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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2002
Join Date: June 18th, 2002
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fireforce is flying high

I too am interested in doing the same thing. I have also found many probs with it. From what I see, I dont think VB is fast enough to do all the work needed without putting a huge drain on the system. The only way I can see is to write a DLL that does alll the hard work, but that would require C or C++. You and me are in the same boat. Right now I am pushing my VB6 and database training to get a job and dont have the time right now to learn a new language.

As for the two VB gnutella projects I found, neither work. Vbgnutella is garbage. And Coyotella although it will run, wont connect. I got one connection one time and lost it a second later. Never got it back.

VB itself just doesnt seem powerful enough for this kinda work. Al least not by itself. To make a VB friendly environement someone would have to write a VBGnu control that would plug right in to a VB app just like you plug the winsock control into one.

VBs threngths seem to be in databases, office and/or corporate apps. But from what I hear about VB.Net that may be changing.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2002
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You don't have time but yet you want to program a gnutella client from scratch?
And then you waste your time because no one would want a slow, unusable client that is written in BASIC.
So why not start with a advanced already written client and just add the few things you want to do that are special to you?
If you spend the time you would have wasted writing things from scratch and learn a little C, then you will be worth more in the "marketplace" because you can develop REAL products that are professional and usable in a business, instead of stuff for play.
What I really don't understand is why you think it will take so much time to learn C. You haven't even tried but yet you think it will take away from your TV or party time, that would be sad indeed.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
And then you waste your time because no one would want a slow, unusable client that is written in BASIC.
What a hater! You sir, obviously do not know much about VB.

The image you see below is a PURE VB client written by me. No C++ 'helper' dll's, PURE VB. If you know what you are doing, there is NOTHING that you cannot accomplish in VB. I could have written this in MSVC++6 (I own visual studio 6 enterprise edition.), But I felt like a challenge. I bet you don't even know C/C++.

It can be done, and it's not that difficult. The biggest thing I would stress is research, research, reasearch. Not for old VB examples, but on the gnutella protocol itself. The research alone took me almost a month. The client is only about 15 days old so far.

Oh yeah, It's not slow, and it's not unusable. Not even in the IDE.

PS. I'm the one who found a serious bug in Bearshare 2.6.2, see thread:
Attached Thumbnails
VB Gnutella client-scnsht.jpg  

Last edited by Gnutellian; June 20th, 2002 at 04:44 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
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If you know what you are doing, there is NOTHING that you cannot accomplish in VB.
Errr, - writing a simple calculator program that works on Solaris systems, cooking tea...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
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Default OK...

There's always one...

Just trying to show that it can be done, and trust me, it's not that hard.

Last edited by Gnutellian; June 20th, 2002 at 04:58 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
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All that wasted time when you could have just learned C.
So what, you took IE and called it from your BASIC program, big deal, I am impressed.
You are the typical stubborne, geeky programmer type that won't change his ways. So nothing I can say will convince you, have fun re-writing the world in a un-supported, ancient 1970's language while we all advance past you with lightning speed.

It's called leaving you in the dust.

C is very close to machine code and thus compiles down nicely. Yes you have to be a real programmer and watch out not to trash memory because the language doesn't handle all that stuff for you, but due to NO overhead you get faster, better code for it.
C is easily portable to other platforms and processors if you want that.
Plus you can do multi threading, go look that up.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
So what, you took IE and called it from your BASIC program, big deal, I am impressed.
Look at the statusbar you dope. three clients connected, horizon over 2900, etc.. that was just for the 18min that it was up in the ide. Oh yeah theres a thing called the IMMIEDIATE WINDOW. there you can see the reception and transmission of packets.

Register so we can all see who you are, and tell me do you know ANYTHING about writing code in VB or C? I'll bet not much. A picture tells a thousand words, and all you could see was a window showing YOUR stupid post. DUH, I put it there for you to see...


Last edited by Gnutellian; June 20th, 2002 at 07:01 PM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
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OK I am further impressed because you wrote some print statements that make it look like you did something.
Don't blow a fuse, it's only BASIC.
How will registering tell you anything about me? Anyone can get a hotmail account.
I could even register under two different names and argue with myself all day long and you wouldn't know that I was doing it.
So who's the fool now? Do you know anything about the internet?
Why don't you post for us your full name, address, SS# and a valid credit card number so we know who you are.
Doesn't matter who I am, it matters that you are wasting your time with VB.

Dear Mr. 64.24.x.x.x
There are apparently many things you do not know about the internet, as well.

Something which DOES matter quite a lot around here is that you are continuously posting with negative comments and simplistic general slagging off of people. You are a frequent poster and unfortunately your message is always the same -
Snide and sarcastic attacks followed by an inevitable vaccuum of positive assistance with the attending non-display of your knowledge.
Cool it, OK, please?

Last edited by ursula; June 20th, 2002 at 11:02 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
Posts: n/a

OK, sorry Gnutellian, I have a strong opinion against using BASIC to develop a professional program, and you have a strong opinion about VB so we will leave it at that.
I guess it's wrong here to have a strong opinion about anything now.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Now, now, Mr. 64.24.x.x.x

You are both entitled to your strong opinions and welcome to voice them here.
It is a matter of style and pleasant behaviour which is the problem to date.........
You will benefit yourself and others far more by sharing your opinions in a non-aggressive manner, that's all.
I have strong 'opinions' about many things, but it is senseless to present them in an overly-aggressive manner because you only switch off the listener.
I do agree with your general comment about trying to dissuade people from 'wasting their time' in basic, so keep at it but with a bit of "golden rule" stuff and maybe a droplet of humour every so often!!!!!!

And, register, huh?
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