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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 14th, 2002
Join Date: January 3rd, 2002
Location: USA,Connecticut
Posts: 12
Joetella is flying high
Lightbulb Gnutella Code

I never see any Code posted here ... just a lot of questions.. so here is a my VB Timer Event that handles connected peers and messages:

Any Questions?

Private Sub Peer_Timer(Index As Integer)
   Dim lbufferlength As Long
   Dim dPayloadlength As Double
   Dim bPacket() As Byte
   Dim bNothing() As Byte
   Dim bMessageHeader(0 To 22) As Byte
   Dim lBytesRead As Long
   Dim lSize As Long
   Dim lPos As Long
   On Error GoTo HandleError

   msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger = msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger + 1
   If msPeerInfo(Index).Connected = True Then
      If msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0 Then
         If Peer(Index).IsReadable = True And Peer(Index).RecvNext > 0 Then
' Read Message Header First
            lSize = msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded
            ReDim bPacket(0 To lSize - 1)
            lBytesRead = Peer(Index).ReadBytes(bPacket, lSize)
            If lBytesRead > 1 Then
               msPeerInfo(Index).bytes = msPeerInfo(Index).bytes + lBytesRead
               mlBandwithIN = mlBandwithIN + lBytesRead
               If lBytesRead = 23 Then
                  If bPacket(MESSAGE_FUNCTION) = 0 Then
' Ping Message, go process asap
                     Call ProcessMessage(Index, bPacket, bNothing)
                     If msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger Mod 50 = 0 Then
                        Call UpdateCount(Index)
                     End If
                     msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                     Exit Sub
                     msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader = bPacket
                  End If
               End If
               If lBytesRead < 23 Then
                  If msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23 Then
                     ReDim msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader(0 To 22)
                  End If
                  For lPos = 0 To lBytesRead - 1
                     msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader(23 - msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded + lPos) = bPacket(lPos)
                  Next lPos
                  msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded - lBytesRead
                  If msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded > 0 Then
                     If msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger Mod 50 = 0 Then
                        Call UpdateCount(Index)
                     End If
                     Exit Sub
                     If msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader(MESSAGE_FUNCTION) = 0 Then
' Ping Message, go process asap
                        Call ProcessMessage(Index, msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader, bNothing)
                        If msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger Mod 50 = 0 Then
                           Call UpdateCount(Index)
                        End If
                        msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                        Exit Sub
                     End If
                  End If
               End If
            End If
            dPayloadlength = ByteToSingle(msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader, PAYLOAD_START, 4)
            If dPayloadlength >= 65534 Then
               Call LogError("OverSize Error " & ByteToString(msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader, 0, UBound(msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader)) & " " & Peer(Index).Tag)
               msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
               msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
               Exit Sub
            End If
            msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = dPayloadlength
            msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = dPayloadlength
         End If
      End If
' read Payload of Message
      If msPeerInfo(Index).Payload > 0 Then
         If Peer(Index).IsReadable = True And Peer(Index).RecvNext > 0 Then
            lSize = msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded
            ReDim bPacket(0 To lSize - 1)
            lBytesRead = Peer(Index).ReadBytes(bPacket, lSize)
            If lBytesRead > 0 Then
               msPeerInfo(Index).bytes = msPeerInfo(Index).bytes + lBytesRead
               mlBandwithIN = mlBandwithIN + lBytesRead
               If lBytesRead = msPeerInfo(Index).Payload Then
                  msPeerInfo(Index).MessagePayload = bPacket
                  Call ProcessMessage(Index, msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader, msPeerInfo(Index).MessagePayload)
                  msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
                  If msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded Then
                     ReDim msPeerInfo(Index).MessagePayload(0 To msPeerInfo(Index).Payload - 1)
                  End If
                  For lPos = 0 To lBytesRead - 1
                     msPeerInfo(Index).MessagePayload(msPeerInfo(Index).Payload - msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded + lPos) = bPacket(lPos)
                  Next lPos
                  msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded - lBytesRead
                  If msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 0 Then
                     Call ProcessMessage(Index, msPeerInfo(Index).MessageHeader, msPeerInfo(Index).MessagePayload)
                     msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                     msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         End If
      End If
' if we did not handshake connection string yet, we only need 13 bytes to get connect string
      lbufferlength = Peer(Index).RecvNext
      If lbufferlength >= 13 And msPeerInfo(Index).ConnectType = 2 Then
         If Peer(Index).IsReadable = True Then
            lSize = lbufferlength
            ReDim bPacket(0 To lSize - 1)
            lBytesRead = Peer(Index).ReadBytes(bPacket, lSize)
            mlBandwithIN = mlBandwithIN + lBytesRead
            If ByteCompare(mbGnutellaok, bPacket, 13) = True Then
               msPeerInfo(Index).Connected = True
               msPeerInfo(Index).In = 0
               Call UpdateStatus(Index, "Out")
               miOkHosts = miOkHosts + 1
               msPeerInfo(Index).Idle = 0
               msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
               msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
               Call Ping(Index, miTTL)
' if our 13 bytes did not match, must be protocol .6 i hope !
               msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol = msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol & ByteToString(bPacket, 0)
               If Right$(msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol, 4) = (vbCrLf & vbCrLf) Then
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Connected = True
                  msPeerInfo(Index).In = 0
                  Call UpdateStatus(Index, "Out")
                  Call CheckUserAgent(Index, msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol)
                  miOkHosts = miOkHosts + 1
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Idle = 0
                  msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbNewOk
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbUserAgent
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbCRLF
                  Call Ping(Index, miTTL)
               End If
            End If
         End If
         If lbufferlength >= 17 And msPeerInfo(Index).ConnectType = 1 Then
            If Peer(Index).IsReadable = True And Peer(Index).IsWritable = True Then
               Peer(Index).ReadBytes bMessageHeader, 17
               mlBandwithIN = mlBandwithIN + 17
               If ByteCompare(bMessageHeader, mbNewConnect) = True Then
                  Call UpdateStatus(Index, "Protocol")
                  msPeerInfo(Index).ConnectType = 3
                  Exit Sub
                  Call PullThePlug(Index)
               End If
            End If
         End If
         If lbufferlength >= 1 And msPeerInfo(Index).ConnectType = 3 Then
            If Peer(Index).IsReadable = True Then
               lSize = lbufferlength
               ReDim bPacket(0 To lSize - 1)
               lBytesRead = Peer(Index).ReadBytes(bPacket, lSize)
               msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol = msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol & ByteToString(bPacket, 0, lBytesRead)
               If Right$(msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol, 2) = (vbLf & vbLf) Then
' old style Connect .4
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol = "GNUTELLA CONNECT/" & msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Connected = True
                  msPeerInfo(Index).In = 0
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger = 1
                  msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
                  Call UpdateStatus(Index, "In")
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbGnutellaok
                  miOkHosts = miOkHosts + 1
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Idle = 0
                  Call Ping(Index, miTTL)
                  Exit Sub
               End If
               If Right$(msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol, 4) = (vbCrLf & vbCrLf) Then
' new style Connect .6
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Connected = True
                  msPeerInfo(Index).In = 0
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger = 1
                  msPeerInfo(Index).BytesNeeded = 23
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Payload = 0
                  Call UpdateStatus(Index, "In")
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbNewOk
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbUserAgent
                  Peer(Index).WriteBytes mbCRLF
                  miOkHosts = miOkHosts + 1
                  msPeerInfo(Index).Idle = 0
                  Call Ping(Index, miTTL)
' Add Host name to Peer Listview
                  Call CheckUserAgent(Index, msPeerInfo(Index).Protocol)
               End If
            End If
         End If
      End If
   End If

   On Error Resume Next
   If msPeerInfo(Index).Pinger Mod 50 = 0 Then
      Call UpdateCount(Index)
   End If
End Sub

Last edited by Joetella; February 14th, 2002 at 07:04 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

my god, why not just write it in C ? it looks like "almost C" or "wanta-be C"
it would run faster too.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2002
Join Date: January 3rd, 2002
Location: USA,Connecticut
Posts: 12
Joetella is flying high

is trying to write structured code a bad thing?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2002
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
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GregorK is flying high

This dosent look structured at all...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 20th, 2002
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Originally posted by GregorK
This dosent look structured at all...
Do you have some tips for him?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 20th, 2002
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
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GregorK is flying high

The code is some times nested up to 8 levels or maybe more. In almost every style guide you will read that you should not use more then 3 or maybe 4 levels. Instead try to use sub method calls. This makes things much easier to read and understand.

Also you can sometimes limit nesting with reversing the condition.

Instead of saying:

If example = True Then
If example2 = True Then
end if
end if

you can say:

If example = False Then
end if
If example2 = False Then
end if

Don't know the exact syntax but I hope you understand my intention.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 20th, 2002
Join Date: January 3rd, 2002
Location: USA,Connecticut
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Joetella is flying high

Originally posted by GregorK
The code is some times nested up to 8 levels or maybe more. In almost every style guide you will read that you should not use more then 3 or maybe 4 levels. Instead try to use sub method calls. This makes things much easier to read and understand.

Also you can sometimes limit nesting with reversing the condition.

Instead of saying:

If example = True Then
If example2 = True Then
end if
end if

you can say:

If example = False Then
end if
If example2 = False Then
end if

Don't know the exact syntax but I hope you understand my intention.
Just a matter of style I guess .. I actually dont like multiple returns/exit points (however i do have some!) ... and normally would write code like the first example to avoid it !

However I do have to many nested If/Thens .. or flying ducks


Last edited by Joetella; February 20th, 2002 at 05:24 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 15th, 2012
Join Date: November 25th, 2011
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yoselin is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I need it code of protocol gnutella. urgent
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 15th, 2012
Join Date: November 25th, 2011
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yoselin is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I need it code of protocol gnutella, urgent in c++ or other language of programation.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2012
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I only recently returned from vacation. Perhaps my answer here is helpful?
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