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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2002
Join Date: June 22nd, 2002
Posts: 1
spyr-1 is flying high
Post Asunto RIAA (en castellano)

Llevo usando AG casi dos años y sigo comprando la misma cantidad de CDs que antes. Sin embargo, la diferencia está en que desde entonces no he vuelto a sintonizar emisoras de radio comerciales, he descubierto grupos que antes no conocía y es precisamente esta música la que he comprado. Es decir: la cuestión que preocupa a la RIAA no está tanto en CUÁNTO vende, sino en QUÉ vende.

A las discográficas no les interesa los artistas, no pueden obligar a un creador a sacar un trabajo al año ni a someterse a sesiones continuas de fotos o a entrevistas pueriles. No pueden soportar que un grupo tarde una década en sacar un nuevo trabajo o que otro se niegue a hacer el payaso para un videoclip o que un tercero se retire justo cuando empieza a vender o que un cuarto cambie de estilo cuando tenía su nicho de mercado. Las discográficas no saben lo que venden -música, no CDs ni hamburguesas-.

A las compañías les viene mejor poner niñatos en el estudio con vergonzosas canciones prefabricadas, peinarles y vestirles y sonarles los mocos, y enseñarles estúpidos pasos de baile. Así saben cuántas hamburguesas pueden llegar a vender al año.

Todo el plan de las discográficas depende pues de los CANALES DE DIFUSIÓN. Las compañías han terminado por creer que las ventas dependen de la promoción que ellos hagan del producto y no del producto (de hecho apelan a lo mucho que invierten en ello). Piensan que poniéndonos sus basuras una y otra vez por la radio, la TV y la prensa escrita llegaremos a elegir una u otra y la compreremos gustosos. En este estado de cosas, no les preocupa que comparemos entre su música y la Música ya que basta con no promocionar ésta para que, en menos de una generación, nadie sepa que hay alternativas de calidad en el mundo (es decir: la industria quiere terminar con los músicos, así de claro: podemos ver con qué porcentaje de los ingresos les pagan, pero basta con pensar un poco más para tener claro que para las discográficas los creadores son perjudiciales).

El problema estriba en el nuevo medio que es internet cuando se combina con la tecnología MP3: aparece un nuevo canal, libre y no controlado y, además, a escala mundial. ¿Dónde queda el plan de la industria si cualquiera puede exponer sus trabajos ahí, recomendar boca-a-boca dónde está lo bueno y comparar con lo que nos pretenden vender? Pues que el esfuerzo por aborregar a la población puede ser inútil.

Han sustituido con éxito a los creadores por los títeres en su propaganda tradicional y ahora resulta que aparece un canal en el que prima la libertad de expresión y la libertad de elección... demasiadas libertades cuando han puesto todo el dinero en el control de los medios.

Por ello ahora ponen su empeño en hundir cada iniciativa que surja en este medio: porque han hecho una apuesta equivocada, basándose en que pueden: 1) sustituir a los músicos con títeres, controlar la oferta; 2) atontar a los consumidores, controlar la demanda.

Si aguantan una docena de años a base de pleitos, creo que pueden lograrlo. Es ahora o nunca y la clave está en el punto 2).


NEGOCIO vs MÚSICA A la RIAA le preocupa su negocio y la Música es su competidora.

OFERTA-TÍTERES vs OFERTA-ARTISTAS La RIAA le basta con hundir un par de generaciones de artistas.

MERCADO vs LIBERTAD No existe el libremercado, no conviene la libertad de elección ni la competencia.

CONSUMIDORES vs CONOCEDORES En nuestras manos está no comprar sus hamburguesas. Ahora.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2002
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Join Date: March 13th, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 832
Taliban is flying high

I'm sorry, I do not understand Spanish very well, is there any chance you could translate that into English?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2002
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Join Date: November 29th, 2001
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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backmann is flying high

I do understand it. It's just his opinion about the RIAA issue and his view on the subject, what he considers to be the problem, etc.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2002
Posts: n/a
(it's not perfect, you try it)

I take using AG almost two years and continue buying the same amount of CDs that before. Nevertheless, the difference is in which since then I have
not returned to tune commercial radio transmitters, I have discovered groups that before did not know and are indeed this music the one that I have
bought. It is to say: the question that worries to the RIAA is not as much in HOW MUCH it sells, but in WHAT it sells.

To the discográficas it does not interest the artists to them, they cannot force a creator to remove a work to the year nor to be put under continuous
sessions of photos or pueriles interviews. They cannot support that a group takes one decade in removing a new work or that another one refuses to
make the clown for videoclip or that third retires just when it begins to sell or that a quarter changes of style when it had its niche of market. The
discográficas do not know what they sell - music, nonCDs nor hamburgers -.

To the companies it better comes to them to put niñatos in the study with shameful prefabricated songs, to comb to them and to dress and to sound
snots to them, and to teach to them stupid passages to them of dance. Thus they know how many hamburgers can get to sell to the year.

All the plan of the discográficas depends then on the DIFFUSION CHANNELS. The companies have finished thinking that the sales depend on the
promotion that they do of the product and not of the product (in fact they appeal to much that they invest in it). They think that putting its sweepings to
us time and time again by the radio, the TV and the written press we will get to choose one or another one and the tasteful compreremos. In this state
of things, it does not worry to them that we compare between its music and Music since it is enough with not promoting this one so that, in less than a
generation, nobody knows that there are alternatives of quality in the world (is to say: the industry wants to finish with the musicians, that clear: we
can see with what percentage of the income pays to them, but is enough with thinking a little to know more clearly that for the discográficas the
creators are detrimental).

The problem is based in the new means that are Internet when it is combined with technology MP3: it appears a new channel, it frees and not
controlled and, in addition, on world-wide scale. Where it is left the plan of the industry if anyone can expose its works there, to recommend
mouth-to-mouth where is the good thing and for comparing with which they try to us to sell? Since the effort to get frightened the population can be

They have replaced the creators by the puppets in his traditional propaganda successfully and now it is that it appears a channel in which prime the
freedom of expression and the freedom of election... too many liberties when they have put all the money in the control of means.

For that reason now they put its persistence in sinking each initiative that arises in this means: because they have done a bet mistaken, being based on
which they can: 1) to replace the musicians with puppets, to control the supply; 2) to stun the consumers, to control the demand.

If they hold a dozen of years with lawsuits, I believe that they can obtain it.
It is now or and the key never is in the point 2).

BUSINESS versus MUSIC To the RIAA worries its business to him and Music is its competitor.

Supply-puppets versus Supply-artists the RIAA is enough to him with sinking a pair of generations of artists.

MARKET versus FREEDOM does not exist the libremercado one, is not suitable the freedom of election nor the competition.

EXPERT CONSUMERS versus In our hands are not buying their hamburgers. Now.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2002
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Join Date: November 29th, 2001
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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backmann is flying high
Cool Translators

Those things don't work properly, they are an insult for all languages hehe 8)

"In the dark we make a brighter light"
Gnutella Forums en Español!
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