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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
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Unregistered, do you have any particular reason you do not like VB?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
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My only point was to show GAMER that the creation of a client was possible in VB. I never stated that this was to be a 'Professional' or 'Commercial' app. This is\was simply an exercise to test:

A, My ability as a programmer.

B, VB's ability as a programming language.

I never expected to be attacked by expressing that, if GAMER wished to attempt writing a client in VB then by all means attempt it. I am by no means a 'Black Belt' programmer, but I have managed to accomplish what he wishes to attempt. I never assumed that a vote of confidence would have resulted in the bashing of a programming language that UNREGISTERED appears to lack the skill to master.


I do know C++, and you can 'thread' in vb.


By all means, If you wish to write a client in VB, do so. It can be done.

and so am I...
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ursula
I have strong 'opinions' about many things, but it is senseless to present them in an overly-aggressive manner because you only switch off the listener.
I do agree with your general comment about trying to dissuade people from 'wasting their time' in basic, so keep at it but with a bit of "golden rule" stuff and maybe a droplet of humour every so often!!!!!!
I'm not the type to sugar coat everything, life is not disneyland happy all the time.
And, register, huh?
What does that solve? Won't make a difference. And I need to know who you are first, please post more personal information, like your real name, and more about yourself because you are still anonymous to me even though you are "registered". Who are you???
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
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Who am I?
Why, I am someone who out-ranks you here.

Now, be a good boy and answer Gnutellian's questions.

Remember, YOU are the one who crashed into this thread with your comments, and YOU are the one who has either to prove the merit of your points or shut-up.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2002
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[ inappropriate post removed ]

Last edited by CycloCide; June 22nd, 2002 at 05:58 AM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2002
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Somebody definately hates vb, eh?

VB is a good language, however it may get a bit resource hungry with processor usage. Making C++ dll's to do much of the work would be the best idea, since VB is excellent for making simple, fast and slick GUI's... I'll have to continue reading up on the ever changing protocol and see how well vb can manage.. Gnotella was good enough, why not =)
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2002
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VB is also very good at databases. And other sorts of internet powered apps(FTP, chat clients).

And as to the question of "if you dont have time to learn a new language how do you have time to code a VB client from scratch"
There are 2 well known VB gnutella clients, both old and neither will connect. The most likely candidate to be updated is Coyotella, but I have never been able to establish a good hookup with it.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old September 30th, 2002
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Default Um yeah Right

You can Program a gnutella Client in any language
that would support TCPIP

any yes VB C++ and Delphi can do Multithreading
as well as handel all the commands and all
the rest of the crap

"You Can have the Best Computer and Programming
Language in the World and still have the Dumbest
Programmer right behinde the wheel"
= the Fastest Piece of **** you have ever seen.

What i tend to find is alot of greed

"yeah yeah put that hidden little Advertisment
in our program they will never find it
sure it will slow em down but we will make mad
cash = GREED aka Ignorance aka Spy wear"

You ever seen anyone relase any code anywhere
that some could actually get the hands on somthing
that actually really worked
i have downloaded and compiled
Delphi C++ VB any version
and still when i hit that button to make it
there is always a error or ya find out
if ya let it run by itself for say about 3 minutes
you don't even have to click a dam thing
and BAM it crashes all by itself...........
"But hey as i look back what was the name
of this project and what was it programmed in ?"
you will find it all over the place and the working stuff
well you might not find the code for that
Especially if it works and is somewhat stable

The worst one was i was debugging and fixing this one client
I won't mention any names
but when it connected and hooked to another client
it would wait on a Graph Display to give it time
to connect if it didn't display then it would kill the connection

that had to be the worse piece of crapola
i have ever compiled.

Please some release somthing tangable
that others can use and can be found other places
that actually works and has error handling
so others can get a good idea and help the comunity
ty sorry for the crap spelling
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old February 14th, 2008
Join Date: February 14th, 2008
Location: Elkhart, Indiana
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Hello fellow programmers (and haters). I am also writting a gnutella/gnutella2/bittorrent program in

It can be easily done. It's all in the structure (as with any program). I have found a site that walks you through gnutella in c#. With a little knowledge in c# language, you can convert it to VB.

For the VB.NET people:

1. You can multithread very easily.
2. .NET is implemented into Vista (tells you something).
3. .NET IS stable. I see more c++ programs crash then .NET.
4. .NET is managed, structured code. Making it wasy to continue devolopement.
5. Let face it. It's easier to learn so you can actually develope programs, you know, what a programmer does...

I have delt with these c#/vb haters for over a decade. They simply think they are better and above the language. Oh, well. I'll get over them.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old February 14th, 2008
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If you are determined to implement Gnutella in VB, then I won't stop you.

But remember that Gnutella is no longer as "simple" as it was in the 0.4 times.

Please have a look at Gnutella for Users - Gnufu to get a glimpse of the concepts you'll have to implement to create a compliant Gnutella client.

(I'm working on getting the specs wiki up again at the moment).

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