February 4th, 2002
few newbie questions Hi everyone,
I was thinking of doing a project on gnutella over the next few months. Admittedly, my knowledge about gnutella internals is limited. The following ideas may already have been implemented or are being implemented or maybe downright unimplementable. I would really appreciate it if you could show some pointers.
My first post here, folks, so pls go easy..
* Are any gnutella clients impementing their versions of freenet routing algo (or CAN, chord, pastry versions)?
* I am quite impressed by Morpheus's downloading from multiple servers. I am not too happy about the way it splits up the file among the servers based on bandwidth tho. Basically the file split wasnt being managed optimally as servers joined and left. Any gnutella client working on this aspect?
*One problem I saw in p2p networks in general is the effect of bandwidth asymmetry. Like cable modem and adsl have very different upstream and downstream bandwidths. If things are getting downloaded from your computer, your download speed can get really screwed up. Kind of spoils the whole p2p spirit?
* I am a sucker for XML. Would it be useful to handle metadata (incl stuff like routing info) using XML for better queries, routinge etc?
* What caching algos are used for data, if any? It could become complex, but can we have some sort of popularity based caching, where each peer wilfully donates some disk space for caching?
* I heard the super-peer concept of morpheus is being implemented on gnutella. Does anyone know which client versions are using this right now?
I apologize if some of the questions are completely off-tangent or have already been answered in the forum earlier. Looking forward to your replies.
Zaphod |