May 28th, 2001
Browsers port Browsers use ports in the 2000 and 4000 number range for connections BACK from the server sometimes, so you could use them as they would probably not be blocked.
A ISP guy told me that is too lame a way and its easier for them to throttle you, then you don't get all upset, just get crappy bandwidth, you can't complain because what you are doing is against the ISP's rules, so everyone is happy.
So when you see your speed drop down, you probably know what is going on. If it's 56k dial up, don't worry about it, no one cares.
The problem is with the ISP's, if your ISP caves into this crap without a court ordered warrant, drop their aasssses and get a new one that day. Then post everywhere and give that ISP bad PR, they will get the message real fast.
Go get a free ISP and really stick it to them, get several so you have as many hours as you want. Get a extra line and run Gnutella 24/7 and really show off!
The RIAA depends on whimps that don't know law to get their way. Know your rights, raise hell about anyone that tries to violate your rights and you will be OK. |