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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2003
Join Date: March 3rd, 2003
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Nitefire007 is flying high
Default DL speed problems

how come my download speed is always going at about 16kb/s when i try to download from the T1 or higher users. and how come the bandwith is always so low on limewire. i have a cable modem that reaches speeds of about 8000 kb/s (8 mbps) which means i should be downloading songs super fast and the users with the really high conenctions too should be uploading fast. but no. i dont know what the reaosn is but my guess is because gnutella network slows down the connections and lowers the bandwith. my question is Y?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2003
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These two articles helped me anwer part of your question (thanks to a tip from Dave at Acquisition)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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Cool Re: DL speed problems

Originally posted by Nitefire007
how come my download speed is always going at about 16kb/s when i try to download from the T1 or higher users. and how come the bandwith is always so low on limewire. i have a cable modem that reaches speeds of about 8000 kb/s (8 mbps) which means i should be downloading songs super fast and the users with the really high conenctions too should be uploading fast. but no. i dont know what the reaosn is but my guess is because gnutella network slows down the connections and lowers the bandwith. my question is Y?

I have a 8Mbit/s VDSL connection and yeat I am "only" able to download at maximum 770Kbit/s and people are able to Upload from me at maximum 580Kbit/s and yeat I have 2Mbit/s available for Uploads. But I am satisfied with the speeds I am getting. Thats because I think that the speed is fast enough and also I want to be nice to other users because users like you and me are monsters to other users. If you where able to download from a T-1 user at your full bandwidth then you alone would be stealing that users complete bandwidth just for yourself and that is not good because other users that also might want to download something from that host will not be able to do so because you are stealing all the available bandwidth just for yourself. How much bandwidth you will be able to take from a user is descided by the Upload slots setting that a individual user has set in his/her client. Generally the fewer upload slots that a user has set in his/her client and the less files that a host have to share on the network the better your download speeds will be from that host and ofcourse the other way around the more uploadslots available and the more files especially popular ones the less bandwidth will be dedicated to each user downloading from that host.

So if you are for instance downloading from a true T-3 User meaning that host has 43Mbit/s available of total bandwidth and that user in his/hers preferences has set to allow the total bandwidth to be allowed for the use on Gnutella and she/he are sharing 1000 files(popular ones) and have 100 available upload slots it is very likely that all of the files will be constantly requested and that almost always around 100 users would be downloading from that host at the same time. This means that you will be allocated a maximum of 430Kbit/s from that user when downloading under those conditions. If you are lucky when downloading and are only one of a few that are currently downloading you will be allocated a greater bandwidth. However I do not think that you will ever even under optimal conditions and you are the only one downloading from that host be allocated as much as your maximum capacity(8Mbit/s). For some reason I think that there are some built in restrictions in LimeWire and other clients. Exactly where the limit is I do not know but my estimate according to my own experience is around 0.77Mbit/s.

One thing though that should be mentioned is if you at the same time are downloading multiple files from different hosts then your Bandwidth will show its true power. I was once able to download 8 files at the same time each with an averege download speed of 390Kbit/s and peaks for each file around 590Kbit/s. So when downloading multiple files the true power of high speed connections will be revealed.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by Joakim Agren; March 8th, 2003 at 11:28 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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Every Gnutella client I've tried downloads at painfully slow speeds. Usuall 0 kb/sec. What the hell?!? Is there something I can do? Shareaza tells me I have plenty of sources (38 for one file and 98 for another right now) but the files don't download at all. Sometimes I'll squeeze 4 kb/sec off for a minute or two and then it'll stop again. I'm on a 2300 kb/sec cable connection. What the hell is wrong with Gnutella?!?!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2003
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On Shareaza!? I thought that client was doing so well! With that kind of bandwith, you must be one of the major ultrapeers most of us have to rely on. Are your uploads/ query traffic using up all your bandwidth?

Thanks for sharing. Do post back with the solution.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2003
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devhen is flying high

uploads are 10 times faster than the downloads but regardless of whether or not im uploading the downloads just don't move.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2003
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Are the hosts still sharing? I figure most gnutella clients just get turned on for a few hours, but requests aimed at them last for days in case they come back online. I usually just kill the stuck downloads in the queue (they can be resumed in Limewire and Acquisition) and try a new search. 10% success is what I expect

gnutella (doesn't Shareaza usually uses a different protocol--not gnutella?) has learned to block some hosts . Maybe your machine is one of the infected ones spreading the "awesome" stuff--lots of posts listing IP's and complaints. If your IP is dynamic and switched to a blocked one, that might explain no results.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2003
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Originally posted by devhen
Every Gnutella client I've tried downloads at painfully slow speeds. Usuall 0 kb/sec. What the hell?!? Is there something I can do? Shareaza tells me I have plenty of sources (38 for one file and 98 for another right now) but the files don't download at all. Sometimes I'll squeeze 4 kb/sec off for a minute or two and then it'll stop again. I'm on a 2300 kb/sec cable connection. What the hell is wrong with Gnutella?!?!


Please stop using Shareaza it is an evil client that should be called Share-Eraser. Its users are able to adjust the requery frequency and also the requery sent time elapsation is further adjustable. All of this causes an DoS effect on Gnutella and individual hosts. And also Mike behind it all stole the name Gnutella2. There is no such thing as Gnutella2. Shareaza simply is bad for Gnutella as a whole. Change to LimeWire instead.

Now to your problem!

Some clues to your problems are found in my post above. Other factors for slow download speeds are as follows:

If you where able to make a connection to a host and yeat you where only able to be connected at 0Kbit/s it means that the Host you are trying to download from is cheater and have 0 available upload slots and no one will ever be able to download anything from that host even if it advertises it self as a sharer.

You are on a Cable connection and not a private DSL connection meaning your bandwidth are not entirely your own but instead other people living in the same house as you are also using the same cables as you for their connection. This means that if several people in your building are connected to the Internet and are downloading heavy files your bandwidth will suffer from it. Use a speedtest tool to check your true connection speed.

Many users especially T-1 or T-3 users residing at company/school connections are limiting the total available bandwidth for uploads. Some are as cheap so that they only allow maybe only 2-3Kbit/s as available bandwidth for each user. The major reason for them to do this is because they do not want the company to suspect any of the activity that are going on (the amount of traffic leaving the network each day would be very high if the total bandwidth where allowed for uploads). Simply they do not want any attention to be drawed to themselves.

You are using Shareaza and all the other client vendors hate it and maybe they in their latest versions are blocking users with the agent header string Shareaza so that they will not allow connections. I am not sure about this though!. Shareaza is considerd hostile!.

Perform this experiment to really check your potentional speed capacity:

Perform a search for Lady Marmelade. You will see many results for the same file(it is popular). Now initiate a download for the song that has a bitrate of 192Kbit/s(6.22MB) simply because it will be available from the most sources(hosts). Now if you have a good client you will see the downlaod take place from several hosts at the same time(swarmed downloads). Check your download speed it should be good. Atleast around 30KB/s and up to around 77KB/s. Why this particular file?. Thats because I happen to know that it is available from good hosts and therefore your download speeds during this test should be good. Another song that you could try is Avril Lavigne-Im With You it is also available from good hosts and are popular hence it is available from multiple hosts for download at the same time.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2003
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Joakim Agren wrote:
If you where able to make a connection to a host and yeat you where only able to be connected at 0Kbit/s it means that the Host you are trying to download from is cheater and have 0 available upload slots and no one will ever be able to download anything from that host even if it advertises it self as a sharer.
Wellllllllllllllll, not true in 100% of the cases. There are some files out there that you get at 0Kbit/s that are actually downloading, even if it's going to take 256 days to complete.

sh-2.05b$ ls /media/Incomplete/ | grep Oz
Dark Side of Oz.mpg
Is an example
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2003
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Joakim Agren,

My bandwidth is certainly not being taken up by others in my building. Doing a speed test just now shows it at 1.9 Megabits per second. Still, no movement with my downloads.

I trying to download Lady Marmelade but the same thing is happening. Its been going for about two minutes now but still 0 B/sec. Says there are 18 sources.

When I started trying to use Shareaza, I set the 'port' option under settings > connection to 'random' in hopes that this would make a difference. Didn't seem to make any difference at all but now I don't know what number to put it back to. Should it be on random? Anyway, let me know if you know of any other way to get my downloads to work. Thanks.

P.S.- it isn't a proxy or firewall problem where NOTHING can be downloaded because every once in a while I will get a few kbs to download. I actually managed to complete one dowload that was about 2MB.
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