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abhiexx April 26th, 2002 06:49 AM thinx
hey joe!
this is abhiexx again!...i don't know when u started this thread...but looks like u were facing the same trouble i faced with my code...only i was coding in VC++.
The reference i used for my class design was LW.Believe me for a newbie i was impressed...i did not see any c++ code...cause that might have spoilt my originality.(if i had any in the first place that is)

I know a bit bout VB6.maybe i can help u out in someways.....i will give u what i coded in VC++....well the client works bulletproof..
the server's giving me problems...i got a few other ideas....porting this to other platforms and stuff..

well i was actually doing this for my university project....well i did complete half the part...but i am totally hooked..i want to go into higher level stuff...and develop a really good source...servant...with multisegmented downloads and the works..

Smilin' Joe Fission April 26th, 2002 09:31 AM

Well, to be honest, I've recently put development of my servent on hold indefinitely. Lately, just too many things have cropped up that have prevented me from working on it and it doesn't look like my schedule will be clearing anytime soon.

Besides that, with everyone moving to supernodes/ultrapeers (whatever hype name they want to give it), and with the speed that some of the other development teams are adding features to their servents, they are leaving me (an individual developer) in the dust. I'd need a team of my own just to keep up. I could try and form a development team of sorts, but then there's the time issue that I eluded to above.

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