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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 6th, 2005
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Originally posted by ukbobboy01

I have just seen your note and have found the URL link I originally posted:

This link, as you know, explains why your IP address cannot be hidden.


I am sorry that you feel that I have attacked you and that you needed to strike back but that was not my intension.

However, there have been many advocates of new and emerging technologies over the past twenty or so years in the computer industry and, as you know, many of those technologies have come to nothing. iP2 maybe a new technology that will revolutionise the way we work and play over the internet but at the moment there is nothing that jumps out to say, “this is the way to go”.

And, forgive my dimness but, iP2 seems to require a lot of extra resources for an emerging yet unproven technology.

Until there is something more that can be demonstrated then iP2 is destined to stay in the realms of the enthusiast

UK Bob
Err, first of all it's name is i2p not ip2.

Anyways it isn't a unproven technology, it's a very actively developed project and has live working network which is very impressive.

Also the i2p-gnutella network has been growing nicely, so far at least 22 users have tried it, though the actual number of currently active peers is unknown (mostly due to some issues with the current version, which are going to be resolved in the next release).

Let me point out the i2p doesn't hide ip addresses at all, it doesn't try to do what is impossible. Instead it makes them no longer much of a issue, as all anyone can prove is that you are running a i2p node, not what any one specific node is transferring, nor which node belongs to any one specific member. Basically i2p has many perfectly legal uses (far more than any filesharing solution) and is more of a general networking privacy solution than a filesharing one.

So yeah the ip addresses are known, but so what in this case it just doesn't matter. Unless where you happen to live, they make it illegal to run i2p (only place in the world I can think of would be china).

Anyways the great thing about i2p is it'd be really hard to justify outlawing at least in countries like America.

The primary reason I struck back was because of the incorrect statements and assumptions that were being made. Nobody bothered to visit the project's website and read about what they were making judgements about.

Finally let me say I never claimed i2p hid ones ip address and I'm not sure why that was assumed.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 6th, 2005
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Originally posted by spunkyone9r
Still anonymous secure gnutella filesharing is here at last. .... Even websites are hosted anonymously and securely over it. .... Oh and lest I forget, gnutella-i2p is a port of gnutella to i2p, there is no bridge between the two and probably never will be, as gnutella-i2p is to be considered a (desperately needed) security upgrade. No more need for complicated marginally effective ipfiltering, blocklists, tricks, etc. Anyways in order to use i2phex you must be running a i2p node/router.

Why bother with unsafe, vulnerable gnutella networking, now that an upgrade exists. Now there is finally a choice.
This is one of the references to so called 'safe' anonymous use of p2p. It's the way you made it sound. I wasn't making assumptions, just asking for a direct link. Very simple thing to do rather than send us to the main page of a forum. This forum here is very large.

Fast transfer depends on connection speed for a start. Someone using dial up is not about to transfer 2 MB in 2 mins. But someone using any Gnutella client can transfer directly to someone else even much much faster if they have the appropriate connection speeds & settings.

It'll be interesting to see how the i2p project goes.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 6th, 2005
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Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Fast transfer depends on connection speed for a start. Someone using dial up is not about to transfer 2 MB in 2 mins.
Uh that's true, however someone using dial up isn't likely to use i2p. The routing and such wasn't designed to work on such a limited connection. Considering most people are upgrading to broadband and leaving dialup behind, it's just another reason to get broadband.

Oh and from a dialup point of view regular gnutella, gnutella2, edonkey2000 and even kazaa are not too bad when it comes to sources and speeds. However on a broadband connection such networks and clients are too poor and limited. Which is why bittorrent is so popular.

Anyways i2p's coming along nicely as far as I can tell and unlike other networking applications it doesn't hog the connection and interfere with other activity like webrowsing (for example a poorly configured shareaza client will seriously fudge up webrowsing). The initial udp networking tests produced greater than expected results and hopefully will be ready for use by most/all of the network, which means i2p will scale much better.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 6th, 2005
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So basically what you are telling us is if you have dialup it cannot be used.

Which BTW I believe more users are dialup than broadband at the present.

It's a novel idea idea, but I for one will wait, because I don't believe it is all you have made it out to be. I still don't see a direct link which has been asked for, nor do I see you registering as a member.

So why I should I believe anything you have posted is true.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 6th, 2005
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So basically what you are telling us is if you have dialup it cannot be used.
Learn to read. First of all, "dialup" can be 3 Mbps DSL connection. What is meant, though, is 56Kbps and ISDN.
You can use those but it will be ******* slow. Everything
is ******* slow with such a connection. All you can do with that is leech, so forget about Bittorrent.

Which BTW I believe more users are dialup than broadband at the present.
With that kind of attitude we'd still live on trees. I'd
also suggest to get them data to backup your claims. Dialup
vs. broadband is comparing apples with oranges. Nowadays
dialup is usually nothing but ADSL with bandwidths from
128kbps to 8Mbps. Those who still use 56kbps crap cannot use
filesharing properly at all anyways.

It's a novel idea idea, but I for one will wait, because I don't believe it is all you have made it out to be.
Well, stay on your tree then. Ever heard of the chicken & egg

I still don't see a direct link which has been asked for,
Are you blind or just dumb?

nor do I see you registering as a member.
This thread isn't about registering vs. not registering. Stay
on topic or shut up.

Last edited by KathW; May 7th, 2005 at 05:10 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2005
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Originally posted by I_Have_No_Account
Learn to read. First of all, "dialup" can be 3 Mbps DSL connection. What is meant, though, is 56Kbps and ISDN. You can use those but it will be ******* slow. Everything
is ******* slow with such a connection. All you can do with that is leech, so forget about Bittorrent. ... Dialup
vs. broadband is comparing apples with oranges. Nowadays dialup is usually nothing but ADSL with bandwidths from 128kbps to 8Mbps. Those who still use 56kbps crap cannot use filesharing properly at all anyways.
Hahaha! lol I used dial up with LW for 3 yrs. AFAIK this thread is not talking about Bittorrent! So I don't know why you mentioned it, it's off-topic & irrelevant. And Fabion made a very good point that most net users out there are dial up users. If not for dial up users, p2p would be very limited re: no. of users & files available. p2p is not & should not be restricted to those with adsl/cable. What an attitude. lol Bet you're a racist also huh! And talking about living in trees, a well educated person will know that any references they make should be properly defined & accurately given with direct links. eg: quote a statement from a book then you should supply the book & page no. details, etc.
To reiterate, asking for a direct link was & is not such a big deal!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2005
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As far as I can tell there is no direct link to i2phex's website, mostly because it's hosted on i2p and cannot be accessed like a normal website. Though there is a inproxy for i2p and from there you should be able to reach i2phex's website.

A direct link to i2p's website was provided, if that helps any.

Really it helps to read through the forums which links were posted here.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2005
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Originally posted by bpmax
Enough said.
Lol, someone actually visited the site, about time.

The developer does not really want too many people to use i2p until version 1.0, this the website contains some discouragements. Anyone that knows the software knows better, of course not many people do.

Put it this way if your looking to host/share kiddie pr0n, forget it. However for general filesharing it's security is more than good enough already. Let's face it there isn't much software out there that can provide a safe enviroment to share kiddie pr0n, though freenet is reported to be filled with it.

So does it yet provide protection from governmental organizations, no. However other types of private/public organizations are no match.

They certainly cannot prove enough to take anyone to court as they have a 1 in x chance of being correct, x being = to the size of the network. Over time as the network grows the x factor will become greater and thus the changes they are correct become more remote. Without reasonable certainty x being close to or equal to 1 they cannot legally justify taking anyone to court. Currently the x factor is around 200 or more, within the next few months the x factor will hopefully grow to 10,000 or more.

Plus there are plenty of perfectly legal uses for i2p. Actually running i2p is legally no different from just connecting to the internet, though it is much safer.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 11th, 2005
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Default Re: Re: This might interest gnutella users

Originally posted by ursula
Do, do, do explain - Precisely - exactly - EXACTLY - how internet connections are maintained with anonymity.
1st.... I am somewhat challenged to see just exactly how the above from me could be classed as 'aggressive'...

2nd.... I have not seen jack s hit about EXACTLY how one is supposed to connect with another computer, via the internet, without using an address...

The subject is changed as peripheral issues are mentioned... Issues that have absolutely nothing to do with 'anonymous' computer to computer connections via the internet.

We have been here before... It was all crap before and it's the same today...

These Gnutellaforums are awash with other posts trying to promote the same nonsense... Suggest that all read all the rest of the garbage on this same subject...

Anonymity on the internet is not real... It is a con... A chimera... A large dose of BS... Crap...

Enjoy p2p,
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2005
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HEY !!!

Beep Max !!!

Next ?

Gasoline from water, nicht wahr ?

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