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FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is not supported on these forums.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 28th, 2011
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Default Frostwire going BitTorrent?

what is going to happen now to the Frostwire we all know and love now, anyone know? will we still be able to use it through Gnutella with an older version, or do we have to use bittorrent?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2011
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Just like can use old and/or modified versions of LimeWire, we can do the same with FrostWire. The only thing it means is there will be no more official FrostWire updates with Gnutella network support.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2011
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It seems the FW team are directionless & skill-less without copying the LW code. Seems they lack the skills to continue designing. (Design something original, what does that mean? lol) Does that surprise anybody?

The comment about the gnutella spam is hilarious. Sounds like 'newbies' using the network who have absolutely no idea about how to avoid gnutella spam. If that is how the FW team looks at the gnutella network with totally ignorant gnutella users on their developer team, I'm not surprised they chose what 'they' thought was a 'safe' option because their team lacks anybody with original ideas.

They will now try to copy all the other bittorrent programs & technology & most likely do a poor job as history has shown. The FW program is not & never has been an accepted bittorrent client at many of the 'private' torrent sites. I know several of the reasons, as does Sleepless. But seems the FW team do not have a clue. May they plod along, and keep secretly installing their 'Junkware' on your computer not notifying you of this intention, as they have done over past year or so (their FrostWire website lied to everyone saying no junkware of any form.) Good luck to their challenge of copying others ideas.

They should leave such things as torrents up to the experienced experts instead of 'duping' people into thinking they are doing anything special, when no doubtfully it will be simple duplication of the technology in a poorer 2nd or 3rd class manner.

It is quite obvious & clear, without those original 2 or 3 who were a part of the initial FrostWire developer team in 2006, that ever since, FW has never done a single original idea or created anything toward the gnutella network. It was all copied ideas from LW's works.

(At least 2 of the original FrostWire devs back in 2006 had previously been contributors of LimeWire's code, abilities & bug-fixes in prior years. After they left the FW team, the FW dev team was left up to the ultra egos of the remaining & joining devs which of course could do very little in the years since. . 'Apparently', it was the 'egos' & 'attitude' & forcing of ideas of the ignorant that played a part in the true contributors leaving the FW team (despite their public excuses for leaving.))
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 19th, 2011
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too bad , seems another program get killed
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 19th, 2011
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ThorTheGreat is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Lord Of The Rings: I 100% agree with you...please read what I wrote in the "WARNING-FrostWire 5.0.7 is Out!" thread on here...

The makers of frostwire lied to us all along this ENTIRE time for the past year or so...first the spammers tried to sc*** us...after that limewire did teh same thing...and now frostwire is following the same path...

Everything they say is B.S...this WILL kill gnutella and what the tens of millions of us built over what...almsot ten years now I guess...they KNEW all along what their plan was...first they made frostwire search torrent ONLY by default...then in a later version they turned off file sharing by default (think about that for a min...less legit files = MORE spam!)...and then...of course the final blow...went torrent only...

Get this...they even kept the "gnutella" part of their description on sites like CNET up until for 2-3 weeks now the new verison is out...they were DIRECTLY liing to peope...although I guess CNET caught on...they've PULLED the CNET review...somethign taht's been on CNET ever since I can remember...YEARS (I know because I get nmost of my software things off cnet and found frostewire on cnet after limewire went bye bye)...

We CAN get past the spam...msot of us saying "we went torrent because of the spam"...that's complete BS...makes me wonder if they were even HELPING the spammers all this time..think about it...even indirectly they WERE helping the spammers...the makers of frostwire turned OFF file sharing by default in recent versions of frostwire V4...well that means LESS legit files and even MORE spam...everything they did made spam WORSE and NOT better...prob in an attempt to make an excuse as to why to move to torrent only...

And here's the kicker...what do you think happend now that they've moved people to V5? Which by the way most people the forusm...prob is that msot pople don't KNOW about the forums so once they upgrade they don't know how to get V4 of frostwire back...there goes another FW user and all their files! So the kicker...there's even MORE spam now and LESS legit files...makes sense to me, right?

One of the biggest questions I asked is (and they avoided answereing of course):
"Why EXACTLY was gnutella support removed? It can't be because of the spam as per above. gnutella support is what frostwire PROMISED to all of us...the continuation of limewire...a fork of limewire...if people were told otherwise they woudl NOT have been using frostiwre or switched to frostwire...look at how many people are leaving frostwire now. FrostWire ALWAYS had gnutella support built in as the MAIN why not give the USERS the CHOICE of what they want to search rather than FORCING them to search only ONE network that's cr** for music compared to gnutella? Again, that's the BIGGEST question. Why not leave frostwire the way it was for AGES with support for BOTH torrent and gnutella? and pleae don't say "we couldn't have both torrent and gnutella in at the same time" because you had it like that for YEARS without any issues. in fact if ANYTHING...ALL of us have even said...if you had a chocie of only ONE network to conntinue with it shoudl be GNUTELLA and NOT MANy have said...utorrent, bittorrent=torrent, frostwire=gnutella"

Anyway, PLEASE read my other psot...very important informaton and quetions that the frostwire makers can't's tiem to revolt...againts the spammers...against limewire (which we were SUPOSSED to do by moving to much for that thanks to them)...and now agaisnt frostiwre...

They LIED to everyone...and now they're going to kill something that BELONGS TO US...NOT TO THEM...

Spread the word everyone...on Facebook and other social media if you your friends...tell everyone you know that has frostwire...and go on the frostwire forums...fill up the forums with how you feel...if you don't like V5 and the new direction...start a thread or reply...let them it on here...find other blogs and forums...spread the word everywhere...

Don't let them get away with this...if enough of we speak out...don't use v5...and everyone keeps letting them know how we feel then maybe...we can keep this thing alive and well...and get them to put back what BELONGS to us...NOT to them
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 12th, 2012
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techmajesty is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Yes Frostwire 5 is exclusively a Torrent Client. You both remind me of my very similar initial reaction when I first learned about it. Personally I was never a big fan of the Torrent client in Frostwire 4. However I have been running Frostwire 5 longer than most and it is in a different class. I now use it instead of one of the leading torrent clients. It is an easy to use and good torrent client with a brilliant search engine. It is not perfect yet, but it's getting there. I am hooked

Ok enough of the sales talk ... I have not forgotten about Gnutella. It has had its problems, but I remain a fan and a user, and it is not a protocol I ever want to see an end of, partly for sentimental reasons, partly because I have always admired the way the network was designed, and partly because I have found a lot of otherwise unobtainable rare music on it over the years, some very recently. Everyone should be able to install 5 alongside 4 although there are, I believe a couple of bugs in this respect. The Frostwire development team have dedicated their efforts almost exclusively to Frostwire 5, but I there are many of us on the forums who will continue to give support in what ways we can to Gnutella users, we will encourage continued use of Gnutella and would welcome discussion and contributions on the topic. In short, lets just say we haven't given up on Gnutella just yet
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Thread Frostwire going BitTorrent? | Gnutella Forums | BoardReader This thread Refback August 11th, 2011 05:23 AM
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