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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2009
Join Date: September 18th, 2009
Posts: 6
graytornWW is flying high
Question C++ sample???


I'm an experienced C++ developer, but very new in developing internet applications.

Now I have to develop a small Gnutella-client (for just to become familiar with the gnutella protocol) in C++. It's just a little private project to learn how P2P works.

Does anybody know some C++ sample code which I can refer for a startup?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 30th, 2009
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Here's a very nice Gnutella program one in C - you should easily get samples there:
- gtk-gnutella - The Graphical Unix Gnutella Client

Also there's Shareaza in C++, but that one's a multinetwork and the last time I checked its Gnutella implementation wasn't that advanced (bad track record) and it's Windows only:
- Shareaza - Bringing P2P Together

Did you already read Gnutella for Users - Gnufu and GDF - LimeWire ?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 30th, 2009
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Gtk-Gnutella also offers nice API-Docs in which you can look at the source:

gtk-gnutella: gtk-gnutella

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 30th, 2009
Join Date: September 18th, 2009
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graytornWW is flying high
Default Was schicke ich denn nun.....

Uuups, I wrote this mail in german language. Sorry! See english translation below


zunächst schon mal vielen Dank für eure bisherigen Infos, die haben schon ein wenig geholfen.

Das eigentliche binäre Gnutella-Protokoll kriege ich - hoffe ich - gut in den Griff. Probleme bereitet mir die Verbindungsaufnahme zu einem anderen Servent.

Ausgehend von einer gültigen Tcp-Verbindung zu einem Servent möchte ich mich nun mit diesem verbinden. Dazu fand ich in einem Buch folgende Informationen, was ich schicken muß:

User-Agent: LimeWire/3.3.5
GGEP: 0.5 X-Ultrapeer: False
Accept-Encoding: deflate
Vendor-Message: 0.1
X-Ultrapeer-Query-Routing: 0.1
Pong-Caching: 0.1
Natürlich sind die Werte nur Beispiele.

Was genau schicke ich jetzt zu dem Servent?

z.B. einen String der Form
"CONNECT/0610.11.33.2:4222........" (ist wahrscheinlich Blödsinn)
oder ein binäres Datenpaket wenn ja in welchem Format....

Vielen Dank das ihr einem P2P-Neuling helft.

english Version:


thanks to all for your information, they really helps.

I believe I will not have problems with the binary gnutella protocol. But I have serious problems to connect to another servant.

Assuming I have a valid TCP-Connection to a servant I want to connect to it. I found the follwing information in a book:

User-Agent: LimeWire/3.3.5
GGEP: 0.5 X-Ultrapeer: False
Accept-Encoding: deflate
Vendor-Message: 0.1
X-Ultrapeer-Query-Routing: 0.1
Pong-Caching: 0.1
Of course the IP-adresses etc are sample values.

What excactly have I to send to the Servent?

a formatted string like:
"CONNECT/0610.11.33.2:4222........" (I think it's nonsense)
or a binary package, but if so what's the format of this....???

Thanks again for your assistance to a P2P newcomer...

Last edited by graytornWW; September 30th, 2009 at 02:13 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 30th, 2009
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Originally Posted by graytornWW View Post
Was genau schicke ich jetzt zu dem Servent?

z.B. einen String der Form
"CONNECT/0610.11.33.2:4222........" (ist wahrscheinlich Blödsinn)
oder ein binäres Datenpaket wenn ja in welchem Format....
Die Verbindungsanfrage wird als HTTP Header geschickt - effektiv also plain text.

Falls du http wirklich selbst implementieren willst (brauchst du auch für den Download später noch, daher bietet sich eine Bibliothek an): RFC 2616 (rfc2616) - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1

Tipp: installier' dir ein Gnutella-Programm wie Phex oder gtk-gnutella und sniff die Verbindung. Oder schau einfach, was das andere Programm schickt, wenn es sich mit dir verbinden will.

- Phex - Home
- gtk-gnutella - The Graphical Unix Gnutella Client

Viele Erfolg!

PS: Ein Gnutella-Programm zu schreiben bedeutet mehrere Personen-Jahre Arbeit, daher könnte es deutlich effizienter sein, einfach bei einem etablierten Programm mitzumachen, nachdem du die Grundlagen beherrscht.

PPS: Damn, this should have been in english... sorry to all english speaking members

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 1st, 2009
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Originally Posted by arne_bab View Post
Also there's Shareaza in C++, but that one's a multinetwork and the last time I checked its Gnutella implementation wasn't that advanced (bad track record) and it's Windows only:
- Shareaza - Bringing P2P Together
Ich freue mich ja immer mal wieder, wenn unser Name hier faellt.

Also, solltest du wirklich bei der Gnutella-Programmierung einsteigen wollen, werden wir dich gerne als Entwickler aufnehmen, denn wie bereits gesagt, unsere Gnutella-Implementierung ist - gelinde gesagt - sehr einfach, und wir wuerden uns wirklich freuen, wenn sich jemand die Muehe macht, hier und da ein paar Verbesserungen vorzunehmen. Fuer Fragen steht unser Entwicklungsteam auch zur Verfuegung (Englisch oder Russisch ).

Den Quellcode kann man uebrigens wie bei allen OpenSource Programmen einfach von herunterladen. Ich nehme mir mal die Freiheit, auf unser Wiki zu verlinken, wo eine Seite mit Dingen, die bei der Kompilierung von Shareaza zu beachten sind, aufgefuehrt wird: Developers - shareaza

BTW, Phex und gtk-gnutella sind uebrigens sehr gute Programme, was ihre Implementierung dieses Netzwerkes angeht (Ich moechte ja nicht nur Werbung fuer eine Seite machen ).

EDIT: Hier kannst du nachsehen, wie Shareaza mit dem gnutella-Netzwerk (und allen anderen Netzwerken) umgeht:

To keep it short for those who don't know German: I've told him the Shareaza community would welcome him as a Gnutella dev (as we really need one, there we all agree^^) and reply to questions if he needs further information. I've also posted a wiki link on how to compile Shareaza. My PS states that Phex and gtk-gnutella are good programs, too.
EDIT: expl about how Shareaza deals with its different networks:

Shareaza forums - after a new attac back on old theme - Shareaza homepage

<table align="center"><td>F**K THE MPAA!

(Quoted from
</td><td><a href=""><img align="right" style="border:0" src="" alt="Network size"></a></td></table>

Last edited by OldDeath; October 1st, 2009 at 01:22 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 2nd, 2009
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Originally Posted by OldDeath View Post
To keep it short for those who don't know German: I've told him the Shareaza community would welcome him as a Gnutella dev (as we really need one, there we all agree^^)
Kudos for your friendly answer - did you manage to advance the option to compile Shareaza on GNU/Linux?
(I remember seeing it a few months/years back, but I didn't spot it on the website and my package manager doesn't have Shareaza)

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 2nd, 2009
Join Date: September 18th, 2009
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graytornWW is flying high

To keep it short for those who don't know German: I've told him the Shareaza community would welcome him as a Gnutella dev (as we really need one, there we all agree^^) and reply to questions if he needs further information.
Thanks, but at the moment I'm working on 2 open-source projects, and I don't have time for more

I just want to inform myself about the gnutella network a little bit. I'm very interested in this topic, and probably I will join a running project in the future....

The actual state of my little "gnutella client" (I called it "tifofi") is:
A simple Qt-application wich is able to connect to multiple servent. I can trace the connections, and a list view shows me the files the servents provide to the network. But there is no download functionality at the moment. Ii takes 3 days to write this well documented c++ code, probably a base for more.....

Kudos for your friendly answer - did you manage to advance the option to compile Shareaza on GNU/Linux?
...and - of course - the little client runs on windows and linux... (thanks to the Qt-developer....)

but at the moment I stop the development at this point...
let's see what the future brings......

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 2nd, 2009
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Originally Posted by graytornWW View Post
The actual state of my little "gnutella client" (I called it "tifofi") is:
A simple Qt-application wich is able to connect to multiple servent. I can trace the connections, and a list view shows me the files the servents provide to the network. But there is no download functionality at the moment. Ii takes 3 days to write this well documented c++ code, probably a base for more.....
The download functionality shouldn't be that much effort, as long as you don't go into partial file sharing: Just a simple HTTP 1.1 request to

http:// IP:PORT/uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:SHA1_HASH_IN_BASE32_UPPERCASE

Since you should already know the sha1 hashes of the files of others, this would make your client functional at once

PS: Which two free projects do you work on?

PPS: Congratulation!

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.

Last edited by arne_bab; October 2nd, 2009 at 03:36 AM. Reason: don't want the URL to become an URL :)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old October 2nd, 2009
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Originally Posted by arne_bab View Post
Kudos for your friendly answer - did you manage to advance the option to compile Shareaza on GNU/Linux?
(I remember seeing it a few months/years back, but I didn't spot it on the website and my package manager doesn't have Shareaza)
Well, Shareaza largely depends on MFC (Micro$oft Fucking Classes), so compiling it on Linux is not possible (and won't be possible in the future if we don't find somebody willing to do really lots of work ). However, out of the Shareaza community emerged a new client called "Sharelin", which will once have the full functionality of Shareaza (work in progress) - and work on Unix based systems.

Originally Posted by graytornWW View Post
Thanks, but at the moment I'm working on 2 open-source projects, and I don't have time for more
Cool, I'd like to know which ones?

Originally Posted by graytornWW View Post
I just want to inform myself about the gnutella network a little bit. I'm very interested in this topic, and probably I will join a running project in the future...
Looking forward for this Every new developer is always welcome.

Originally Posted by graytornWW View Post
The actual state of my little "gnutella client" (I called it "tifofi") is:
A simple Qt-application wich is able to connect to multiple servent. I can trace the connections, and a list view shows me the files the servents provide to the network. But there is no download functionality at the moment. Ii takes 3 days to write this well documented c++ code, probably a base for more.....

...and - of course - the little client runs on windows and linux... (thanks to the Qt-developer....)
Do you mind sharing the code? Others might be interested in it for the same reason you created it

Originally Posted by graytornWW View Post
but at the moment I stop the development at this point...
let's see what the future brings......

Just make sure you look around over here from time to time

Shareaza forums - after a new attac back on old theme - Shareaza homepage

<table align="center"><td>F**K THE MPAA!

(Quoted from
</td><td><a href=""><img align="right" style="border:0" src="" alt="Network size"></a></td></table>
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