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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
Join Date: July 3rd, 2002
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Open Source will prevent the network from dying
Open source also means no security in the areas that count (and little legal protection for that matter). Just take the open source client, put in some hostile features and you can disrupt/destroy the network (given the proper resources).

Taliban can you tell me why the war against Shareaza?
Some people see it like this:

A new client pops up around the time network disruption is at it's greatest. It has lots of features and is being rapidly developed... so it attracts lots of users. This conspiracy theory may be silly but i've heard more ridiculous things.

what did Qtrax do to destroy the network nothing to my knowledge?
Read Search The GDF for discussion about this. 2 client developers that I know of have added anti-hammering functionality to their clients, just because of Qtrax.

Just proof of the Gnutella protocol strenght against attacks.
Excuse me, but you've not been living under a rock have you?

Why do you think that BearShare are destroying the network?
He's probably suggesting that any for-profit client developer could be bribed...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Antaeogo

Open source also means no security in the areas that count (and little legal protection for that matter). Just take the open source client, put in some hostile features and you can disrupt/destroy the network (given the proper resources).
Do not be so paranoid I think that the Gnutella users out there do got a brain and will stop using bad clients.And Open Source is also a good thing because after all most Open Source developers out there are good people that like to mess whit evil programmers they are Info Anarchist's in that aspect.So this means that if some client developer/developers develop an evil client that struck's the Gnutella network they will do counter strickes to preserve the networks integrity.

Some people see it like this:

A new client pops up around the time network disruption is at it's greatest. It has lots of features and is being rapidly developed... so it attracts lots of users. This conspiracy theory may be silly but i've heard more ridiculous things.
I have not used Shareaza so i do not know if it is good or not but time will tell if it turned out to be an Evil client or not.
Read Search The GDF for discussion about this. 2 client developers that I know of have added anti-hammering functionality to their clients, just because of Qtrax.

I will do that!

Excuse me, but you've not been living under a rock have you?

Maybe I have who knows!In a previous life maybe I was a crab or something
The reson I tghink that Gnutella is strong against attacks is because it is so decentralized and with so many clients so a Single client can not destroy it just harm it a little bit and since it is open source developers will always fight back against attacks.

He's probably suggesting that any for-profit client developer could be bribed...
That is true but it still does not hurt the network.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by Joakim Agren; July 3rd, 2002 at 11:21 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Paradog
Taliban, that is exactly the point.
I think the only way to avoid those problems is to opensource the clients. Gnucleus & LimeWire did it and both clients can be trusted.
So, you're saying you can trust a client because it's open-source? bull#@&%. Do you trust Morpheus? Morpheus, the currently most popular Gnutella client, by far, which is also open-source, and a clone of another popular open source client, has done more to bring down the Gnutella network than the RIAA or any government agency to date. This is the sort of bullcrap that open-source clients add to the network. I would rather not see a repeat of the current situation again. Stay closed-source!

Not to mention that no form of security can be built-in to any open-source clients.

IMHO, the only thing open-source does is allow creeps to rip off someone else's code, change a few things, such as links and ads (either ripping them out, adding some in, or replacing the old ones with new ones so the new company gets the money instead), and stick their name on it, and more often than not, the new clients don't care about the health of the network... Think Morpheus, Freewire, etc.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by sanelson

So, you're saying you can trust a client because it's open-source? bull#@&%. Do you trust Morpheus? Morpheus, the currently most popular Gnutella client, by far, which is also open-source, and a clone of another popular open source client, has done more to bring down the Gnutella network than the RIAA or any government agency to date. This is the sort of bullcrap that open-source clients add to the network. I would rather not see a repeat of the current situation again. Stay closed-source!

Not to mention that no form of security can be built-in to any open-source clients.

IMHO, the only thing open-source does is allow creeps to rip off someone else's code, change a few things, such as links and ads (either ripping them out, adding some in, or replacing the old ones with new ones so the new company gets the money instead), and stick their name on it, and more often than not, the new clients don't care about the health of the network... Think Morpheus, Freewire, etc.

You have to take the good with the bad.!

Open Source of all kinds is good just look at Linux.And as far as Gnutella clients are concerned look at LimeWire probably the safest client out there.

But ofcourse there will always be some bad ones out there but thats the price we have to pay in order for the network to continue developing fast.Personally I think that the network will just get better and better even if some bad clients comes out hopefully the Gnutella users are smart people and chooses the correct clients.

By the Way Cool No Doubt gif you have there but why dont you like Moby?
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Joakim Agren


You have to take the good with the bad.!

Open Source of all kinds is good just look at Linux.And as far as Gnutella clients are concerned look at LimeWire probably the safest client out there.
I have nothing against the actual developers that open-source their code (although in the case of Limewire, I think they were stupid to do so). My gripe is with third party companies that come and take this code and do whatever they want with it. These clients (for the most part) do nothing for the network and/or hurt it, and do nothing for the actual developers at the same time.

But ofcourse there will always be some bad ones out there but thats the price we have to pay in order for the network to continue developing fast.Personally I think that the network will just get better and better even if some bad clients comes out hopefully the Gnutella users are smart people and chooses the correct clients.

Personally, I would rather see slower development, than a quicker death by misbehaving clients and the main developers not getting paid because they were dumb enough to open-source their client.

By the Way Cool No Doubt gif you have there but why dont you like Moby?
A very wise man by the name of Marshall Mathers once said...

and Moby
you can get stomped by Obie, you 36 year old bald headed fag blow me
You don't know me, you're too old let go its over, nobody listens to techno
I dunno, I just don't really like him, and when I think of Gwen Stefani, Moby always seems to come to mind. Southside
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Why are you taking Morpheus as the example for opensource?
Morpheus is the example how to exploit opensource,
they didnt contribute or improve the code, they just added some
extra cool and funky features like Bonzy Buddy rolleyes:
Morpheus = Gnucleus + Spyware.

By saying that Opensource is able to prevent spying from
other corporations I meant that you can review the source
if you dont trust the client. :
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Paradog
Why are you taking Morpheus as the example for opensource?
Morpheus is the example how to exploit opensource,
they didnt contribute or improve the code, they just added some
extra cool and funky features like Bonzy Buddy rolleyes:
Morpheus = Gnucleus + Spyware.
Hmmmm. Isn't that exactly what I said? You forgot to mention they added the magical ability to shift IP addresses, and send you the wrong file when you request a hashed file!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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but thats not opensource's fault.
we were talking about corporations who use wide spread clients to log and monitor the activities within the gNet.
but logging wouldnt be possible if the program was opensource because everybody who understands a bit of coding would notice these features. right?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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Originally posted by Paradog
but thats not opensource's fault.
Yes it is. If Morpheus didn't have an open-source client to leach off of then this would never have happened.
we were talking about corporations who use wide spread clients to log and monitor the activities within the gNet.
but logging wouldnt be possible if the program was opensource because everybody who understands a bit of coding would notice these features. right?
Yes, you're right... I was just talking about hurting the network in general, though.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old July 3rd, 2002
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The biggest problem with Gnutella, is that everyone who joins the network is considered "trusted" due to its decentralized nature.
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