwidth to be taken from you since you don't have any pieces.

Here's a project that's trying to legitimize file sharing so your rights to share files online exist and here's this moron talking crap about it.

If you don't like it so much, by all means go ahead and uninstall it, and while you're at it make your own network and bust your *** for 5 years to make it grow. Competition is healthy.

Stop making pathetic accusations of something which you obviously have not a clue.

I don't care how you spin it.
I just know that I had hard time getting rid off that torrent that started downloading.
I stopped it, I deleted it, and it kept coming back, like a virus.
It would not stop until I finally exited FW and deleted that torrent form the .networkshare folder.
What's the deal with FW creating folders all over the place anyway?!
I don't remember that behavior in previous versions.
Now it creates folders all on it's own without permission.
And how do you delete those hidden torrents from within FW? You can't. You have to use outside file manager which most users will not know to use and get to those hidden folders. So there will be a lot of "torrent history" left behind.
FW is a huge mess right now, and you're going after advertising money instead of working on the basics.

File_Girl71 December 3rd, 2010 04:30 PM

shapeshifter910 if you need a clean FW 4.21.1 take a look here in this post:

dannylightbulb February 15th, 2011 04:33 PM

Well I started installing Frostwire 4.21.3 tonight only to find Windows Defender stopped the install due to 'Adware:Win32/OpenCandy'.

This means one thing to me: Frostwire IS NOT adware free (weather optional or not)

This means the slogan on the website (No Spyware. No Adware. Guaranteed) - Is a pure and simple lie.

So thanks to this forum (and to File_Girl71 for the REAL adware free version)


Lord of the Rings February 15th, 2011 05:45 PM

And it's funny the FrostWire devs rarely come to this forum any more, perhaps scared of public scrutiny. They stay at the 'everyone luvs FrostWire' forum where all they get are pets on the back. lol :D

After all, the Gnutella Forums was always about scrutiny from other gnutella users, testers & developers. That's how it was the moment I joined here. ie: all gnutella programs are under the spotlight here. :D

Lord of the Rings May 31st, 2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by gubatron (Post 360431)
Our forums probably can't compare to gnutellaforums, since it's only about one software. ... Now go and do something a little more productive than insulting open source developers.

Shows a total lack of understanding of end-users. shapeshifter910 is a very typical end-user. It seems if an end-user speaks up, the FW devs see it as spam/trolling/insulting. I've seen that previously with different non p2p software with super-arrogant developers (The forum was full of their arrogance & disregard of the users of the software.) The FW manipulation of users was caught out & you know it. Caught short on words to excuse the FW team so you turn to not only dispelling such users who can see with more than half an eye open, but categorising them rather insultingly when the issue was the program itself & the sneaky dev's project to gain money via these add-ons which have nothing whatsoever to do with the gnutella network, other than making money out of the users indirectly.

Be more up-front! Let people know you are making money out of these additions rather than installing them sneakily. Let people know their bandwidth might be used to assist with updates for other persons. Let them know about these things. They are NOT trolls. They are the typical FW users. They simply want answers, AND if they disapprove then to be able to disable such options easily before installation. Any such 3rd party installation should be optional, not by default. This should be plainly explained on the FW site, not only on the installer. Otherwise you give the impression of sneaky cheating of the users faith in the software.

If you find the wording of the above paragraph too strong & it upsets you, then hand it to another FW dev. Think, think, think how to deal with it. Think how to make the FW users happy. And that's not by trying to sneak junkware past their noses.

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