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genoMU69 July 5th, 2002 06:57 AM

I am getting a lot of Mp3 downloads with irregular static - no music.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Is it the music file, or something I am doing wrong?

Any help?

bobomon July 5th, 2002 07:05 AM

I have had a few like that... there are some fake files are out there... the source is in question but there has been some discussion that the music indusry may be trying to 'level the playing field' by placing fake files on the net. On some occasions I have encoutered tracks that were loops of music rather than a song. I don't think there is any safeguard for this but I think there may be some in the works.... If you do encounter such files please delete them so they will not be proliferated on the net... at the very least rename them as fakes.

Morgwen July 5th, 2002 07:07 AM

I am not sure but I read that many people have problems, because there is a bug in the Morpheus clients...


bobomon July 5th, 2002 07:15 AM

I have, in the past 2 months encountered maybe 15-20 such files... several were the ones that had the !-! in the name. Others gave no outward indication in the naming. To rule out a player I tried Winamp, Music Match, Irfanview and Real One players.... the nature of the ones I have found appeared to be genuine attempts at spoofing real files. - but then, that's just me. :D - I was not considering a potential bug in a client - my bad.

Morgwen July 5th, 2002 09:20 AM


Originally posted by bobomon
I was not considering a potential bug in a client - my bad.
There is really something wrong with Morpheus, as I said several users and developers complained about that client...


bobomon July 5th, 2002 01:05 PM

Thanks - I am using Limewire... only used Morpheus a week or so last year. I am always trying out the other clients... still like Limewire though... and have had the same strangeness with the files all the way around.

sanelson July 5th, 2002 01:25 PM


Originally posted by bobomon
Thanks - I am using Limewire... only used Morpheus a week or so last year. I am always trying out the other clients... still like Limewire though... and have had the same strangeness with the files all the way around.
The problem with Morpheus is with it's uploads. If you download a file with Morpheus sources it will sometimes send you the wrong file (which totally f's up multi-source downloads). It doesn't matter what client you are using personally.

Also, you were on the right track with the spoofed songs (loops, etc.) but this is something totally different, and the Morpheus problem is much bigger right now.

backmann July 5th, 2002 06:03 PM


Originally posted by bobomon
only used Morpheus a week or so last year
But... Morpheus was not a Gnutella client last year. It can't be that the problem. It has to be a problem with Morpheus uploads, as Sanelson said.

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

Syfonic July 20th, 2002 07:16 AM

When i used napster i would always get static :(

Paradog July 20th, 2002 07:18 AM

Napster is dead. :eek:

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