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Unregistered May 15th, 2002 11:04 AM

Alternatives to Gnutella...
Are there any good non-gnutella clients out ther besides Kazaa (which isn't great)?

Paradog May 15th, 2002 11:10 AM

I dont know any more beside
Gnutella P2P and Fasttrack.

There are some smaller ones like iMesh & Mojo
but I dont know what protocol they use.

Unregistered May 15th, 2002 11:12 AM

Seeker released a new Alpha this week:

Unregistered May 15th, 2002 11:27 AM

LOS ANGELES - A new P2P program called the "seeker" has been released into the wild, it's purpose is to seek and distroy all MP3 files on P2P networks. When run, it infects the network with search phrases such as "mp3" and "britney" and then downloads the files over and over until the computer on the other end overheats and distroys it's hard drive. It's only $29.94, and lots of fun!

Paradog May 15th, 2002 11:47 AM

If that program really floods the network with phrases
like mp3 or britney I think the network will slow down.
But I've never heard of a hd overheating or getting crushed
just because there are too many uploads.
That sounds ridiculous.

noci May 15th, 2002 04:06 PM

ya go to

the prog is excellent, though not native p2p..
though when handled properly, you can download more than 2 GB within 12 hours, which is a good ratio, dun you think ? ;p


backmann May 15th, 2002 09:26 PM

WinMX is a very good alternative, and has just released a new version (3.1).

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

Unregistered May 16th, 2002 10:05 AM

I just switched from Gnutella to AudioGalaxy, which IMHO is far better. Lately I've found it difficult to download even mainstream songs from Gnutella, and getting obscure stuff is pretty much impossible. You can go to the AudioGalaxy web page and do mp3 searches there even if you don't have the client, if you wanted to check it out. If you decide to get the client program to actually download stuff, make sure you get Ad Aware to remove the Gator stuff that comes with it.

klumy May 16th, 2002 12:26 PM

The Gnutella and the Kazaa network are the best at the moment. Edonkey gets down through the abusive use of the edonkey bot. I've heard the direct connect network is not bad.

Unregistered May 16th, 2002 09:34 PM

WinMX 3.1 is great!!!!!! No spyware, fast downloads, and lots of high quality files(not the 128 bitrate files that infest kazaa). The network is getting lots of users and files fast.

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