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Unregistered June 9th, 2002 02:23 PM

Copyrighted works
Does anyone here regularly "share" copyrighted material?

If so, this might be for you then:

Yeah! You gotta... [edit]
This is not the place to make such a statement.

Unregistered June 9th, 2002 05:32 PM

<sarcasm>I think we should all thank the Ursula, the Censorship Nazi (tm), for violating our free speech rights (at least US citizens') by censoring *anything* that could possibly be regarded as inappropriate or offensive in the slightest. What would the posters and readers on this board ever do without you, Ursula? Thanks for all the good work! You make the world a better place for all of us.</sarcasm>

ursula June 9th, 2002 05:55 PM

Glad you like it. Another satisfied customer.
btw - Your post would be much nicer if you new how to use your keyboard!

try <Alt> 0409

Ursula :p

cultiv8r June 9th, 2002 06:54 PM

For those who like to waive around the "First Amendment":

"The First Amendment precludes government restraint of expression and it does not require individuals to turn over their homes, businesses or other property to those wishing to communicate about a particular topic."

Unregistered June 9th, 2002 06:54 PM

I didn't want to bother to look up the code for the ™ symbol. And Alt+0409 doesn't work for me in Linux. The GNOME and KDE character map tools don't display that symbol either.

But you can use &amp;#153; as well.

Thanks again to Ursula, the Censorship and Trademark Symbol Nazi™

ursula June 9th, 2002 07:04 PM

I fear you do not get the point behind the need to edit your final comments in your post. Your right to freedom of expression will be curtailed anywhere that you choose to incite people to steal.
It is not necessary for any of us to ever explain why posts are moved, edited or deleted, but I wish to try to explain to you that the purposes of these Gnutella Forums do not include assisting people in the effort to infringe upon copyrighted material.
These editing actions are not part of something which is a particular 'hang-up' of mine or the other moderators.
They are the rules and the rules will be adhered to.

backmann June 9th, 2002 08:45 PM

Hey, I don'k know what is it that ursula edited, but I believe she had a good reason. However, you did insult her, so if anybody's violating any rights, that's you. Those 'speech rights' finish where somebody else's rights start. Besides, do you know the juridic term 'apology of crime'??? I guess not.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

Unregistered June 10th, 2002 12:18 AM

That nazi bitch ursula is so full of ****, she deserves every insult, that I might have included.

ursula June 10th, 2002 12:41 AM

naughty naughty

Originally posted by Unregistered
That nazi bitch ursula is so full of ****, she deserves every insult, that I might have included.
You are a sweety, aren't you? You dear, you edited out the popular word for excrement all by yourself. See, you can be good.
Now, we must not make a habit of behaving this way around here by using offensive words or all of your play will become invisible.
I think we can say that the word nazi won't be making any further long appearances anywhere around here. Let's say that if the word appears in any future post the entire post will be deleted, not only the word. Fair enough rules for you?

Unregistered June 10th, 2002 04:47 AM

Please note that the first and second messages were not posted by the same person.

Unregistered June 10th, 2002 08:19 AM

You gotta be kidding?

Originally posted by ursula
I fear you do not get the point behind the need to edit your final comments in your post. Your right to freedom of expression will be curtailed anywhere that you choose to incite people to steal.
It is not necessary for any of us to ever explain why posts are moved, edited or deleted, but I wish to try to explain to you that the purposes of these Gnutella Forums do not include assisting people in the effort to infringe upon copyrighted material.
These editing actions are not part of something which is a particular 'hang-up' of mine or the other moderators.
They are the rules and the rules will be adhered to.

Surely you realize that I was telling people not to steal copyright material? It was, in fact, sarcasm? And the link pointed to a satirical article? Let's try this again: I said "You gotta fight for your right to rip off other people's stuff!" How can you not understand my true intentions?

And you must know that Gnutella is used quite frequently for that very purpose? That CDs, movies, and software are the main things being "shared"?

I ask that this post not be censored.

I did read both your post and the link.
Your closing statement was in no way obviously intended as sarcasm. It is sometimes difficult to understand that the words you use may be crystal clear to you and raining mud to others.
Hey, I do it all the time!
Further, let me assure you that none of the moderators wish to delete posts. But, there are rules and people must respect the rules and the other people using these forums.

ursula June 10th, 2002 10:28 AM

Re: Note

Originally posted by Unregistered
Please note that the first and second messages were not posted by the same person.
There are in fact three 'charmers' who like to use the one word which refers to the Nationalist Socialist Party.

Unregistered June 10th, 2002 08:31 PM

Did someone say Bill Clinton? Or was it Hillary?

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