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godXBlue November 25th, 2001 11:04 AM

PEERanha Client 1.36

i have written a new gnutella client for windows named PEERanha. The current version is 1.36 and it's aviable in english and german.
You can download it from http://*** .
Please mail me your suggestions.

- godXBlue

Thread was edited with the permission of the developer!


Morgwen November 25th, 2001 11:20 AM


I will test it!


Pallando November 27th, 2001 12:42 PM

Hey, ein deutscher Client!
Ich kuck mal...

Pallando November 27th, 2001 12:58 PM

OK, first impression!

OK, after 2 minutes I had as stable connection to 3 Hosts!

I like to see from what client a files is, this is very nice!
No problems here!

No problem for an semi gnutella user, the first try was a hit

It would be nice if you could click on a file in the monitor, and a search for this word would start! Or?

The green is a little bit TOO green, a darker colour would be better for the eyes!

I will write more later!
But its very nice, good job!

Unregistered December 7th, 2001 06:24 AM

i'll try

Sedulus December 7th, 2001 08:52 AM

gee dude,
looks cool

I don't know if it's functional,
never had much luck with gnutella clients (xolox was best experience so far)

some remarks:
+ nice buttons
- ugly other buttons (minimize/max../quit/m$-ico's)
I'd suggest going with either classic windows, or fancy new style (like those cool buttons) with also fancier borders
+ configurable with .ini, GREAT :-)
- no icon in taskbar, just "Peernha". it makes it look like a popup ("An error has occurred: Close/Ignore", or whatever)
- no ability to kick it to systray
if in systray, you might have an indicator there (just an int) of how many files you have left to download (you will know if a file is done trough the n--, and when all done if n==0
- download etc.. buttons don't show that they're being pressed, nor does the mouse
+ I love the stats at the bottom of screen
+ Share_Addinfo

that be all for now,
keep up the good work :)

Sedulus December 7th, 2001 08:57 AM

sorry that I ain't mailing (like you ask),
but I figure this is better than you getting the same suggestions in 1000-fold

Moak December 12th, 2001 05:15 AM

Hi GodXblue,
while searching for some Gnutella documents, I found this website on Google:
I think the brand Peeranha is allready in use.

Morgwen December 12th, 2001 06:04 AM


its not the same name "peerahna" is not "peeranha"...

do you think it is necessary to change the name?


Moak December 12th, 2001 05:04 PM

oh my mistake, I thought it was the same. :)

Morgwen December 13th, 2001 02:35 AM

np :)


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