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Unregistered June 6th, 2002 10:28 AM

Features you want to be included
What are the features you would like your dream P2P application to have?

klumy June 6th, 2002 11:59 AM

- password encryption

- easy, fast and stable downloads

- no freeloaders / more people who share

- absolute decentral network, so no company can kick it

backmann June 6th, 2002 08:54 PM

+ Stability
+ Low bandwith consumption
+ multi segmented dwonloads
+ a 'browse user' option
+ ability to resume from other files, even when they have different names
+ definitely, no spyware

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

Unregistered June 7th, 2002 10:14 AM

If you have to ask this your program will suck. Creativity is necessary in order to make a program that will compete, and you obviously don't have any. (that's why you are asking all these questions instead of just writing your program)

dimagor June 9th, 2002 08:24 AM

Re: Features

Originally posted by backmann
+ Stability
+ Low bandwith consumption
+ multi segmented dwonloads
+ a 'browse user' option

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

Don't forget about checksum detection, so that people will be able to download files from a lot of sources with different file names!

Unregistered June 9th, 2002 08:44 AM

more files, no spyware

Paradog June 9th, 2002 09:49 AM

What do you mean with *Password Encryption*?
Do you mean to encrypt all traffic going through the
Gnutella Network? That would be bad:
If you want to encrypt it all clients will have to know the algorithm
to decrypt it. Since Gnutella is free everyone knows how to decrypt and crack the encryption, so it gets useless if the algorithm is public.
Now what happens if it aint public?
Then it will be closed source and thus not free.
Like FastTrack :(

backmann June 9th, 2002 08:32 PM

Re: Re: Features

Originally posted by dimagor
Don't forget about checksum detection, so that people will be able to download files from a lot of sources with different file names!
I forgot it, but I was just about to add it when I read your post.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

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