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Paradog May 22nd, 2002 09:38 AM

Are you sharing?
Please be honest,
are you sharing your files or are you a freeloader?

backmann May 22nd, 2002 09:50 PM

I just can't believe that 100% of the users share their files.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

ursula May 22nd, 2002 10:43 PM

Re: 100%?

Originally posted by backmann
I just can't believe that 100% of the users share their files.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

100% of respondents to the poll claim to be sharing.

I am not trying to be very pessimistic here but I would suggest that it would be better to work from the idea that maybe 10% of users regularly share nearly all of the files that they have - and let optimism raise the number from there.
I present for sharing a certain number of completely unique files which are extremely popular - they have been downloaded in 1,000s - When I do a search for these same files the returns are very small, if any! (Although I did one time have 112 hits on them!)
But, there is no way to make any positive changes with any client that involves denying freeloaders - Any law that was strongly introduced would have the effect of damaging the network as a whole.
It is something which must simply be accepted as part of normal human behaviour. It must also be accepted that this is an argument which is mostly based on emotion and a feeling of unfairness.
Better to just get on with it all and shift some IT, right?
Don't fret

Unregistered May 22nd, 2002 10:58 PM

The next step in file sharing?
Yes, I share, and I would like to share more. Here's a copy of a post (slighly edited) I did in the Xolox support forum:
Me too, just like Wolf, can only keep on my hard drives a small fraction of what I have to share (programs). What would be useful is a page/site of requests, especially for rare hard to find stuff.

That way, people like me, Wolf and others having a lot of stuff to share could go there to see what people are looking for but have trouble finding, and if we have it, we could then put it temporarily on our hard drives.

To be useful, the list would have to be maintained somehow. Ideally, the people having put the requests would be able to delete them once they got what they requested, so the "sharers" could delete the stuff from the hard drive.

What do you think? Could this be the next step in file sharing?

ursula May 22nd, 2002 11:13 PM

Or the next step in doing time!
Yes, I did see your other post.
I was going to reply later, but as I am browsing for 'naughties' I see you again here -

There are serious legal issues which would need to be considered regarding your proposal. Anything which diminishes the anonymity of responsibility within the Gnutella Network is bad.

Paradog May 23rd, 2002 02:18 AM

Sad that no body admits to be a freeloader. :(

GregorK May 23rd, 2002 02:28 AM

Maybe it would be good to ask who is sharing and if your are behind a firewall or not.

If you like to know which files are very popular you can check at to see which search terms are popular. Also the client Phex displays you a statistic how often other users search for your files.


Taliban May 23rd, 2002 03:33 AM

gnutellameter hasn't been updated for months!

GregorK May 23rd, 2002 03:43 AM


Paradog May 23rd, 2002 06:19 AM

I just dont believe this result!
100% sharing. Its almost like the elections in the
communist DDR (99.9%) :)

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