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controler May 5th, 2002 01:18 PM

Track IP
It is appearent that people are posting viruses, backdoors worms ect here. Can we track their IP address while downloading?
I would think so since we are using P2P to access the files.
One example is the people posting Winzip 9.0 in both Zip and EXE form.
I think they need to be punished !!! ;):rolleyes:

Taliban May 5th, 2002 02:59 PM

I think the people who deserve to be punished are those who download software from p2p without a virus scanner.

controler May 5th, 2002 03:09 PM

duh you?
Umm I am not one of them since I have used puters since the late 70's. I will say most that do have a virus scanner don't even update the diffinitions.
only an idiot would say only people with virus canners should download from P2P. I guess I will go after the bad guys myself by tracing their IP's
and furthermore with a name like taliban , you arean enemy not a good guy


Unregistered May 5th, 2002 04:29 PM

Windows has the punishment already built in, what do you think all these viruses and pop ups are for? Aren't you being punished?

Brought to you by Linux, the real OS.

controler May 5th, 2002 04:42 PM

Linux bull
ther is a million cracks for Linuzucks too
Try selling Linux to the average house mother. NOT
Are you a collage dropout that is the richest man in da world? I think not ;)
This is too fun :)

controler May 5th, 2002 04:46 PM

back to
Lets get back to the original issue , Tracking the USer IP ok?

Wasssamatter? Chicken puk puk puk

cultiv8r May 5th, 2002 07:58 PM

Re: Track IP

It is appearent that people are posting viruses, backdoors worms ect here. Can we track their IP address while downloading?
I've been thining about adding a simple executable file check for any filetype. It's just a matter of checking a few bytes to see if it's really a .COM, .EXE or .DLL file with a different file extension (aside from the .vbs checks). Hope some other G-net developers will implement that too.

Morgwen May 6th, 2002 02:23 AM

Re: Track IP

Originally posted by controler
I think they need to be punished !!! ;):rolleyes:
Some people donīt know that they have a virus, how do you decide who is the bad guy?

You think to punish the people is better than spreading viruses?

Its your fault if you install a file without scanning!


cultiv8r May 6th, 2002 10:29 AM

Re: Re: Track IP


Some people donīt know that they have a virus, how do you decide who is the bad guy?
I sense sarcasm in the original poster's comment about punishing those people (hence the smiley). Its more about the need for people to be more aware about virii they could accidentally distribute without knowing it.

It is kinda like the MS Outlook case, where people are being told over-and-over not to open attachments with ".EXE" or ".VBS" as the file extension or have weird e-mail contents, but still open it out of curiosity.

Morgwen May 7th, 2002 03:57 AM

Re: Re: Re: Track IP

Originally posted by cultiv8r
I sense sarcasm in the original poster's comment about punishing those people (hence the smiley).
May be, but why he want to know if its possible to track the IPs?

If he want to warn the users there is no need for such an info!


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